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Author Topic: Moving use to new server  (Read 3465 times)

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Offline gacott

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Moving use to new server
« on: 2016-07-23, 07:05:20 »
So I created a user as a reseller. Then I wanted to assign them to their own server just for their customers. So I click on the user, the servers and pick the server I want to assign them to with webserver, mail and mysql, then I get this message: Alert: Could not ZIP dir /home/user-name. Now I know it's the web dir that's causing this. Is this the correct way of going about what I am trying to do? And if so, how do I get around the error? If not, what should I be doing?


Offline fossxplorer

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Re: Moving use to new server
« Reply #1 on: 2016-07-23, 14:28:52 »
I've invested quite some time on testing master slave functionality and it seems moving/assigning existing users to another server doesn't work at all :(
Obviously, when moving things are zipped  and then unzipped, also for moving DBs dump, and this part doesn't work. Worst part is moving a clients DB server to a different server, it's reported successful, but all DB data is lost!


I've asked @Mustafa to fix this as it can be a big issue really. But he is ofc limited on time.
Maybe more donation helps to give this priority?
Please consider donation!


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