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Messages - atljohnsen

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Yes, I realized that I missunderstood just shortly after I sent the message. My kloxo-mr panels are running php 7.3.27, and I can't remember that I did something special to update to that version. I have only used these basic steps
yum clean all
yum update
sh /script/cleanup

If that does not help you may consider this one: sh /script/phpm-all-install
I have never used it so I can not ensure that your panel will not brake.

I do not think this is possible to do with the repos that Kloxo-MR use.  They are limited to php73 for centos 7. To obtain higher versions would require to use for example the remi repo. But that will require software enginering from specialists for the panel to work, and it looks like MR is no longer spending time on this panel. He has spent so much time on Kloxo-MR in the past, but probably received very little donations and lost interrest.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: mysql connection
« on: 2020-11-28, 14:00:55 »
Have you tried to reset mysql password?

if not, you can try it from SSH with:

sh /script/reset-mysql-root-password <newpassword>


sh /script/restart-mysql

Did you try to use Switch Program and select other webserver and DNS ?

Hi again. I also have the same situation sometimes, getting an email from the server that backup failed - could not upload. But when I check the backup server, I find that the files have been uploaded fine.  A few times only I have seen uncompleted file transfere leaving a small  filesize in the backup server. I guess you are a backup server outside of your live server. Could it be because of the long time it takes to upload a large file to remote server, especially if bandwith is low, and causes something to time out.
I whish Mustafa would be here and give some advice. 

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Changing Default Server IP
« on: 2020-08-08, 15:45:28 »
You can try the following:
Home (Admin) -> Server -> Localhost -> Ip Addresses and select Re Read Ip Address

My admin client is more than 3GB, and I have not had any issues. As fare as I know there is no settings in the panel that limits the size of backup. 

I guess you have already tried to perform sh /script/cleanup.

Are you using OpenVZ ??

I have experienced problems using Kloxo-MR with latest versions of Centos 7 running on OpenVZ VPS, while KVM based VPS seem to work OK. However, OpenVZ works OK with Centos 6.

In my case the problems have been with HTTPRY and Pure-FTP. No problems with Apache or Bind.

You can log in with cp.mydomain.com

Solved  :)
Tnx again Mustafa for your excellent reply. It worked. The acme log showed verify error on webmail and mail, so by removing those from SAN as you wrote, did the trick. Thank you, it saved me for several hours of work. Donation will come - I love Kloxo-MR

Tnx for reply, Mustafa. I tried your advice, but still Lets Encrypt fails to install SSL certificate. It does install OK on the subdomains, but not the main domain.

By misstake I deleted Lets Encrypt certificate om my default domain on client admin. This certificate was also set for Kloxo-MR. This resulted in that I am not able to connect to this domain via http or https. Other subdomains works ok. I can access Kloxo-Mr via Chrome browser using incognito mode, but when I try to add Lets Encrypt certificate it fails to install. I guess this is because Lets Encrypt not able to connect to domain via normal http or https protocol. Is there any solution I can do except re-installing everything from scratch again.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: After reboot service down
« on: 2019-08-20, 16:06:06 »
Try # sh /script/cleanup


After a fresh install I also got the same issue, not only on Afterlogic but also some of the other webmail clients. Here is how I solved Afterlogic issue:

Open the file /home/kloxo/httpd/webmail/afterlogic/data/settings/settings.xml.php and locate AdminPassword entry and set it to empty value:

<AdminPassword />

Save the file and then use your browser and log into webmail.your-domain.com/afterlogic/adminpanel with:

username: mailadm
password: 12345

Set a new password under System > Security tab.
In the System tab you can see the current MySQL Connection settings. You may keep the settings as is, but you need to click on update tables.

Remember to save before logging out of mailadm.

Now, in the browser you should be able to log into webmail using Afterlogic. Once you are logged in you probably also need to access settings and remove the checkmark on port 25.
Hope this helps.

I tried to configure Secondary/Slave DNS with server setup as described earlier in this forum with Server A and Server B. I am using Bind and configured Server B with Secondary/Slave DNS. The slave zone was created, but no record file from Server A domain was transferred. The /opt/configs/nsd/conf/slave folder was empty. I then checked the log files in /var/log/named and noticed in the xfer-in.log:
22-Jul-2019 xx:xx:xx.xxx transfer of 'Server A domain/IN' from Transfer status: success
So a transfer of file from Server A was indeed taking place.
I then checked general.log file and found:
22-Jul-2019 xx:xx:xx.xxx zone Server A domain/IN: Transfer started.
22-Jul-2019 xx:xx:xx.xxx zone Server A domain/IN: transferred serial 2019072221
22-Jul-2019 xx:xx:xx.xxx dumping master file: slave/tmp-0aB4ER7niE: open: permission denied
The /opt/configs/nsd/conf/slave folder that named server will save the file in was 755 root/root, so i guessed that this was reason for permission denied for named. I then changed the permission of this folder to 777 just to test, and shortly after I could see the the record file from Server A domain in the slave folder.
It worked. I will now make the slave folder writable for named.
So, @Mustafa, if my observations are valid you should fix the the permissions for next release.

Best regards

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