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Topics - atljohnsen

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By misstake I deleted Lets Encrypt certificate om my default domain on client admin. This certificate was also set for Kloxo-MR. This resulted in that I am not able to connect to this domain via http or https. Other subdomains works ok. I can access Kloxo-Mr via Chrome browser using incognito mode, but when I try to add Lets Encrypt certificate it fails to install. I guess this is because Lets Encrypt not able to connect to domain via normal http or https protocol. Is there any solution I can do except re-installing everything from scratch again.

I tried to configure Secondary/Slave DNS with server setup as described earlier in this forum with Server A and Server B. I am using Bind and configured Server B with Secondary/Slave DNS. The slave zone was created, but no record file from Server A domain was transferred. The /opt/configs/nsd/conf/slave folder was empty. I then checked the log files in /var/log/named and noticed in the xfer-in.log:
22-Jul-2019 xx:xx:xx.xxx transfer of 'Server A domain/IN' from Transfer status: success
So a transfer of file from Server A was indeed taking place.
I then checked general.log file and found:
22-Jul-2019 xx:xx:xx.xxx zone Server A domain/IN: Transfer started.
22-Jul-2019 xx:xx:xx.xxx zone Server A domain/IN: transferred serial 2019072221
22-Jul-2019 xx:xx:xx.xxx dumping master file: slave/tmp-0aB4ER7niE: open: permission denied
The /opt/configs/nsd/conf/slave folder that named server will save the file in was 755 root/root, so i guessed that this was reason for permission denied for named. I then changed the permission of this folder to 777 just to test, and shortly after I could see the the record file from Server A domain in the slave folder.
It worked. I will now make the slave folder writable for named.
So, @Mustafa, if my observations are valid you should fix the the permissions for next release.

Best regards

Kloxo-MR Tips and Tricks / FFMPEG in Centos 7
« on: 2019-07-21, 01:27:01 »
I have in earlier posts in this forum seen requests for help on installing FFmpeg. This issue is not so much directed to Kloxo-MR but many have a need for handling multimedia files on their server, and FFmpeg contains a set of useful audio and video libraries such as libavcodec, libavformat, and libavutil. With FFmpeg, you can convert between various video and audio formats, set sample rates, capture streaming audio/video and resize videos. Especially social community websites benefit from FFmpeg, if for example using JomSocial.
FFmpeg is not available in CentOS 7 core repositories or those distributed with Kloxo-MR. It must therefore be installed using yum from Nux Dextop repository as follows:

The Nux repository depends on the EPEL software repository. If it is not enabled on your system, enable it via SSH (you need SUDO privileges)

#yum install epel-release

Next, import the Repository GPG key and enable the Nux repositories by installing the rpm package:

#rpm -v --import http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/RPM-GPG-KEY-nux.ro

#rpm -Uvh http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el7/x86_64/nux-dextop-release-0-5.el7.nux.noarch.rpm

Once the repository is enabled, install FFmpeg:

#yum install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel

Verify the FFmpeg installation by running the ffmpeg -version command:

#ffmpeg -version

That’s it. FFmpeg will be on your CentOS 7. But for third party software like JomSocial to function you would need exec/passthru/shell_exec/system access, so you would need to change that in Kloxo-MR Admin/Advanced PHP settings.

Thanks for an excellent Control Panel - maybe the best. I have donated.

1. Is it still recommended to use Centos 7 minimal OS ?
2. Is it still recommended to disable SELINUX

Tnx in advance

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Opcache
« on: 2019-05-17, 08:50:33 »
I tried to enable opcache for phpXYm by renaming opcache.nonini in /opt/phpXYm/etc/php.d to 10-opcache_used.ini. (XY is the php version where opcache is needed). But when I did sh /script/cleanup I got error:

Failed loading /opt/phpXYm/usr/lib64/php/modules/opcache: Cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

So I modified 10-opcache_used.ini line 2 from

and this seem to work, - no error when I do sh /script/cleanup and also I see in Kloxo-MR Home - PHP Module Status that 10-Opcache is green.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Lxguard
« on: 2018-01-09, 00:39:46 »
On one of my servers, when I select LxGuard in Kloxo-MR (latest version) there are no Connections or Raw Connections listed. That of course lead me to belive that LxGuard is not working here. I use SQL Manager and look in Kloxo DB, see the lxguard related tables, but table lxguardhit is empty. I tried the scripts like sh /script/fixlxguard but that does not change anything. I cannot find other indications in logfiles I have checked that something is wrong. Does anybody have a clue on how I can procede to find out what can be the problem ?

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