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Topics - altomarketing

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Well, my server after several weeks of goog working stop working, a varnish problem ?

I tried moving from apache to lighttpd , and viceversa, not working

i did even several times
Code: [Select]
yum clean all; yum update; sh /script/cleanup;sh /script/fix-chownchmod; sh /script/restart-all -y :-\ I have now 7.0.0.b-2015040402.mr

And i have always the same error:

Code: [Select]
Stopping httpd:                                            [FAILED]
Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 363 of /opt/configs/apache/conf/domains/emecsa.com.ar.conf:
<VirtualHost> directive missing closing '>'

I even enter to fix  that .conf and fix this line, and after it , restart and show error in other domain. And thbis have no end, how can i fix it ?

I need to change a domain, lets say from yourdomain.com to mydomain.com , is it possible to do in kloxo admin interface (control panel) without editing files ? i can add parked, but in this case, i need to change the domain.


Hi, im making translation but i get a blank when i upload nee w files, where can i find error log to see what its wrong ?

Hi, I have 2 problems with one fresh 7.0 server.

One is that when i restart httpd says:

[root@indra ~]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
Starting httpd: [Tue Oct 07 20:22:39 2014] [error] (EAI 3)Temporary failure in name resolution: Could not resolve host name *ort} -- ignoring!
[Tue Oct 07 20:22:43 2014] [error] (EAI 3)Temporary failure in name resolution: Could not resolve host name *ort} -- ignoring!
                                                           [  OK  ]

Other is that joomla keeps saying magic quotes is ON, when its disabled by default. I tryed adding magic_quotes_gpc = Off to php.ini , global or inside customer php.ini its the same, always says that magic quotes is on.

How can i start to search a solution ?

Thanks in advance.

Translations / Spanish Translation
« on: 2014-09-23, 23:56:14 »
 :) :) :)

I have translated kloxo to spanish, can i upload here or should i do it via github ?

For domain http://webmail.nevtejidos.com.ar, I can never login. always "Error while connecting to mail server."

Does webmail need dns configured in some special way ?

Market Places / I need to Hire kloxo-mr
« on: 2014-03-17, 00:17:00 »
Hi, i dont have to time to test and fix errors so i need:

-- i will give you access to a clean centos 6.x vps server:

 i need you to install and configure:

--configure dns to work with my dns servers
--configure and install a joomla in 1 domain for a direct customer
--configure 2 domains inside a reseller account.
--dkim and spf configured

and finally send some emails from those domains to my hotmail to test qmail is working fine.

Please skype:altomarketing to talk about it.

of course if work is fine i will give you more work.

Thanks in advance.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Kloxo-mr and whmcs now not work.
« on: 2013-05-18, 05:19:28 »
Hi ! i have 2 old servers with kloxo connected and working with whmcs. :D

Now i installed a fresh kloxo-mr on centos 6 and i can not make it work with whmcs. :?
Checked: Open ports, user and passwords, whitelist ips-

Where can i see log to debug what is failing about the connection :?:



Congratulation for this fork  :!: , i have some questions: :?

1- Does it , or will it support translate? Im interested about translating kloxo to spanish, and other langs, but only if kloxo-mr takes words from one file, in kloxo i have to translate thousands of files.

2- is kloxo-mr compatible with hypervm ?

3- ihave kloxo working fine with whmcs, did kloxo-mr change api or similar that can broke my integration with whmcs ?

4- Is there any changelog or status of this proyect ?

Thanks in advance.

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