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- I tried sending Email SMTP from this simple php script, the email is sent https://www.rumahweb.com/journal/script-php-kirim-email-dengan-authentifikasi-smtp/
i am an Indonesian btw, but maybe its better i post in this category

- Email SMTP from microsoft outlook, sent too

- but Email SMTP from vbulletin script still not sent, already tried combination of these settings many times, for days
Host : localhost or mydomain.com or https://mydomain.com
Port : 587 or 465
SMTP Secure Connection : Yes
the result still not sent to any email address, no bounce back email too. in the vbulletin there is only this message
Pertinent SMTP Settings
SMTP:    tls://localhost:587
SMTP Username:    myemail@mydomain.com
The mailing function returned an error while trying to send the mail.
where to check the detailed error in kloxo mr? in cpanel is like this: tail -f /var/log/exim_mainlog

also tried this
Host : localhost or mydomain.com or https://mydomain.com
Port : 25
SMTP Secure Connection : No
the result sent to myemail@mydomain.com
but still not sent to myemail@anotherdomain.com, get bounced with error message: Unable to run qmail-remote

- i already enabled SPF, DKIM, DMARC, Domainkey
and disabled Spamdyke  too
but still same

- i using lets encrypt for ssl, but if the problem is lets encrypt, Email SMTP from above simple php script and from microsoft outlook, should not sent too.
so the problem looks like not lets encrypt

- please help what could be the SMTP settings i can try again, or the culprit in the vbulletin script, i can edit the vbulletin script a bit if needed, to fit with kloxo mr

I already using kloxo mr for a year in a vps (memory 1 gb) without problem

few days ago i install kloxo mr in another vps (memory 3gb), using kloxo mr latest version (Kloxo-MR 7.0.0.b-2016121602)

but each few hours later i always get this error message
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect() in /home/myusername/public_html/db.php on line 38

when above error message appeared, in phpinfo i check no mysql extension, like below

after vps rebooted, mysqli appeared, but few hours again its disappearing again

sometime after vps rebooted, mysqli not appeared

please help what i can try?
i can give the login details via pm too if needed to check

- already tried restart mysqli only from PHP Modules Status > 20-mysqlnd_mysqli. , but few hours again its disappearing/down again

- already tried reinstall kloxo mr once more from scratch too, but the problem is same

- vps details
CentOS 6 x86_64
Memory    3 GB
Disk Space    50 GB

- Here screenshot from Webserver configure

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