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Messages - India220

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Kloxo Already outdated now, please move to other panel.

sys info please

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo-mr is dead
« on: 2020-08-09, 15:02:35 »
7th month gone, still Mustafa missing

Working fine for me.. try below cmd

yum clean metadata; yum clean all; sh /script/cleanup; sh /script/fix-configs-files; sh /script/fix-all; sh /script/restart-services; sh /script/restart-all

Copy and paste whole code. either 1 by 1

kirimkan saya detail login Anda, saya dapat membantu AndaKenapa ya?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Upgrade MariaDB to 10.4
« on: 2020-06-14, 06:02:26 »
latest version of mariadb has strict policy due to this kloxo MR crash.
i like to stick with 10.1

Indonesia Users / Re: Upgrade centos 6 ke 7
« on: 2020-06-14, 05:59:31 »
update the centos 7
yum update -y

then update the kloxo MR
yum replace kloxomr --replace-with=kloxomr7 -y
    # '-y' mean force
    sh /script/upcp -y
sh /script/mysql-optimize --select=upgrade

send me your login details,
or you can follow below screenshot.

1. Select PHP Used 7.2m [my suggestion] and click update
2. Select PHP Branch 7.2w and click update
3. Enable Multiple PHP branch and click update
4. Select all the Multiple PHP Available to Selected field and click update [takes 30min or more to to install]

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