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Messages - tkumar.patna

Pages: [1] 2
Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Upgrade MariaDB to 10.4
« on: 2020-05-05, 07:58:35 »
Finally i upgraded to mariadb 10.4 successfully on kloxo mr 7 under centos 7

Please help me to configure redis for wordpress

File under /opt/php73m/etc/php.d/50-redis_used.ini
; Enable redis extension module
extension = redis.so

; phpredis can be used to store PHP sessions.
; To do this, uncomment and configure below

; RPM note : save_handler and save_path are defined
; for mod_php, in /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf
; for php-fpm, in /etc/php-fpm.d/*conf

;session.save_handler = redis
;session.save_path = "tcp://host1:6379?weight=1, tcp://host2:6379?weight=2&timeout=2.5, tcp://host3:6379?weight=2"

; Configuration
;redis.arrays.algorithm = ''
;redis.arrays.auth = ''
;redis.arrays.autorehash = 0
;redis.arrays.connecttimeout = 0
;redis.arrays.distributor = ''
;redis.arrays.functions = ''
;redis.arrays.hosts = ''
;redis.arrays.index = 0
;redis.arrays.lazyconnect = 0
;redis.arrays.names = ''
;redis.arrays.pconnect = 0
;redis.arrays.previous = ''
;redis.arrays.readtimeout = 0
;redis.arrays.retryinterval = 0
;redis.arrays.consistent = 0
;redis.clusters.cache_slots = 0
;redis.clusters.auth = ''
;redis.clusters.persistent = 0
;redis.clusters.read_timeout = 0
;redis.clusters.seeds = ''
;redis.clusters.timeout = 0
;redis.pconnect.pooling_enabled = 1
;redis.pconnect.connection_limit = 0
;redis.session.locking_enabled = 0
;redis.session.lock_expire = 0
;redis.session.lock_retries = 10
;redis.session.lock_wait_time = 2000

Please let me know that How to upgrade mariadb to latest version 10.4

Kloxo-MR Releases / Kloxo Mr 7 Update/Upgrade
« on: 2020-04-17, 19:15:42 »
Dear Mr Mustafa,
As of now, everything already upgraded like centos, PHP, MariaDb, cURL, Varnish, Nginx and etc regarding running a full fledged server. But Still after a lot of time you are not supporting a updated or upgraded version of Kloxo-Mr. We are hugry for your efforts to upgrade this kloxo-Mr. We love Kloxo-Mr and don't want to go for any other. So, Please let us know that any upgraded version of Kloxo-Mr is coming or not. One more thing we all are ready to pay you donations as per your requirement. So Please...

Tarun Kumar

Not working now. Please check with centos 7. Also one more thing, new setup on centos7 found  some broken link like mirrors.iuscommunity.org. It's now ius.io. Please check and update setup file with everything updated like curl version is very old also some other things.

Kloxo-MR Development / Kloxo Mr 7 on CentOs 8
« on: 2019-10-16, 17:05:06 »
Please guide me to install Kloxo Mr 7 on CentOs 8

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo Mr Panel not opening
« on: 2019-10-11, 12:51:58 »
Sure Sir.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo Mr Panel not opening
« on: 2019-10-11, 12:41:12 »
Thanks Sir,
Now it's working.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo Mr Panel not opening
« on: 2019-10-11, 12:24:20 »
Not working. It's automatically redirect to that domain name:port and as domain is no more, so panel is not opening.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo Mr Panel not opening
« on: 2019-10-11, 12:18:04 »
domain is already cancelled. domain is no more now.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo Mr Panel not opening
« on: 2019-10-11, 11:18:42 »
Actually i already set a domain as default for kloxo panel and login my kloxo panel with that domain name and port (abcd.com:7778) but now my that domain is canceled from domain registrar side. Now i am unable to open kloxo panel from domain:port or IP:Port.
So, Please help me that how can i open my kloxo panel.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo Mr Panel not opening
« on: 2019-10-11, 08:10:39 »
Also please let me know the process that how can i remove default domain via ssh. So that after removal of default domain, i can open kloxo web panel via ip:port.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo Mr Panel not opening
« on: 2019-10-11, 08:05:43 »
Actually, i already set a domain via default domain option as you mentioned above but now problem is, that domain expired now from domain registrar side. and now whenever i am trying to open kloxo panel via domain:port or ip:port is not working. So, please tell me the process that how can i open my kloxo web panel via ip:port.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Kloxo Mr Panel not opening
« on: 2019-10-10, 11:42:42 »
How to remove default panel domain as my domain is expired and now i'm unable to open Kloxo Mr Panel or dashboard via IP:Port. other added domain is working fine, just unable to open web panel. Please help me.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo Mr Panel not opening
« on: 2019-09-22, 02:05:49 »
Currently installed kloxo mr 7 panel on same vps but same problem with mysql & webmail. So, please reply sir, if need a fresh centos 7 for fresh re-installation of kloxo mr. So that i will reinstall the centos 7 from my vps control panel.

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