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Topics - LotsOfQ

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So I've set my timezone in
Code: [Select]
admin — Servers — localhost — {Timezone}

I noticed today that logs are with the correct timezone but in file manager when I create a new file or folder the time was wrong. How do I fix this?

Kloxo-MR Tips and Tricks / Clear All Logs - Is it safe?
« on: 2018-03-01, 03:27:40 »
I want to clean out all the logs to have a fresh start. My question is:
Is it safe to delete everything inside var/log/ including files and folders?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Recover Databases [Please Help]
« on: 2018-02-13, 04:14:59 »
So I screwed up big time.

I can't get Kloxo-MR to work. I thought I have lost everything because I run the reinstall and it seems that it was installing MariaDB again. Not sure if I did lost it but I looked /var/lib/mysql and I saw my databases there. Does that mean it's still good?

Next question is... do I just download the mysql directory? Then later with my new install of Centos and Kloxo-Mr I can just put it back? Will that work?

Or do I have to do something else?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / [URGENT] Please help [URGENT]
« on: 2018-02-12, 08:24:01 »
Kloxo-MR 7.0.0.c-2017091202 updated earlier today

I was trying to backup /usr/bin and make copies and all of a sudden all of the folders show up at 0kb. Every folders when I am inside Kloxo are all at 0kb.

I then tried:
sh /script/fix-all (didn't work, got a lot of command not find)
sh /script/restart-all (same thing)
yum update -y (-bash: yum: command not found)

Then finally tried 'sh /script/upcp -y' and got this:
Code: [Select]
/script/fixrepo: line 3: yum: command not found
/script/fixrepo: line 6: yum: command not found
/script/fix-urgent: line 60: tr: command not found
/script/fix-urgent: line 68: head: command not found
Already use MariaDB. No replace
Already stopped.
/etc/init.d/qmail: line 62: killall: command not found
/script/upcp: line 100: tee: command not found
/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/install/setup.sh: line 27: yum: command not found

I rebooted. Now I can't log into Kloxo-MR anymore.

All websites are up but are all mess up all looking weird and can't connect to basebase.

I can't add Let's Encrypt anymore. It was working fine before. All old ones are still working fine but can't add new ones.

Keeps getting this error. "Alert: Create Certificate failed"

Code: [Select]
sh /script/fixssl; sh /script/fixweb; sh /script/restart-web -y
sh /script/fixdns;sh /script/restart-all;
sh /script/fixdnsaddstatsrecord

I'm out of idea. Anyone please help.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / How to update NSS?
« on: 2017-12-16, 21:57:09 »
How do you update NSS?

Kloxo-MR Tips and Tricks / Alternative to Kloxo-MR
« on: 2017-12-16, 21:47:34 »
Without MRatWork, we're lost. Many threads are not answer. I still have the same issue for awhile now.


I am losing hope and starting to think it's the end.

Anyone know of an alternative to Kloxo-MR? Please if you do share it here.

I'm getting this error from my WordPress.
cURL error 60: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates

I'm assuming it has something to do with ssl because websites that don't use https working fine only the ones with https have issues.

Please help.

Kloxo-MR Tips and Tricks / Sendmail Limit
« on: 2017-09-15, 21:31:49 »
How much email can sendmail handle per hour? I trying to figure out emails can I send out without jammed the server.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / DNS cache and files
« on: 2017-07-12, 10:59:57 »
I start this new topic that related to https://forum.mratwork.com/kloxo-mr-technical-helps/www-a-record

Is DNS cached somewhere? If yes, how do we clear it?

Where are the dns records files stored?

I ran 'dig domain.com' and everything looking good. Then I ran 'dig www.domain.com' and there was issues.

Code: [Select]
<<>> DiG 9.9.9-P6 <<>> www.domain.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 3775
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;www.domain.com.             IN      A

www.domain.com.      68163   IN      CNAME   domain.com.domain.com.

domain.com.          3205    IN      SOA     ns1.domain.com. admin.domain.com. 2017071232 3600 1800 604800 3600

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / WWW A Record
« on: 2017-07-11, 13:02:56 »
intodns.com have this error.

Code: [Select]
WWW A Record ERROR: I could not get any A records for www.mydomain.com!

(I only do a cache request, if you recently added a WWW A record, it might not show up here.)

I have waited over 3 days and check dns setting and it's all there. Today I ping www.mydomain.com and it show 'ping: unknown host www.mydomain.com'. But ping mydomain.com then it works fine.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / 7819:apache
« on: 2017-07-11, 07:12:38 »
Today, I noticed one domain inside 'home / httpd' is 7819:apache and its subdomain are the same while all the other are user:apache.

I tried to change but no option for user but root, apache, and root. How do I change this? Assuming it's suppose to be user:apache like the rest.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / private._domainkey
« on: 2017-07-08, 12:57:18 »
private._domainkey is not generating.

Kloxo-MR Bugs and Requests / DNS Templates
« on: 2017-07-04, 17:55:42 »
When editing the DNS templates, ex. 'cp' changed ip and click update. Then it somehow does this:

Code: [Select]
lists CN - mail.domain.com.dnst..domain.com.dnst.
webmail CN - mail.domain.com.dnst..domain.com.dnst.
www CN - domain.com.dnst..domain.com.dnst.
imap FCNAME - mail.domain.com.dnst..
pop FCNAME - mail.domain.com.dnst..
smtp FCNAME - mail.domain.com.dnst..
__base__ MX 10 mail.domain.com.dnst..
__base__ NS - dns1.domain.com..
__base__ NS - dns2.domain.com..

It added the extra .domain.com.dnst.
Code: [Select]
lists CN - mail.domain.com.dnst..domain.com.dnst.
webmail CN - mail.domain.com.dnst..domain.com.dnst.
www CN - domain.com.dnst..domain.com.dnst.

And extra .
Code: [Select]

imap FCNAME - mail.domain.com.dnst..
pop FCNAME - mail.domain.com.dnst..
smtp FCNAME - mail.domain.com.dnst..
__base__ MX 10 mail.domain.com.dnst..
__base__ NS - dns1.domain.com..
__base__ NS - dns2.domain.com..

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Cache Issue
« on: 2017-07-03, 11:44:53 »
Based on this: https://forum.mratwork.com/kloxo-mr-technical-helps/switch-from-haiwathaproxy-to-nginxproxy-break-wordpress/

It looks like I have some kind of cache issues. It's not caching properly. Is there a fixed to run getting cache working properly?

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