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Topics - Cyberhost Service

Pages: [1] 2
Indonesia Users / Arsip inbox tidak ada untuk foward
« on: 2020-01-21, 08:44:46 »
Stah, tolong di bantu untuk masalah saya sbb:

Saya menggunakan rainloop untuk email dan ada beberapa email yang saya foward

yang ingin saya tanyakan kenapa arsip email utama tidak ada yah di file inbox jika kita menggunakan foward ? tapi arsip di email foward ada di inboxnya

Bagaimana caranya biar arsip tersebut tetap ada di folder inbox email utama kita ?

Free Trial 7 Days Social Media Marketing Suite https://www.cyberhostservice.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=36

Social Media Marketing Suite is a multichannel marketing application with all-in-one solution for your business to grow. It offers all powerful tools like Facebook marketing, social media posting (youtube, wordpress, twitter, blogger, linkedin, pinterest, reddit), SMS marketing, email marketing, search marketing, comparison marketing, analytical marketing, WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery system & many other features.

Normal price https://www.cyberhostservice.com/cart.php?gid=8

Money Back Guarantee

Note: Manual approval because SMM cannot be integrated with WHMCS and I will provide the login email username and password as you entered when registering

Market Places / DediServe Promo Code
« on: 2019-12-04, 23:22:19 »
Dapatkan Diskon 5% secara berulang untuk semua produk DediServe dengan cara klik link di bawah ini
Masukan kode promosi BEWRKUQQL2TJ

Indonesia Users / Kolom General Setting ilang
« on: 2019-12-03, 20:26:18 »
Help me please

Kolom General setting saya ilang karena salah input pada extra basedir

Bagaimana cari mengembalikannya yah ???

Indonesia Users / Open basedir error
« on: 2019-12-03, 14:47:58 »
Muncul error pada instalasi script sitespy

open basedirError. open_basedir has value. Please clear value for open_basedir from php.ini

Bagaimana cara solved nya yah, tolong bantuannya

Saya pakai PHP 56m

Market Places / Digital Ocean
« on: 2019-12-02, 13:28:22 »
Maaf jika thread tidak ada hubungan nya dengan KloxoMR

Sell Digital Ocean Account Just For 1 Month $25 (Avaiable Credit $55)
Payment with Payoneer or Bank Local Indonesia
Switch account after Receive Payment

PM Me or WA +6285218134971

Market Places / Free Basic SEO by SeoPlanet
« on: 2019-11-30, 10:35:08 »
Saya sendiri jarang mainan SEO tapi iseng iseng saya install SeoPlanet pada subdomain  :) :) :)

Untuk teman teman yang mau coba silahkan karena saya sediakan untuk umum sekaligus belajar sama sama mengenai SEO

Berikut link nya https://seo.cyberhostservice.com

Salam Hangat,

Cyberhost Service

Market Places / Hosting Gratis Untuk Lembaga Kegiatan Sosial
« on: 2019-11-28, 09:27:21 »
Kami dari Cyberhost Service memberikan Free Hosting untuk semua jenis kegiatan Lembaga Sosial pada link berikut ini:


Adapun ketentuan dan syarat sbb:
1. Disk Space Hosting 500MB dan tidak termasuk Domain.
2. Tidak termasuk Domain dan Pembuatan Website.
3. Email keterangan resmi yang di tandatangani oleh penanggung jawab dari lembaga sosial yang bersangkutan.
4. Website harus aktif dan selalu diupdate, minimal satu bulan sekali.
5. Isi Website berupa informasi dari kegiatan Sosial yang bersangkutan.
6. Isi Website TIDAK BOLEH mengandung unsur SARA, Pornografi dan yang melanggar UU ITE.
7. Ketentuan lain mengacu kepada Syarat dan Ketentuan Layanan Cyberhost Service.
8. Pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan tersebut di atas maka website akan kami non-aktifkan.

Untuk nama domain memang sebagian besar harganya mahal karena sebagian keuntungan penjualan domain tersebut kami donasikan untuk yang memerlukan, jadi kalian bisa pakai nama domain yang sudah ada atau bisa beli sendiri di tempat lain untuk nama domain.

Salam Hangat,

Cyberhost Service

Indonesia Users / Masalah sewaktu install
« on: 2014-07-06, 08:05:09 »
Dear MR,

saya ada masalah sewaktu install muncul sbb :

Error: Package: php53u-5.3.28-5.ius.el6.x86_64 (mratwork-ius-stable)
           Requires: t1lib
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
 You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
=== BEGIN 'php53s' (2014/07/06 06:11:22) install ===
- 'php53u' ready to installed
- Install php general dependencies rpms... Please wait!
-- Check installed dependencies rpms
-- Install for not installed dependencies rpms
- Download all rpms (debug and devel will be deleted)... Please wait!
- Extract all rpms to '/opt/php53s'
- Disable certain modules (rename to .nonini) in '/etc/php53s/etc/' + 'php.d' and 'php-zts.d'
-- Disable 'dba' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'eaccelerator' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'pdo_dblib' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'pdo_odbc' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'pdo_pgsql' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'pgsql' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'suhosin' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'odbc' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'mongo' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'apc' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'imagick' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'ioncube-loader' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'memcache' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'memcached' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'mssql' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'xdebug' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'xcache' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'lzf' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'redis' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
-- Disable 'enchant' modules in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
- Copy certain files to '/opt/php53s/custom'
- Set .sh to 755
- Create .sh symlink
-- From '/opt/php53s/custom/php53s-cgi.sh' to '/usr/bin/php53s-cgi'
-- From '/opt/php53s/custom/php53s-cli.sh' to '/usr/bin/php53s-cli'
-- From '/opt/php53s/custom/php53s-ls.sh' to '/usr/bin/php53s-ls'
-- From '/opt/php53s/custom/php53s-fpm.sh' to '/usr/bin/php53s-fpm'
- Create symlink from /opt/php53s/usr/lib64 to /opt/php53s/usr/lib
=== END 'php53s' (2014/07/06 06:11:22) install ===

 - See '/opt/php53s/install.log' for detail install process
 - Example: copy 'xcache.nonini' to '_xcache.ini' for enable 'xcache' module
      in '/etc/php53s/etc/php.d'
 - Running 'sh /script/php53m-installer' as the same as
      'sh /script/phpm-installer php53m'
 - For config setup only, run 'sh /script/phpm-config-setup php53m

Execute fixlxphpexe for php53s...

This Operating System is currently *NOT* supported.

This Operating System is currently *NOT* supported.

This Operating System is currently *NOT* supported.

This Operating System is currently *NOT* supported.

This Operating System is currently *NOT* supported.

This Operating System is currently *NOT* supported.

This Operating System is currently *NOT* supported.

This Operating System is currently *NOT* supported.

This Operating System is currently *NOT* supported.

kenapa bisa spt itu yah ?

Indonesia Users / .htaccess tidak berfungsi
« on: 2014-06-16, 22:29:16 »
Dear MR,

saya ingin tanya kenapa pada web saya .htaccess nya tidak berfungsi yah ???

ErrorDocument 403 http://www.leanic.net
ErrorDocument 404 http://www.leanic.net
ErrorDocument 500 http://www.leanic.net

# RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^199\.175\.48\.183
# RewriteRule (.*) http://usx.cyberhostservice.net/$1 [R=301,L]

<Files ~ "^.*\.([Hh][Aa])">
order allow,deny
deny from all
satisfy all

<Files index.php>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from validator.w3.org
allow from

<Files error_log>
order allow,deny
deny from all

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# END WordPress
###Start Kloxo PHP config Area
### Please Don't edit these comments or the content in between. kloxo uses this to recognize the lines it writes to the the file. If the above line is corrupted, it may fail to recognize them, leading to multiple lines.
### begin content - please not remove this line

### MR -- attention
### 1. Move '#<Ifmodule !mod_php5.c>' until '#</Ifmodule>' on
###    above '###Start Kloxo PHP config Area'
### 2. Remove # in front of '#<Ifmodule !mod_php5.c>' and '#</Ifmodule>'
###    on point (1)
### 3. Remove # in front of 'AddHandler x-httpd-php52' to activate secondary-php
###    on point (1)
### 4. Or Remove # in front of 'AddHandler x-httpd-php' to activate primary-php
###    on point (1) if select suphp_worker/_event for primary-php

#<Ifmodule !mod_php5.c>
    #AddHandler x-httpd-php52 .php
    #AddHandler x-httpd-php .php

<Ifmodule mod_php5.c>
    php_value upload_max_filesize 16M
    php_value max_execution_time 180
    php_value max_input_time 180
    php_value memory_limit 64M
    php_value post_max_size 32M
    # php_flag register_globals Off
    php_flag display_errors
    php_flag file_uploads on
    php_flag log_errors
    php_flag output_buffering off
    php_flag register_argc_argv on
    # php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
    # php_flag magic_quotes_runtime Off
    # php_flag magic_quotes_sybase Off
    php_flag mysql.allow_persistent off
    # php_flag register_long_arrays Off
    php_flag allow_url_fopen on
    php_flag cgi.force_redirect on
    php_flag enable_dl on
    php_flag max_input_vars 3000

### end content - please not remove this line

###End Kloxo PHP config Area

Options All -Indexes
IndexIgnore *
LimitRequestBody 10240000

Indonesia Users / Downgrade MYSQL 5.5 to 5.1
« on: 2014-06-16, 21:33:22 »
Dear MR,

Bagaimanakah cara downgrade mysql 5.5 menjadi 5.1

apakah ada link tutorial yg dpt saya pelajari ?

Indonesia Users / SolusVM
« on: 2014-06-10, 00:12:21 »
Dear MR,

Saya ingin tanya apakah install kloxo MR pakai solusvm dan Virtualization Type OpenVZ apakah bisa juga ?

Dear MR,

Terjadi error pada sent email saya terlampir pada attachment.

Mohon pencerahannya.

Indonesia Users / Kirim Email Error
« on: 2014-06-08, 00:32:01 »
Dear MR,
ketika saya ingin send email maka terjadi error sbb :

Unable to connect to mail server(s). Please specify a valid mail server, server properties, or check your network connection. The following exception was also recorded: System.Exception: Unable to to connect to mail.cyberhostservice.com at port 587. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect(EndPoint remoteEP)
   at aspNetEmailInternal.?.?(EndPoint , String , Int32 )
   at aspNetEmailInternal.?.Connect(String remoteServer, Int32 remotePort)
   at aspNetEmail.EmailMessage.?(String )
   at aspNetEmail.EmailMessage.?(String )
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at aspNetEmail.EmailMessage.?(String )
   at aspNetEmail.EmailMessage.?()

Complete Message:

Email Sender Deluxe v2.35 - 6/8/2014 5:32:57 AM - aspNetEmail.SmtpConnectionException: Unable to connect to mail server(s). Please specify a valid mail server, server properties, or check your network connection. The following exception was also recorded: System.Exception: Unable to to connect to mail.cyberhostservice.com at port 587. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect(EndPoint remoteEP)
   at aspNetEmailInternal.?.?(EndPoint , String , Int32 )
   at aspNetEmailInternal.?.Connect(String remoteServer, Int32 remotePort)
   at aspNetEmail.EmailMessage.?(String )
   at aspNetEmail.EmailMessage.?(String )
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at aspNetEmail.EmailMessage.?(String )
   at aspNetEmail.EmailMessage.?()
   at .(Config , EmailMessage ,  )
   at .( )

Mohon pencerahannya

Translations / Indonesia Translation
« on: 2014-06-06, 15:12:47 »
Apakah Kloxo MR bisa di terjemahkan dalam bahasa indonesia ?

Pages: [1] 2

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