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Messages - zeeshan030

Pages: [1]
Kloxo-MR Development / Re: Kloxo-MR template-based config
« on: 2015-04-14, 13:25:30 »
Issue 2: i've some forwarding for a couple of account, so when i send an email to one account that has forwarding enabled, the email isn't found there. It gets forwarded to correct address, but is there a way to keep email on the account itself as well?

Kloxo-MR Development / Re: Anthony Bourdain "Parts Unknown"
« on: 2015-04-14, 13:24:56 »
Issue 2: i've some forwarding for a couple of account, so when i send an email to one account that has forwarding enabled, the email isn't found there. It gets forwarded to correct address, but is there a way to keep email on the account itself as well?

Unfinish work for inode. Other issue make me headache.

Pages: [1]

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