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Author Topic: HTTPD always run by itself and Blocking Nginx  (Read 7730 times)

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Offline ebokalsel

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HTTPD always run by itself and Blocking Nginx
« on: 2014-01-24, 07:47:08 »
When using pure nginx (not proxy) sometimes httpd start up from nowhere and blocking port 80 and causing conflict with nginx (which also use this port).

So i have to manually stop httpd service (service httpd stop) and tried to chkconfig httpd off and restart all services. But it (httpd service) will come back starting up in 1-2 days without warning.

Code: [Select]
[root@gaptekupdate ~]# /script/sysinfo

A. Kloxo-MR: 6.5.0.f-2014011001

B. OS: CentOS release 6.5 (Final) x86_64

C. Apps:
   1. MySQL: mysql-5.5.34-1.el6.x86_64
   2. PHP: php54-5.4.23-3.ius.el6.x86_64
   3. Httpd: httpd-2.2.26-1.el6.x86_64
   4. Lighttpd: --uninstalled--
   5. Nginx: nginx-1.5.9-1.el6.x86_64
   6. Qmail: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.34.mr.el6.x86_64
      - with: courier-imap-toaster-4.1.2-1.3.14.mr.el6.x86_64
   7. Dns: bind-9.9.4-1.P2.el6.x86_64

D. Php-type (for Httpd/proxy): mod_php_ruid2

I've also tried to yum remove httpd but i've no gut to enter yes when looking at its dependencies:

Code: [Select]
 Package        Arch   Version          Repository                         Size
 httpd          x86_64 2.2.26-1.el6     @mratwork-centalt                 3.4 M
Removing for dependencies:
                x86_64    @/mod-pagespeed-stable_current_x86_64
                                                                           14 M
 mod_fastcgi    x86_64 2.4.6-5.mr.el6   @kloxo-mr-release-version-arch    201 k
 mod_fcgid      x86_64 2.3.9-1.el6      @kloxo-mr-epel                    220 k
 mod_rpaf       x86_64 0.6-4.mr.el6     @kloxo-mr-release-version-arch    9.6 k
 mod_ruid2      x86_64 0.9.8-1.mr.el6   @kloxo-mr-release-version-arch     16 k
 mod_ssl        x86_64 1:2.2.26-1.el6   @kloxo-mr-centalt                 191 k
 mod_suphp      x86_64 0.7.2-1.mr.el5   @kloxo-mr-release-version-arch    308 k
 php54          x86_64 5.4.23-3.ius.el6 @mratwork-ius                     9.1 M
 php54-devel    x86_64 5.4.23-3.ius.el6 @mratwork-ius                      12 M
                x86_64 4.5.1-1.ius.el6  @mratwork-ius                     2.2 M
 webalizer      x86_64 2.23_05-4.mr.el6 @kloxo-mr-release-version-arch    324 k

Transaction Summary
Remove       12 Package(s)

Installed size: 42 M
Is this ok [y/N]:


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Re: HTTPD always run by itself and Blocking Nginx
« Reply #1 on: 2014-01-24, 11:29:14 »
Information from sysinfo appear that web server is nginx-proxy. Select 'nginx' in 'web' in 'switch program'.
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Offline ebokalsel

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Re: HTTPD always run by itself and Blocking Nginx
« Reply #2 on: 2014-01-24, 14:07:10 »
That is the weird things. It's already set to nginx.

After temporary set to nginx-proxy and back to nginx. this is my sysinfo:

Code: [Select]
[root@gaptekupdate ~]# /script/sysinfo

A. Kloxo-MR: 6.5.0.f-2014011001

B. OS: CentOS release 6.5 (Final) x86_64

C. Apps:
   1. MySQL: mysql-5.5.34-1.el6.x86_64
   2. PHP: php53u-5.3.28-1.ius.el6.x86_64
   3. Httpd: --uninstalled--
   4. Lighttpd: --uninstalled--
   5. Nginx: nginx-1.5.9-1.el6.x86_64
   6. Qmail: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.34.mr.el6.x86_64
      - with: courier-imap-toaster-4.1.2-1.3.14.mr.el6.x86_64
   7. Dns: bind-9.9.4-1.P2.el6.x86_64

D. Php-type (for Httpd/proxy): mod_php_ruid2

E. Memory:
                total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
   Mem:          3072       1801       1270          0          0        477
   -/+ buffers/cache:       1323       1748
   Swap:         4096          0       4096

[root@gaptekupdate ~]#

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Re: HTTPD always run by itself and Blocking Nginx
« Reply #3 on: 2014-01-24, 14:09:20 »
So, run 'yum remove httpd*'.
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Offline ebokalsel

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Re: HTTPD always run by itself and Blocking Nginx
« Reply #4 on: 2014-01-25, 00:56:26 »
yes i did, and then i lost my ioncube loader..

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Re: HTTPD always run by itself and Blocking Nginx
« Reply #5 on: 2014-01-25, 04:41:33 »
Back to panel and change branch to other and change back to original (with this trick panel will be re-install php53u). After that, from ssh, run:
Code: [Select]
yum install php53u-ioncube-loader
rpm -e httpd --nodeps
sh /script/fixweb
sh /script/restart-web
..:: MRatWork (Mustafa Ramadhan Projects) ::..
-- Server/Web-integrator - Web Hosting (Kloxo-MR READY!) --

Offline ebokalsel

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Re: HTTPD always run by itself and Blocking Nginx
« Reply #6 on: 2014-01-25, 16:31:38 »
done nicely. thanks


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