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Messages - farrow

Pages: 1 [2]
For those using KloxoMR for shared, can you implement this for apache and proxies?


This would mitigate file system attacks, scripts would be unable to access below /home/
This would also prevent a perl script from putting a file in /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs, stopping a local root escalation through IP:7778. 

This is a good solution to start.  More work needed.

WOW, Your like a kid.
Anything that doesn't go your way you throw your rattle out of your pram.
Your making posts all the time, YOU NEVER LEAVE THE GUY ALONE.
I would rather wait and take advice from Mustafa than listen to you. Personally I don't think you know much only know how to bitch and use Google.

In KloxoMR latest, one of the webmail clients is using the /tmp/ directory to compile and cache web output (smarty template system - I think).

CSF does not like php files being in the /tmp and will start sending you mass emails.

This will fix that <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

Code: [Select]
vim /etc/csf/csf.fignore

ADD this to the bottom

Code: [Select]


@Farrow, you are mistaken, and obviously your inexperience has caused this issue, as this fix HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BLOCKING IP OR SSH.  The file fignore is for FILES that LFD should ignore as being threats, THAT IS IT!

If you are using SolusVM for vps, or if it is a dedicated server, either way, start a serial console, once logged into this console,  issue this command: csf -x

It was running fine before you give your shitty advise.
I reinstalled and mirrored the same install on another VPS without your config and it runs fine.

Ive tried with 2 other IP's as you can see by my posts but still no luck.

In KloxoMR latest, one of the webmail clients is using the /tmp/ directory to compile and cache web output (smarty template system - I think).

CSF does not like php files being in the /tmp and will start sending you mass emails.

This will fix that <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

Code: [Select]
vim /etc/csf/csf.fignore

ADD this to the bottom

Code: [Select]


Everything was running fine until THIS.

Is this a joke? That fix has broke my site, I cant even log in to SSH to change it.

Now nothing works, cant even SSH.

Didn't see that, thanks.

I'm now getting a lot of suspicious file alerts, ?, 9in total since I installed CSF.
The latest one is File:   /tmp/%%0B/0B2/0B2F7F61%%login.htm.php
Ive looked in tmp folder and they are other folders:
Does anybody know whats going on here?

My kloxo IP tables has stopped and showing red light, is this normal?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: spamdyke
« on: 2014-01-12, 22:48:30 »
Really? With one post you criticize me?  Angry emoticon is because frustrated at spamdyke.  Frustrated at posts concerning problems that are not KloxoMR problems, they are admin error.  Same questions being asked over and over.  Use the search bar.

Pay?  This is open source project, and I have spent my life contributing to such projects.  Paying for cpanel is nothing, I use KloxoMR because I liked Kloxo official. 

I search code, inform Mustafa when I find confirmed bugs, I rewrote perl scripts for integration with KloxoMR and just finished sendmail limiter to stop spam from clients through php.

yes, I get frustrated,  I am human.  But do not find yourself trying to talk down to me, I have been committed to open source projects for 20 years.

You sound like a idiot.
With all that experience in your signature you should be able to sort the problem yourself.
And yes its open source, so you might want to stop moaning and start your threads off being a bit nice.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: spamdyke
« on: 2014-01-12, 17:25:38 »
Have you tried to enable it?

What's with the angry emoticon?
With 5 servers have you tried paying for a hosting panel? I guess not.
Your coming across sarcastic and rude just like a few others on this forum.


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