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Messages - mmiguel948

Pages: [1]
the admin backup is schedule on the "live" server, not remote. The kloxomr server preforms an admin backup of it self and its clients.

I always receive a email stating the backup runs successful but when I check the size of tgz file ("kloxomr70-scheduled-admin-date-time.tgz") it has about 300MB of information (information from the clients before the client with more than 3GB on his home folder). I know for sure the backup failed and I can see that on the log I mentioned in this post. When the backup of all clients runs successful the file has about 7.5GB.

I wish that Mustafa was here also, may be he can share some clues that can solve this mystery! :)

Thank you all for the support!

Thank you for your response.

As soon as the home folder of client <client_name> (/home/<client_name>) exceeds 3GB the backup fails. We managed to delete some files from the site of <client_name> client (/home/<client_name>/<domain_name>.com) and keep it below 3GB the backup runs sucessfull.

But its strange because i've tested in another Kloxomr server and same behaviour.

We must have some configuration made by us or not made by us (missing configuration) that could cause this issue.

Where can i start searching for clues for what is happening in our servers?

Thanks for your support,
Best regards,

Hi, i have an issue with Admin Backup that fails for clients where the home folder exceeds 3GB...

content of backup log:

16:46 Aug/03/2020: Taking backup of 'client:<client_name>'
16:50 Aug/03/2020: - Alert: Failed backup of 'client:<client_name>'
16:50 Aug/03/2020: * Kloxo Backup on 2020-Aug-03 at 16 Hours - Kloxo Backup Succeeded for 'admin' to 'local backup'
16:50 Aug/03/2020: *** Backup from 'admin' user - END ***

is there any limit for backups? Where can we change it?

Thank you for your support,
Best Regards,

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