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Author Topic: What is the admission procedure for Symbiosis BBA direct admissions?  (Read 2913 times)

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Bachelor of Business Administration is an undergraduate degree program, which is done after completing 12th standard in high school.

In BBA course, candidates are taught core subjects related to commerce and business. In the three-year duration, the candidates are given options to choose from a few elective subjects too. The programme is usually spread over six semesters during which the student is taught topics related to business and business industry. Direct admission in Symbiosis BBAhttps://www.topbschooladmission.in/service/bba_admission/ follows a process for the direct admissions.

It is important for the candidates to choose the best BBA college as the competition is very high. It must be noted that each college may have different eligibility criteria, application process and fee structure. Students should be well aware of the BBA admission process which includes the eligibility criteria, information about the related entrance exam and how to apply for before registering for the program.

Eligibility for BBA direct admission

Passed XII or equivalent course in any discipline from any recognized Board / Council / University with minimum 50% marks for general (open) category and 45% marks for students of SC and ST category.

Qualifying the Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET), Personal interview & Writing Ability Test of our centre. Indian students will be admitted on the basis of the merit list drawn out of the results of the selection process through SET and PIWAT (SET score 50% and PIWAT 50%)

SCMS Pune BBA Selection Criteria

The selection of candidates shall be based on their performance in SET and PI-WAT.

It is mandatory to attend all components/tests of PI-WAT/ST-PI to be eligible for admission to any UG programs.

Only candidates who attend all components/tests of the selection process (PI-WAT/ST-PI) shall be considered as eligible for the generation of merit/wait/reject list.
Candidates who remain absent for any one of the components/tests will be considered as ineligible for the selection process of UG degree programs of SIU.

For detailed and expert advice, contact Top B School Admissions. Top B School Admission is the most trusted consultancy in India that offer you the direct admissions for the courses. If you want direct admission in BBA symbiosis https://www.topbschooladmission.in/service/bba_admission/. We are the best admission consultancy in India through management quota.

If you any query feel free to contact, we will help you within 24 hours. 

Contact us at tel: +91.9921499691, +91.9325549696

E-mail: info@topbschooladmission.in


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