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Messages - Kloxouser5

Pages: [1] 2
Project Roadmaps / Re: Kloxo-MR Roadmap
« on: 2019-08-18, 10:11:17 »
Thanks a lot, Mustafa!

Payed Supports and Donations / Re: Donation
« on: 2019-07-20, 16:01:11 »
Dear Mus!
I sent a little payment also. I'll try to send an amount in every month,when I can do it...
I wish you good luck in business and life, and keep this project live!

Thank you Mustafa!

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / DNS server with dhcp ip -
« on: 2014-11-18, 12:46:09 »
I installed a KloxoMR vps server on a Runabove instance, but the DNS server not work. The Ip address was from dhcp,and not a static IP. This server will be used domains with nameservers(I can set A records for that domains for my user),how can I set the dns to work domains with nameservers correctly?
Please help me!

P.M.: The port 53 is open.

I have problems too with https on nginx. I tried on my few vps.

Translations / Re: Hungarian translation=Kloxo-Magyar=-
« on: 2014-09-14, 16:20:21 »
Ha valakit érdekel a fordítás befelyezése, kérem jelezze itt a fórumon!

Ha netán csak magyarul ért? Kloxo-MR felhasználó szorul segítségre, annak szívesen segítek!

Thanks for reply!
 The new icons was uploaded. but in the Appearence settings not appear the "Newicons" -on drop-down menu.
 Can be change only the icon files on the Collage folder, so can change only with replacing the exisiting icons files?
Thanks again!


I would like to change the icons on Kloxo-MR- 6.5.0.f-2014042802.
 In the past I succesfully set it,but I forgot how can I set it.
 Can be install/set the  new simplicity icons/Apearence?
Thanks in advance!

Translations / Hungarian translation=Kloxo-Magyar=-
« on: 2014-01-03, 17:08:20 »
Hungarian translations

Magyar fordítás a Kloxo-hoz Az esetleges hibákért elnézést kérek! A többesszám alkalmazása kicsit még fejtörést okoz.Minden véleményt, hibaészlelést szívesen fogadok!
A fordítás csatolva

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Set SSL on Kloxo-MR
« on: 2014-01-02, 21:58:17 »
Thank you for reply!This is the only one IP on server. So, probably I need one IP for my domain. Thank you!

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Set SSL on Kloxo-MR
« on: 2014-01-02, 18:59:19 »
I tried to install an ssl on Kloxo-MR. After I set the IP for the domain, all domain on server show the content of this domain, so all domains seems like are redirected to this domain.Are there an apache problem?
I use apache server and djbdns.
Unfortunatelly I can't find description from settings for SSL.
Thanks in advance!

Thank you for reply!
I tried a lot of times. I tried with DNS template Pool to copy. I tried this with 2 different vps with Kloxo-MR, and with Kloxo 6.1.12 too. But I have no more idea.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / KLoxo-MR with Boxbilling problem
« on: 2013-04-16, 14:56:16 »
I just tried the Kloxo-MR with Boxbilling, but when the order is complet,the packet ordered by client is not completed: "Failed Setup" .
I tried to activate this ordered packet in admin panel, but there appear the: "Kloxo error: __error_need_v-dnstemplate_name". The DNS template is set correctly in my Kloxo-MR server.

In Kloxo 6.1.12 this problem not appear, I tried a few times.

Finally, I understand it..Thanks, now is uploaded!
Thanks for help!

I tried a lot of time, but failed any http upload.

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