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Author Topic: How To Add Mail Accounts Manually Via SSH?  (Read 3927 times)

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Offline mehawk

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How To Add Mail Accounts Manually Via SSH?
« on: 2017-03-18, 00:08:34 »

Is it possible to add mail accounts to kloxo mr 7 manually using ssh console? Just curious, I want to debug my installation by adding a mail account manually to a client's domain. I am unable to add mail account on that specific domain via kloxo mr panel. The mail account creation with this domain's subdomain works fine. Every where else mail creation is working as expected without any error. I have even tried to delete this domain entirely and adding it again but still no luck.. I tried everything but i have not found any error. So, I want to identify the root cause of this problem manually creating mail account for this domain.

Best Regards,
Muhammad Mehroz.
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Offline tochits

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Re: How To Add Mail Accounts Manually Via SSH?
« Reply #1 on: 2017-03-22, 07:30:08 »
I use the scripts in the directory /script. There is one named 'add' which I call like this:

sh /script/add --parent-class='mmail' --parent-name='DOMAIN' --class='mailaccount' --name='MAILACCOUNTNAME' --v-password='PASSWORD'

This of course requires that the domain and client records are already in kloxo.

It will depend on you what you other details you want to populate upon creation. Refer to the table 'mailaccount' under 'kloxo' database to see the column names/details.
« Last Edit: 2017-03-22, 07:35:47 by tochits »


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