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Messages - befree22

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Quote from: "chrisf"
Quote from: "pohon"
Is it inside Kloxo? Or I have to use ssh?
Yes - it is part of kloxo, click the Misc Config button.

This worked for me. No need to mess with the .htaccess file at all.


I have a Centos 6 (64) vps and with Kloxo-MR installed on Nginx webserver.

Someone migrate my Wordpress sites from another host after my research showed that Nginx server and Kloxo-MR cp provided the best performance for a vps web hosting environment. However, I'm new to Kloxo-MR and its working and I never used Putty or the command prompt.  

Anyway, I'm having problems using Kloxo-MR. I've been unable to add php files, edit php files and delete php files using Kloxo-MR and I never had these problems with DirectAdmin which I loved.

1. I tried adding myfile.php several times in a Wordpress folder and clicked the SAVE button but the php file isn't appearing in the folder at all. I get a message "Information: edit successfully updated for /wp-content/themes/put/adsense-header.php" but the file just doesn't exist even after refreshing or closing the browser window.

Similarly, when I try to edit a php file in Kloxo-MR, the update isn't saved at all.  

When I try to delete a folder, Kloxo doesn't delete it. For instance, in Web: mystuff.com /wp-content/themes {File Manager} I tried deleting a Wordpress theme but Kloxo-MR doesn't delete the folder at all.

Is this a permissions issue? I was reading http://forum.lxcenter.org/index.php?t=msg&goto=80899
My Wordpress files have 644 permissions by default but even after changing it to 755, I'm unable to edit php files, add php files or delete them. The 755 permissions are not saved at all.

In the link above, Mustafar said
Code: [Select]
Change mod_php to suphp at "Webserver Config" in Kloxo.

Could someone help me add this code correctly and solve this problem? I'm unable to make changes to any php files.

I tried the above but it's not working. I'd like your assistance. I'll pm you.

I'm using Kloxo-MR on my Centos 6 vps.

All of my sites are Wordpress sites but I'm migrating from DirectAdmin to Kloxo-MR. Hence, I'm manually installing Wordpress by ftp.

A default install of Wordpress doesn't include the www as the permanent url. Instead, it just uses mydomain.com. I want the permanent url to be www.mydomain.com

How do I setup domain in Kloxo-MR so that by default, www is used in the domain name? Could someone help me figure out the code to use?



I'm unable to add a domain name to my Kloxo-MR installation. I keep getting the following error:

Alert: could_not_add_mail [could not open lock file /var/qmail/users/assign.lockFailed while attempting to update_file() the assign fileError. Failed to add domain to assign file]

My vps details:
Centos 6 (64bit)
Kloxo-MR 6.5 (latest)

I was reading http://forum.lxcenter.org/index.php?t=msg&goto=95168& to find a solution.

Please help me solve this problem for Kloxo-MR.

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