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Topics - rsakhale

Pages: [1] 2
Code: [Select]
[root@indigitalit ~]# sh /script/restart-all

Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart rsyslog.service

Restarting httpry (via systemctl):                         [  OK  ]

*** Process for MYSQL/MARIADB service ***
  - Process: restart
Shutting down MariaDB SUCCESS!
Starting MariaDB.200309 22:50:17 mysqld_safe Logging to '/var/lib/mysql/indigitalit.com.err'.
200309 22:50:17 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql

*** Process for BIND service ***
  - Process: restart
Stopping named (via systemctl):                            [  OK  ]
Starting named (via systemctl):  Job for named.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status named.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart php-fpm.service

*** Process for HTTPD service ***
  - Process: restart
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop httpd.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start httpd.service
Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status httpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

*** Process for QMAIL service ***
Stopping qmail-toaster: svscan qmail logging.
qmail-send: no process found
Starting qmail-toaster: svscan.

Restarting pure-ftpd (via systemctl):                      [  OK  ]

Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart kloxo-web.service

Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart kloxo-php.service

Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart kloxo-wrap.service

- For help, type '/script/restart-all [--help|-h]'

Code: [Select]
[root@indigitalit named]# sh /script/sysinfo   
A. Control Panel:
   - Kloxo-MR: 7.0.0.c-2019070501
   - Web: hiawatha-10.9.0-f.2.mr.el7.x86_64
   - PHP: php56s - 5.6.40-1.ius.el7 (fpm mode)
B. Plateform:
   - OS: CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core) x86_64
   - Hostname: indigitalit.com
C. Services:
   1. MySQL: MariaDB-server-10.2.31-1.el7.centos.x86_64
   2. PHP:
      - Installed:
        - Branch: php71w-cli-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64
        - Multiple:
          * php71m - 7.1.33-1.el7.ius
          * php72m - 7.2.27-1.el7.ius
          * php73m - 7.3.14-1.el7.ius
      - Used: php71m-fpm
      - Multiple: disable
   3. Web Used: apache
     - Hiawatha: hiawatha-10.9.0-f.2.mr.el7.x86_64
     - Lighttpd: lighttpd-1.4.54-1.el7.x86_64
     - Nginx: nginx-1.17.9-1.el7.ngx.x86_64
     - Apache: httpd24u-2.4.41-1.el7.ius.x86_64
       - PHP Type: php-fpm_worker
       - Secondary PHP: off
   4. WebCache: none
     - ATS: --uninstalled--
     - Squid: --uninstalled--
     - Varnish: --uninstalled--
   5. Dns: bind
     - Bind: bind-9.9.9-1.mr.el7.x86_64
     - DJBDns: djbdns-1.05-17.4.mr.el7.x86_64
     - NSD: nsd-4.2.4-1.el7.x86_64
     - PowerDNS: pdns-4.1.8-1.el7.MIND.x86_64
     - Yadifa: yadifa-2.3.9-1.el7.x86_64
   6. Mail: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.57.mr.el7.x86_64
      - pop3/imap4: courier-imap-toaster-4.1.2-1.3.20.mr.el7.x86_64
      - smtp: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.57.mr.el7.x86_64
      - spam: bogofilter-1.2.3-6.el7.x86_64
   7. FTP: pure-ftpd
      - pure-ftpd: pure-ftpd-1.0.49-1.mr.el7.x86_64
   8. Stats: awstats
      - awstats: kloxomr-stats-awstats-7.7-1.mr.noarch
D. Memory:
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           7820         408        6713           8         699        7133
Swap:          2047           0        2047
E. Disk Space:
Filesystem                    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg_system-rootlv  118G   14G  104G  12% /

*** Process Time: 00:00:00:48.48408 (dd:hh:mm:ss:xxxxxx) ***

* Note: run 'sh /script/sysinfo -y' if you want run 'fix-service-list' also
        (importance after Kloxo-MR update)

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Upgrade MariaDB to 10.4
« on: 2020-03-09, 12:51:35 »
I tried doing

Code: [Select]
sh /script/mariadb-upgrade 10.4
However, this failed at the end

Code: [Select]
 Package                           Arch                      Version                                       Repository                           Size
 MariaDB-server                    x86_64                    10.4.12-1.el7.centos                          mratwork-mariadb                     26 M
Installing for dependencies:
 galera-4                          x86_64                    26.4.3-1.rhel7.el7.centos                     mratwork-mariadb                    9.3 M

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package (+1 Dependent package)

Total size: 35 M
Installed size: 135 M
Downloading packages:
Running transaction check
Running transaction test

Transaction check error:
  file /usr/bin/garbd from install of galera-4-26.4.3-1.rhel7.el7.centos.x86_64 conflicts with file from package galera-25.3.28-1.rhel7.el7.centos.x86_64

Error Summary

- For help, type '/script/restart-mysql [--help|-h]'
/script/mariadb-upgrade: line 35: mysql_upgrade: command not found

- For help, type '/script/restart-mysql [--help|-h]'
- End process...

* Note:
  - Format: /script/mariadb-upgrade [target-version]
    where [target-version] = 10.2 (by default)

Now, after this mysql doesn't seem to work normally.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / On trying to update getting error
« on: 2019-08-22, 05:07:48 »
On try to update using yum update -y, getting below error

Code: [Select]
Total                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           17 MB/s | 466 MB     00:27
warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V4 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 00f97f56: NOKEY
Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi
Importing GPG key 0x00F97F56:
 Userid : Remi Collet <RPMS@FamilleCollet.com>
 Package: remi-release-6.9-1.el6.remi.noarch (installed)
 From   : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test

Transaction Check Error:
  file /etc/php.d/curl.ini from install of php52-common-5.2.17-102.mr.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package php70w-common-7.0.24-1.w6.x86_64
  file /etc/php.d/json.ini from install of php52-common-5.2.17-102.mr.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package php70w-common-7.0.24-1.w6.x86_64
  file /etc/php.d/zip.ini from install of php52-common-5.2.17-102.mr.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package php70w-common-7.0.24-1.w6.x86_64
  file /etc/php.ini from install of php52-common-5.2.17-102.mr.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package php70w-common-7.0.24-1.w6.x86_64
  file /usr/lib64/php/modules/curl.so from install of php52-common-5.2.17-102.mr.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package php70w-common-7.0.24-1.w6.x86_64
  file /usr/lib64/php/modules/json.so from install of php52-common-5.2.17-102.mr.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package php70w-common-7.0.24-1.w6.x86_64
  file /usr/lib64/php/modules/zip.so from install of php52-common-5.2.17-102.mr.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package php70w-common-7.0.24-1.w6.x86_64
  file /usr/bin/php from install of php52-cli-5.2.17-102.mr.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package php70w-cli-7.0.24-1.w6.x86_64
  file /usr/bin/php-cgi from install of php52-cli-5.2.17-102.mr.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package php70w-cli-7.0.24-1.w6.x86_64
  file /usr/share/man/man1/php.1.gz from install of php52-cli-5.2.17-102.mr.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package php70w-cli-7.0.24-1.w6.x86_64

Code: [Select]
A. Control Panel:
   - Kloxo-MR: 7.0.0.c-2017091202
   - Web: hiawatha-10.6.0-f.1.mr.el6.x86_64
   - PHP: php56s - 5.6.31-1.ius.centos6 (fpm mode)
B. Plateform:
   - OS: CentOS release 6.9 (Final) x86_64
   - Hostname: ****.com
C. Services:
   1. MySQL: MariaDB-server-10.0.32-1.el6.x86_64
   2. PHP:
      - Installed:
        - Branch: php70w-cli-7.0.24-1.w6.x86_64
        - Multiple:
          * php70m - 7.0.21-1.ius.centos6
          * php71m - 7.1.7-1.ius.centos6
      - Used: php70m-fpm
      - Multiple: enable
   3. Web Used: apache
     - Hiawatha: hiawatha-10.6.0-f.1.mr.el6.x86_64
     - Lighttpd: lighttpd-1.4.45-1.el6.x86_64
     - Nginx: nginx-1.13.6-1.el6.ngx.x86_64
     - Apache: httpd-2.2.31-1.mr.el6.x86_64
       - PHP Type: php-fpm_worker
       - Secondary PHP: off
   4. WebCache: none
     - ATS: --uninstalled--
     - Squid: --uninstalled--
     - Varnish: --uninstalled--
   5. Dns: bind
     - Bind: bind-9.9.9-1.mr.el6.x86_64
     - DJBDns: djbdns-1.05-17.4.mr.el6.x86_64
     - NSD: nsd-4.1.16-1.el6.x86_64
     - PowerDNS: pdns-4.0.3-1.el6.MIND.x86_64
     - Yadifa: yadifa-2.2.5-1.mr.el6.x86_64
   6. Mail: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.57.mr.el6.x86_64
      - pop3/imap4: none
      - smtp: none
      - spam: --uninstalled--
   7. FTP: pure-ftpd
      - pure-ftpd: pure-ftpd-1.0.37-1.mr.el6.x86_64
   8. Stats: webalizer
      - webalizer: webalizer-2.23_08-1.mr.el6.x86_64
D. Memory:
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          7871       4525       3345          0       1386       1734
-/+ buffers/cache:       1404       6467
Swap:         3967        315       3652
E. Disk Space:
Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg-root  113G   53G   56G  49% /

*** Process Time: 00:00:00:29.29388 (dd:hh:mm:ss:xxxxxx) ***

* Note: run 'sh /script/sysinfo -y' if you want run 'fix-service-list' also
        (importance after Kloxo-MR update)

Trying to do yum update on one of my server and getting this conflict error, however the same worked on other servers.

Code: [Select]
Error: httpd24u conflicts with httpd-2.2.31-1.mr.el6.x86_64
Code: [Select]
[root@** ~]# sh /script/sysinfo
A. Control Panel:
   - Kloxo-MR: 7.0.0.c-2017091202
   - Web: hiawatha-10.6.0-f.1.mr.el6.x86_64
   - PHP: php56s - 5.6.31-1.ius.centos6 (fpm mode)
B. Plateform:
   - OS: CentOS release 6.9 (Final) x86_64
   - Hostname: **.com
C. Services:
   1. MySQL: MariaDB-server-10.0.32-1.el6.x86_64
   2. PHP:
      - Installed:
        - Branch: php70w-cli-7.0.24-1.w6.x86_64
        - Multiple:
          * php56m - 5.6.31-1.ius.centos6
          * php70m - 7.0.21-1.ius.centos6
          * php71m - 7.1.7-1.ius.centos6
      - Used: php70m-fpm
      - Multiple: enable
   3. Web Used: apache
     - Hiawatha: hiawatha-10.6.0-f.1.mr.el6.x86_64
     - Lighttpd: lighttpd-1.4.45-1.el6.x86_64
     - Nginx: nginx-1.13.6-1.el6.ngx.x86_64
     - Apache: httpd24u-2.4.27-1.ius.centos6.x86_64
       - PHP Type: php-fpm_worker
       - Secondary PHP: off
   4. WebCache: none
     - ATS: --uninstalled--
     - Squid: --uninstalled--
     - Varnish: --uninstalled--
   5. Dns: bind
     - Bind: bind-9.9.9-1.mr.el6.x86_64
     - DJBDns: djbdns-1.05-17.4.mr.el6.x86_64
     - NSD: nsd-4.1.16-1.el6.x86_64
     - PowerDNS: pdns-4.0.3-1.el6.MIND.x86_64
     - Yadifa: yadifa-2.2.5-1.mr.el6.x86_64
   6. Mail: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.57.mr.el6.x86_64
      - pop3/imap4: none
      - smtp: none
      - spam: --uninstalled--
   7. FTP: pure-ftpd
      - pure-ftpd: pure-ftpd-1.0.37-1.mr.el6.x86_64
   8. Stats: webalizer
      - webalizer: webalizer-2.23_08-1.mr.el6.x86_64
D. Memory:
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          7871       7350        521         24       2549       1526
-/+ buffers/cache:       3274       4597
Swap:         3967        334       3633
E. Disk Space:
Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg-root  113G   50G   58G  47% /

*** Process Time: 00:00:00:29.29012 (dd:hh:mm:ss:xxxxxx) ***

* Note: run 'sh /script/sysinfo -y' if you want run 'fix-service-list' also
        (importance after Kloxo-MR update)

Project Roadmaps / Kloxo-MR Roadmap
« on: 2019-08-03, 08:11:47 »
Mustafa and Team,

Can you help with the roadmap for Kloxo-MR?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / How to upgrade to php7.3
« on: 2019-08-03, 08:10:40 »
Mustafa, its been long time we have seen an update on this panel, latest RPM "7.0.0.c-2017091202"

Any plans to update to latest release after 2 years?

Can you help upgrade to PHP 7.3 using Multiple PHP specialized feature of Kloxo-MR

Dear Mustafa,

This is happening since two days now, suddenly at night all the domains in one of my client account gets disabled and I have to manually enable every domain.

System Info as below
Code: [Select]
A. Control Panel:
   - Kloxo-MR: 7.0.0.c-2017091202
   - Web: hiawatha-10.6.0-f.1.mr.el6.x86_64
   - PHP: php56s - 5.6.31-1.ius.centos6 (fpm mode)
B. Plateform:
   - OS: CentOS release 6.9 (Final) x86_64
   - Hostname: pharmaindigital.com
C. Services:
   1. MySQL: MariaDB-server-10.0.32-1.el6.x86_64
   2. PHP:
      - Installed:
        - Branch: php70w-cli-7.0.24-1.w6.x86_64
        - Multiple:
          * php56m - 5.6.31-1.ius.centos6
          * php70m - 7.0.21-1.ius.centos6
          * php71m - 7.1.7-1.ius.centos6
      - Used: php70m-fpm
      - Multiple: enable
   3. Web Used: apache
     - Hiawatha: hiawatha-10.6.0-f.1.mr.el6.x86_64
     - Lighttpd: lighttpd-1.4.45-1.el6.x86_64
     - Nginx: nginx-1.13.6-1.el6.ngx.x86_64
     - Apache: httpd24u-2.4.27-1.ius.centos6.x86_64
       - PHP Type: php-fpm_worker
       - Secondary PHP: off
   4. WebCache: none
     - ATS: --uninstalled--
     - Squid: --uninstalled--
     - Varnish: --uninstalled--
   5. Dns: bind
     - Bind: bind-9.9.9-1.mr.el6.x86_64
     - DJBDns: djbdns-1.05-17.4.mr.el6.x86_64
     - NSD: nsd-4.1.16-1.el6.x86_64
     - PowerDNS: pdns-4.0.3-1.el6.MIND.x86_64
     - Yadifa: yadifa-2.2.5-1.mr.el6.x86_64
   6. Mail: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.57.mr.el6.x86_64
      - pop3/imap4: none
      - smtp: none
      - spam: --uninstalled--
   7. FTP: pure-ftpd
      - pure-ftpd: pure-ftpd-1.0.37-1.mr.el6.x86_64
   8. Stats: webalizer
      - webalizer: webalizer-2.23_08-1.mr.el6.x86_64
D. Memory:
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          3831       3355        476         18        782       1200
-/+ buffers/cache:       1372       2459
Swap:         3967         64       3903
E. Disk Space:
Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg-root   54G   41G   11G  80% /

*** Process Time: 00:00:00:28.28874 (dd:hh:mm:ss:xxxxxx) ***

* Note: run 'sh /script/sysinfo -y' if you want run 'fix-service-list' also
        (importance after Kloxo-MR update)

Kloxo-MR Bugs and Requests / Kloxo-MR Panel UI not loading
« on: 2018-04-10, 07:55:38 »

My server ran out of space due to scheduled backups eat up all space, so server was not accessible.

I had to delete incomplete failed backup files from

Code: [Select]

But now I am still not able to access the panel properly, here is the UI seen.

Can anyone please guide me here

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Kloxo-SSL for client login
« on: 2017-09-19, 17:26:28 »
How can we add SSL certificate for client domain login like


I have set for the main domain, but how we do set for every domain?

While connecting to server using FileZilla getting this warning.

Using LetsEncrypt SSL certificate for the domain, screenshot as below

I tried with AfterLogic, Roundcube and Rainloop.

In Roundcube attempted to configure the timezone with the same as selected in Kloxo-MR timezone + PHP Configuration timezone. Still time is not seen properly for sent mails.

Is there some additional configuration been missed here?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / System monitor emails
« on: 2017-09-11, 08:08:02 »
Got almost more than 500 emails in some 10 mins for System Monitor

Code: [Select]
Date: Sep-10 05:14

Code: [Select]
Date: Sep-10 01:03
Port: 25
Action: sh /script/restart-qmail --force >/dev/null 2>&1

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Email throttling
« on: 2017-09-10, 17:45:52 »
Is there a way we can throttle email sending?

After deleting mail queue mails have stopped working.

Our server was facing spamming, so below are the steps we did

System Information
Code: [Select]
A. Control Panel:
   - Kloxo-MR: 7.0.0.c-2017083001
   - Web: hiawatha-10.6.0-f.1.mr.el6.x86_64
   - PHP: php56s - 5.6.31-1.ius.centos6 (fpm mode)
B. Plateform:
   - OS: CentOS release 6.9 (Final) x86_64
   - Hostname: pharmaindigital.com
C. Services:
   1. MySQL: MariaDB-server-10.0.32-1.el6.x86_64
   2. PHP:
      - Installed:
        - Branch: php70w-cli-7.0.22-2.w6.x86_64
        - Multiple:
          * php56m - 5.6.31-1.ius.centos6
          * php70m - 7.0.21-1.ius.centos6
          * php71m - 7.1.7-1.ius.centos6
      - Used: php70m-fpm
      - Multiple: enable
   3. Web Used: apache
     - Hiawatha: hiawatha-10.6.0-f.1.mr.el6.x86_64
     - Lighttpd: lighttpd-1.4.45-1.el6.x86_64
     - Nginx: nginx-1.13.4-1.el6.ngx.x86_64
     - Apache: httpd24u-2.4.27-1.ius.centos6.x86_64
       - PHP Type: php-fpm_worker
       - Secondary PHP: off
   4. WebCache: none
     - ATS: --uninstalled--
     - Squid: --uninstalled--
     - Varnish: varnish-5.1.3-1.el6.x86_64
   5. Dns: bind
     - Bind: bind-9.9.9-1.mr.el6.x86_64
     - DJBDns: djbdns-1.05-17.4.mr.el6.x86_64
     - NSD: nsd-4.1.16-1.el6.x86_64
     - PowerDNS: pdns-4.0.3-1.el6.MIND.x86_64
     - Yadifa: yadifa-2.2.5-1.mr.el6.x86_64
   6. Mail: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.57.mr.el6.x86_64
      - pop3/imap4: courier-imap-toaster-4.1.2-1.3.20.mr.el6.x86_64
      - smtp: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.57.mr.el6.x86_64
      - spam: bogofilter-1.2.4-1.el6.x86_64
   7. FTP: pure-ftpd
      - pure-ftpd: pure-ftpd-1.0.37-1.mr.el6.x86_64
   8. Stats: webalizer
      - webalizer: webalizer-2.23_08-1.mr.el6.x86_64
D. Memory:
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          3831       2626       1205         23        142        973
-/+ buffers/cache:       1510       2321
Swap:         3967          0       3967
E. Disk Space:
Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg-root   54G   13G   39G  26% /

*** Process Time: 00:00:00:52.52446 (dd:hh:mm:ss:xxxxxx) ***

* Note: run 'sh /script/sysinfo -y' if you want run 'fix-service-list' also
        (importance after Kloxo-MR update)

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Server is getting spammed
« on: 2017-09-01, 07:18:21 »

Someone is using our SMTP for sending spam mails, and the failures are coming back to us.

Requesting you to please guide on security measures we need to take on securing the mail server.

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