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Messages - zidit

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Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / api to update resource plan
« on: 2017-02-10, 08:33:33 »

I am trying to create php script for updating resource plan disk and bandwidth limit

Code: [Select]
$kloxo_api = 'http://'.$host.':'.$cpport.'/webcommand.php?login-class=client&login-name=admin&login-password='.$adminpass.'&class=resourceplan&name='.$plan.'&action=update&v-traffic_usage='.$newbw;
This url seems correct but the parameter of bandwidth doesn't


I tried many of possibilities but failed.Could you pls tell me what is correct parameter?


Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / wordpress 4.6
« on: 2016-08-20, 17:05:56 »
I see wordpress 4.6 only support php 5.6 and MySQL 5.6

How can  I update php and MySQL t version 5.6


Non Technical Discussions / Re: download.lxcenter.org dead?
« on: 2016-08-02, 03:44:38 »
I usually use this instruction to migrate kloxo -> kloxo

backup & restore kloxo
This is not the be all end all of restoring Kloxo control panel and clients but this worked for me so I guess it will work for you in time of desperate need.

So the problem is that my hosting provider got hax0red which I was utterly upset over because they said I would lose all my data including this blog site. I don't think my VPS itself was compromised though but that's a whole different story. I forgive them for the last time.

So basically I had to transfer my files from the old VPS to a new VPS which was a clean install of CentOS 5.5, this was my procedure:

1. New VPS: Do a proper 'yum update' to bring up the OS to the latest version.

2. New VPS: Install Kloxo using command line. Ensuring that there is no /var/lib/mysql directory or else you will have some problems (back it up if necessary).

3. New VPS: Transfer back /var/lib/mysql from the old VPS to the New. I used rsync to do this over SSH.

chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql

4. New VPS: Transfer back /home/* from the old VPS to the New VPS. I used rsync over SSH to accomplish this as well.

5. Reboot - here is where I thought everything would be fine BUT IT WASN'T. Could create FTP users etc.

Copy the following from old server to new server. I only copied part of the old files into the new. Just the part that has the names of all your "clients" in Kloxo.

1. Restore the /etc/passwd file
2. Restore the /etc/group file
3. Restore the /etc/shadow file
4. Restore the /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.passwd file
5. Go to /script in the new server. Run ./fixftpuser
5. Reboot - FTP USERS should now work.

/script/fixweb + rebuild all domain dns kloxo

Could you pls review that can I use the same instruction for migration kloxo -> kloxo mr


Non Technical Discussions / Re: download.lxcenter.org dead?
« on: 2016-08-01, 17:29:12 »
If I install kloxo-mr on new server. Can you give me an instruction for migrating all file from old kloxo server?

Also, I need to use kloxo api as I have some php script to do some automated task. Is api in kloxo-mr have the same method of kloxo?

Thank you

Non Technical Discussions / download.lxcenter.org dead?
« on: 2016-08-01, 09:32:49 »

I notice that lxcenter.org totally down make all update or some maintenance impossible since download.lxcenter.org is domain parked already.

Could you pls advise me how to deal with it? Is there any backup/clone repositories of download.lxcenter.org which I can use for updating/yum things in the future

Looking forward to your reply

Thank you

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo-MR skin customize?
« on: 2014-01-30, 18:16:56 »
edit skin manually, do upgrade version will reset these file (after upgrade version, skin editted turn to default?(

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo-MR skin customize?
« on: 2014-01-30, 15:27:08 »
When 6.5.1 release?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo-MR skin customize?
« on: 2014-01-30, 15:18:38 »
In original kloxo 6.1.12, I have change code manually in skin folder. But I'm not sure if I can do the same thing at kloxo-MR?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Kloxo-MR skin customize?
« on: 2014-01-30, 15:06:48 »

How can I customize kloxo-MR skin and prevent it from update to each next version?


If you found service error, try this tricks. Switch dns and web server to other and then switch back. The same ways for php-branch and php-type.

To make sure, after previous steps, run 'sh /script/fix-all; sh /script/restart-all'. Inform here if you found error/warning/alert in fix-all and restart-all steps.

Content '<VirtualHost *:80>' is normal in Kloxo-MR and this approach better then Kloxo approach.

Am I understand correctly?

So each domain conf file only missing this part?

NameVirtualHost myip:80
NameVirtualHost myip:443

I can upgrade to kloxo-MR successfully but have problem with each domain. When access to each domain, it only return default page of main domain (That is used for nameserver)

I go to /home/apache/conf/domains and see conf file there are missing

NameVirtualHost myip:80
NameVirtualHost myip:443

## webmail for 'eachdomain.com' handled by ../defaults/webmail.conf

and virtualhost all in *

## web for 'lowendbench.com'
<VirtualHost *:80>

How can I fix this in bulk?

Iniz hosting service asked everyone to move from Kloxo to another panel and I wonder if they counts Kloxo-MR as Kloxo too.

Is there anything we must do from those patch/fix/modified listed ? I have do running vps with Kloxo-MR and I haven't had a single problem month. I hate to mess anything.

Try changing Kloxo-MR port from 7777/7778 to others (let say 8777/8778). Possible with this trick, port scanning to 7777/7778 will fail.

Where can I change this? :)

I am the one who affect by kloxo 6.1.12 compromised. Now I have new vps install fresh kloxo-MR. I need to migrate all data (client/file/db etc.) to new kloxo-MR. I just check folder structure in /home, there are something different. So I'm not sure if I rsync all /home to new one is working? Do you have some instruction to migrate data from the old kloxo to kloxo-MR?


Can I still using kloxo-api with kloxo-MR?

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