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Topics - meh

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Kloxo-MR Tips and Tricks / Can't delete user (sub-reseller)
« on: 2019-02-23, 23:33:16 »
I wonder why I can't select and delete users (resellers) in my kloxo panel?
I log in with main administrator account, but the option to select a client and delete him is disabled!!
any idea why and how can i completely remove a client from my kloxo Mr panel? ???


My websites hosted on a virtual machine with an old kloxo. It's been several years that I had no problem in this server and I changed nothing during recent days.
But from last week , everyday in a specific time (from 12 o'clock ) my RAM usage increasing to  maximum (8BG From 8GB) and  then cpu usage reach to maximum (100% usage) and then server crush until I force reboot .

Anyone has any clue what's going on?  and How can I fix this?  :-\

Why I can't find PHP Mod_ruid2 in kloxoMr anymore
Is there any other alternative mode to Mod_ruid2 which works exactly like that?

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