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Topics - tmt

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I just want to know where is the location of "account name" in the kloxo server ssh? What I mean is the path in the server?


GNU/Linux Helps / KLOXO-MR to CPANEL
« on: 2019-10-04, 09:15:18 »

Is there a way to migrate the kloxo-mr account names and its contact list to cpanel using ssh? I tried to do it manually and it is perfect! But I need to do it via ssh command lines. I try to rsync the user manually which is working but the problem is the account name is not visible in the cpanel dashboard. Tried to transfer the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow from kloxo-mr to cpanel via ssh but no luck it is just giving me an error.

Thanks in advance. If this is not possible is there a forum that it will say so?

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