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Messages - kabayan

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It's work for me for http and https.

Change '/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/init/hiawatha.conf':

Code: [Select]
Binding {
BindingId = port7778
Port = 7778
#Interface =
MaxKeepAlive = 3600
TimeForRequest = 3600
MaxRequestSize = 102400
## not able more than 100MB
MaxUploadSize = 100

Binding {
BindingId = port7777
Port = 7777
#Interface =
MaxKeepAlive = 3600
TimeForRequest = 3600
MaxRequestSize = 102400
## not able more than 100MB
MaxUploadSize = 100
#RequiredCA = /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/etc/program.ca
SSLcertFile = /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/etc/program.pem

Code: [Select]
Binding {
BindingId = port7778
Port = 37778
#Interface =
MaxKeepAlive = 3600
TimeForRequest = 3600
MaxRequestSize = 102400
## not able more than 100MB
MaxUploadSize = 100

Binding {
BindingId = port7777
Port = 37777
#Interface =
MaxKeepAlive = 3600
TimeForRequest = 3600
MaxRequestSize = 102400
## not able more than 100MB
MaxUploadSize = 100
#RequiredCA = /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/etc/program.ca
SSLcertFile = /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/etc/program.pem

and then running 'sh /script/restart'.

After that, Kloxo-MR panel access via 'http://<ip_or_domain>:37778/' and 'https://<ip_or_domain>:37777/'

really helpfully with these config
I've changed default port to other port, with hiawata-proxy + ats,
after rebooting, I can't login to kloxo-mr panel,
maybe MR will fix this later, mine using 6.5.1.b-2014022402

Indonesia Users / Re: Kenalan yuk sesama User Kloxo-MR
« on: 2014-02-23, 07:26:48 »
kenalan dulu ama abah kabayan
ada yang dari kota cilegon, serang, bandung ?
sok atuh kadieu , abah mau belajar make kloxo fork nu dikembangin kakang MR asli indonesia  ;D

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