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Messages - barrysmoke

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Hope this helps.

I've been having similar issues with AWS EC2 instances .

I was able to resolve the problem by editing /var/qmail/control/outgoingips to change the Public IP address (Elastic IP) to the Private IP address.

Then when qmail sends from the Private IP, it gets translated back to the Public IP.

Now looking for a way to set outgoingips without have to manually edit the file. 

Update: I've just noticed that you can set the file  /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/etc/flag/manualoutgoingips.flg to flag an override on the auto updating of outgoingips.

my ip's got switched again to the external ip, instead of internal.   this method requires copying the state of outgoingips, and replicating it in this .flg file, however what happens when more domains are added., any way to make all domains get the internal address always on this file?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: The future of Kloxo-MR
« on: 2018-01-15, 09:55:48 »
being around open source software most of my latter life, this is the premise of the concept.  One person's pet project can easily become the next cpanel/whm killer.  Kloxo-mr is the most complete competitive product I've seen in this category.  Mustafa chose open source as the delivery mechanism of a truly great web interface to manage a slew of other open source software.  Mustafa did not create any of the underlying software, even the original control panel, kloxo, yet he took it to the next level, and has now been dormant for an extended period of time.  others are now free to build on his work.  There are so many abandoned projects, that this is truly an honor that the codebase is being picked up, and extended.  Just my opinion.

BTW, this worked.  I added my internal ip on each line for each domain in that file.

any updates on this, I can restore vm, and update, and try to send again?

since this is a vm for me, I'm going to just shut it down, and await the updated packages with the patch.  just reply to this thread when you are ready for me to test.  think I'll switch to centos web panel temporarily.

yep, I was going to try something temporarily.
I tried to use smtproutes to route my mail through our other server, but it was doing the same thing. smtp deferred.

I'll hang in there, thanks.  use my server for whatever testing you need.

mukesh, please don't hijack a thread, start a new one with a complete question.

MrAtWork, let me know what you think about this, such as a timeframe for fixing my issue, researching that qmail patch. 
I really like the kloxo-mr panel, but I'm going to have to move on if I can't get mail sending to work.

Thanks, barrysmoke

what's an email address I can use, for some reason, I can't send you a PM

did both,
and I told the pm to copy to my inbox, but I didn't get a copy.

let me try another browser, I'm using chrome.

sent you a pm earlier with all that, let me know if it didn't go through

cat /etc/hosts:
Code: [Select]   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

### begin - add by Kloxo-MR srv1.phatlabz.com srv1
### end - add by Kloxo-MR

no luck:
Code: [Select]
Aug 29 03:39:19 srv1 send: starting delivery 3: msg 101208626 to remote barry@up-link.net
Aug 29 03:39:19 srv1 send: status: local 1/10 remote 1/60
Aug 29 03:39:19 srv1 send: starting delivery 4: msg 101208626 to remote bsmokeman@gmail.com
Aug 29 03:39:19 srv1 send: status: local 1/10 remote 2/60
Aug 29 03:39:19 srv1 send: delivery 3: deferral: Sorry,_I_wasn't_able_to_establish_an_SMTP_connection._(#4.4.1)/
Aug 29 03:39:19 srv1 send: status: local 1/10 remote 1/60
Aug 29 03:39:19 srv1 send: delivery 4: deferral: Sorry,_I_wasn't_able_to_establish_an_SMTP_connection._(#4.4.1)/
Aug 29 03:39:19 srv1 send: status: local 1/10 remote 0/60

just for the heck of it, I added our secondary server as a default smtp route in /var/qmail/control/smtproutes
I then added this server's ip address as an allowed relayhost on our secondary server.
restarted qmail, tried to send, same thing, defferral.
qmail is not working to establish any smtp connection at all outbound.  inbound works fine.

Code: [Select]
[root@srv1 defaults]# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

### begin - add by Kloxo-MR srv1.phatlabz.com srv1
### end - add by Kloxo-MR

ok, 2 days of troubleshooting this, and I do believe it is an internal error either dealing with qmail, or how its integrated with spamdyke.
I don't think its anything related to my server being behind NAT.

Code: [Select]
Aug 27 00:10:48 srv1 send: starting delivery 78: msg 101273270 to remote barry@up-link.net
Aug 27 00:10:48 srv1 send: status: local 0/10 remote 1/60
Aug 27 00:10:48 srv1 send: starting delivery 79: msg 101273270 to remote bsmokeman@gmail.com
Aug 27 00:10:48 srv1 send: status: local 0/10 remote 2/60
Aug 27 00:10:48 srv1 send: delivery 78: deferral: Sorry,_I_wasn't_able_to_establish_an_SMTP_connection._(#4.4.1)/
Aug 27 00:10:48 srv1 send: status: local 0/10 remote 1/60
Aug 27 00:10:48 srv1 send: delivery 79: deferral: Sorry,_I_wasn't_able_to_establish_an_SMTP_connection._(#4.4.1)/
Aug 27 00:10:48 srv1 send: status: local 0/10 remote 0/60

I took the nameserver, and edited named.options.conf to allow dns forwarding, so I could control how my server's dns, and mx records resolve locally.  I then put nameserver in my /etc/resolv.conf, and made sure it was working 100%.  I'm using google's dns servers for forwarding., and
I tested that the 2 test domains I'm sending to do get resolved to mx records via a query by qmail(see it in a tcpdump).

qmail never tries to connect to the smtp servers though.
I can telnet to port 25 at up-link.net, and to google's mx server that is chosen, so the connections are not getting blocked by a firewall. its not a connection problem.

I can inbox you my credentials, and server addresses if you want, if you don't mind taking a look.

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