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Messages - idove

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And today without any changes test-mailer.com 10/10.
So I suppose there was some problem with mail-tester.com,
also in future I'm testing with sending mail on gmail.com and mail-tester.com as 2nd option.

Thank you,

Have you found something, do I need to start DKIM script?

Problem still exists, I do not understand:

primary-domain.com (everything is fine, if I use this one domain, mail.primary-domain.com as smtp for any secondary-domain mail),

Code: [Select]

TXT entry in Kloxo MR:
v=DKIM1; g=*; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCkOo84k5HBbUVwhujEQBAjiBn3vwLHEWoIehhB3HImOZxJxKeOOwz0Dk0/rXVaDTuhFhUV9s3/OpSrKZ/FvxBxMc6NDWo8A0Ldii9ehyHlPg8DuHkoQCpVz9O2F6Eu1IrlwI3qBQYUDL/kQn4lhjddX/i1f7I/cvu0j/vEhLJd3QIDAQAB

Result from mail-tester:
Your DKIM signature is valid
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a method for associating a domain name to an email message, thereby allowing a person, role, or organization to claim some responsibility for the message.
The DKIM signature of your message is:

Your public key is:

Key length: 1024bits

and secondary-domain.com when is used as smtp, mail.secondary-domain.com

Code: [Select]

TXT entry in Kloxo MR:
v=DKIM1; g=*; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDdQfmFsTLi/BshrO8A3M1u5kaY08pfrLizD4S9SPbSCBjJf5ib27dSmhITJOZHlxoVkxaTSJELjtsWJgDeET/piQXpB3GlnTaL2umUKIrHv53OMQtJTwtzmzbg1N7vefOk1NaDMl7dVcaZunJFr5Yp7WKPxaSWLWFE9Q/Saah94wIDAQAB

Result from mail-tester:
Your DKIM signature is not valid
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a method for associating a domain name to an email message, thereby allowing a person, role, or organization to claim some responsibility for the message.
The DKIM signature of your message is:

Your public key is:

Key length: 1024bits

Your DKIM signature is not valid

Strange right?
What will I get if I start
'sh /script/fixdomainkey' ?

This fill change/update all domains TXT domainkey entry or?

Thank you.

I'm using latest 6.5.0.f, now I see that there is 6.5.0 version only. Is this the same?
I check today morning without changing and now it is ok. Maybe mail-tester.com domain has some problems?!! :)

Anyway, thank you for your tip, it will be very usefull for domain tranfering on new server, with this command I can see now I can regenerate domainkey. Tnx.

Thank you for your suggestions.
But  I already have in "Server Mail Settings" enabled/checked "Enable Domainkey".
Also in every other domain on this server in Manage DNS I have
TXT, _domainkey and private._domainkey.

So, this was already enabled, is there anything else I can do, or check?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / DKIM not valid if I don't use...
« on: 2017-03-03, 08:21:26 »
I've noticed that  my email get 10 of 10 at mail-tester.com.

But only if I use my smtp as mail.primarydomain.com, and not as mail.secondarydomain.com.

1. primarydomain.com is my main domain name of server, and all email with other domains on this server get DKIM validation OK only if I use in email client SMTP as mail.primarydomain.com and not as mail.secondarydomain.com or as mail.any-other-domain-on-this-server.com?!?

2. mail.secondarydomain.com is one domain example on this server, and I have few domains on this server

Is there anything wrong with my configuration?
Is there anything wrong with mail-tester.com?

I have try both combination with sending on gmail, and gmail say SPF and DKIM validation pass.

Google -> View Source:
Code: [Select]
SPF: PASS with IP-om xx.xx.xx.xx
DKIM: PASS with domain mysecondarydomain.com


Kloxo-MR Tips and Tricks / Re: http to https
« on: 2017-01-10, 13:47:17 »
Sadly Kloxo-MR 6.5 didn't implemented Letsecnrypt (free ssl). You need Kloxo-MR 7.0 under CentOS 6.

OK thank you.
Then I will wait for kloxo 7.0 to get out of beta.

Kloxo-MR Tips and Tricks / http to https
« on: 2017-01-10, 09:07:47 »
Can someone explain me how can I "move/make" domains on my kloxo mr 6.5.0.f to use https instead of http?
Google likes more https than http, so if someone can gave me tips and steps what and how to do it.

I see that kloxo 6.5.0-f uses TLS 1.2, but how and where to put certicifate? How to use it? What I need to do, where to get certificate. Can I use only one for whole server, domains etc...

Thank you.

If using outside domain for 'CNAME' then click 'Add FCNAME' instead 'Add CNAME'.

Great, thank you,
you're right.

That actually creates the same CNAME without 8 steps, only in one step.
And yes, for outside domain now it is not needed to add dot at the end, system/kloxo adds automatically.

Tnx for your time and help, I'll made small donation, hope you get it.

MRat thank you for you reply,
I hope that you understand me. I manage to solve it.

Explained how in my second post above, in 8 steps.

Tnx again.

If subdomain with different document root, you must add 'subdomain' like you do with domain. Create new subdomain under domains.

but all I need is just to add subdomain point out of this server, to new IP address.
I hope I explained well; post above.

I'm replying to myself, I figure it out, maybe it is bug/feautre in kloxo panel.
Example is for: test.my-domain.com in cname to new.my-other-domain.com

You can only add subdomain for CNAME in Manage DNS in kloxo MR 6.5.0.f, you can't add in value some other/full domain name.

How to do it:
1. choose in panel your domain name, my-domain.com
2. click Manage DNS
3. Add CNAME
4. enter desired hostname, for me: test
5. NOTICE: now add value: temp (not full domain, because kloxo system will not allow it)
6. then click on ADD

Now you have:
test.my-domain.com. 86000 IN CNAME temp.my-domain.com
and you want this:
test.my-domain.com. 86000 IN CNAME new.my-other-domain.com

7. Click Manage DNS again, select previously added test, click on test
8. in value you can finally add full host name, for example new.myotherdomain.com. - notice that you must add dot at the end.

Dot means that this is full name domain, if you don't add dot at the end, it means that this is only your subdomain name, so you will get  new.myotherdomain.com + my-domain.com =

That's it.

I know it is old post,
but is this possible?

I would like to add subdomain, for some domain, for example:


and add subdomain:
new.some-domain.com to direct to somenewaddress.com.

So when i try to ping some-domain.com I get server IP, when I ping new.some-domain.com I get ping/redirect from somenewaddress.com ip address.


Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: https (ssl) on kloxo 6.5.0.f?
« on: 2016-12-09, 14:17:55 »
Kloxo-MR 6.5.0 not design to handle letsencrypt.

If you want domain-based SSL, you need using Kloxo-MR 7.0 under CentOS 6. That it.

Sorry to ask you,
but is it good practice to use latest KloxoMR7 beta as daily server with 50 domains and cca 10-20 customers?
Currently I'm using old original Kloxo, and I think to migrate to CentOS 6.8 and Kloxo 6.5.0.f, actually server is already configured and working with 2 domains.

My idea is maybe to wait one more year, when is Kloxo MR7 out of beta, and then to migrate everything and use https.

Just your opinion please, thank you.

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