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Author Topic: Installatron issue  (Read 5095 times)

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Offline tega

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Installatron issue
« on: 2019-01-02, 18:43:03 »

I've installed Installatron using the script ( /script/installatron-install ) without any problems with ioncube, the only thing I've got was:

Code: [Select]
ln: creating symbolic link `/var/installatron/frontend/htmllib': No such file or directory
So when I try to open the installatron through the kloxo panel (https://mydomain.com:7777/installatron/?) it shows a blank page with just this text:

Code: [Select]
So I looked into /var/installatron and there's no frontend folder as expected, I've created using
Code: [Select]
mkdir /var/installatron/frontend and run the command to create a symbolic link:

Code: [Select]
ln -sf /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/lib/html /var/installatron/frontend/htmllib
Now when I try to open installatron on the panel through the same link I get a blank page with just this text:
Code: [Select]
File not found.
Any ideas in how to get this working?

my sysinfo (I just redacted my hostname to avoid spam):

Code: [Select]
A. Control Panel:
   - Kloxo-MR: 7.0.0.c-2017091202
   - Web: hiawatha-10.6.0-f.1.mr.el6.i686
   - PHP: php56s - 5.6.36-1.ius.centos6 (fpm mode)
B. Plateform:
   - OS: CentOS release 6.10 (Final) i686
   - Hostname: mydomain.com
C. Services:
   1. MySQL: MariaDB-server-10.0.37-1.el6.i686
   2. PHP:
      - Installed:
        - Branch: php56u-cli-5.6.39-1.ius.centos6.i686
        - Multiple:
          * php52m - 5.2.17-102.mr.el6
          * php54m - 5.4.45-1.ius.centos6
          * php56m - 5.6.30-2.ius.el6
          * php71m - 7.1.15-1.ius.centos6
      - Used: --PHP Branch--
      - Multiple: enable
   3. Web Used: apache
     - Hiawatha: hiawatha-10.6.0-f.1.mr.el6.i686
     - Lighttpd: lighttpd-1.4.47-2.el6.i686
     - Nginx: nginx-1.15.8-1.el6.ngx.i686
     - Apache: httpd24u-2.4.35-1.ius.centos6.i686
       - PHP Type: php-fpm_worker
       - Secondary PHP: off
   4. WebCache: none
     - ATS: --uninstalled--
     - Squid: --uninstalled--
     - Varnish: --uninstalled--
   5. Dns: none
     - Bind: bind-9.9.9-1.mr.el6.i686
     - DJBDns: djbdns-1.05-17.4.mr.el6.i386
     - NSD: nsd-4.1.22-1.el6.i686
     - PowerDNS: pdns-4.0.3-1.el6.MIND.i686
     - Yadifa: yadifa-2.2.5-1.mr.el6.i686
   6. Mail: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.57.mr.el6.i686
      - pop3/imap4: courier-imap-toaster-4.1.2-1.3.20.mr.el6.i686
      - smtp: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.57.mr.el6.i686
      - spam: bogofilter-1.2.4-1.el6.i686
   7. FTP: pure-ftpd
      - pure-ftpd: pure-ftpd-1.0.37-1.mr.el6.i386
   8. Stats: webalizer
      - webalizer: webalizer-2.23_08-1.mr.el6.i386
D. Memory:
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          4096       2283       1812          8          0       1694
-/+ buffers/cache:        589       3506
Swap:            0          0          0
E. Disk Space:
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/simfs       75G   37G   39G  49% /

*** Process Time: 00:00:01:25.85803 (dd:hh:mm:ss:xxxxxx) ***

Offline tega

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Re: Installatron issue
« Reply #1 on: 2019-01-04, 22:51:06 »
No one?

Offline tega

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Re: Installatron issue
« Reply #2 on: 2019-01-20, 02:51:11 »
Please I have a premium subscription of installatron that I would love to use on kloxo

Offline azzureal

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Re: Installatron issue
« Reply #3 on: 2019-01-21, 04:28:28 »

Easy Installer still not work. This feature is successor of InstallApp.


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