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Messages - chrisf

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Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Scavenge
« on: 2013-07-24, 23:24:24 »
I would agree with spacedust on this issue.  I think that quotas are available on most if not all servers - even lowend vps can have quotas turned on by provider.

Why not incorporate quota use with an option to turn it on or off?

If spacedust provided solution, simply leave old code and add a config option to use the new code?

Mustafa please be open minded in all things.

Thank you

Quote from: "Spacedust"
Quote from: "chrisf"
A quick sql query and then a fixdns script should do the trick.

It's all encrypted inside database !
Yes I have run into that as well.

My plan for attack of this issue would be:
Custom script calling in kloxo includes,
loop through database
use lxadmin functions to decrypt data
regex ip replacement or simple string replace may be enought
function to encrypt
replace data
loop until done with domains

I have not researched this issue spacedust, but that is how I would write a quick fix for your problem - you must remember: if kloxo encrypts it, it can decrypt it.  I do not know these functions and would have to do more scouring through code.

I know that doesn't help much, but it may give you some direction.

Kloxo-MR Development / Re: The help we really need
« on: 2013-07-24, 23:00:25 »
I actually disagree.  I think kloxo IS comparable to cpanel.  Even more so, do you have any idea how hard it would be to maintain the ongoing support of a project by yourself?

And ISPConfig would be a nightmare for end user clients.

Yes, there are bugs in Kloxo - somethings just don't work right - sometimes hiccups occur and you have to fix things - but it is open source, and free.  Mustafa deserves GREAT credit for his accomplishments thus far.

I would suggest a more open way for outside programmers to help - I understand the need for help in an opensource project and have been involved in a few - some for many years.

So, Mustafa - THANK YOU.  If you need help with PHP in any way I am available.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Scavenge
« on: 2013-07-24, 21:03:06 »
Quote from: "Spacedust"
I gave Mustafa full quota solution for scavenge to reduce I/O to almost zero and he didn't use it...
Mustafa why did you not use this code?  If it reduces IO that much why have you not included it?

I use php-fpm.  The user defined php config does nothing on thier control panel - which is very unprofessional.

I have been looking for a way to bring this function to php-fpm.

I found it - and mustafa I need a little help.

In /home/phpini we find the template for the php ini file.  Looking through this code I see many variables populated with php settings.

Next we look at:

Inside this file you can write directives that php will change default vaules for:
Code: [Select]

If we can add use same technique as php ini template we can add:

Code: [Select]
php_admin_flag[display_errors]= <?=$display_error_flag ?>

Adding these to the php-fpm config for that user will make all of his domains at least have his settings.  This is a GOOD work around and very logical.

Mustafa - I have no test environment.  I need to know HOW to populate these variables with the users current php config settings (is there a function?)

Please help with this solution - it is very important.

I am not saying there is an exploit, I am asking if this could be?  And if not what is it doing?  I am not familiar wth recordio, however upon google it states it will show passwords and everything - so...

Why is recordio sending data to China? I am in US. Why is
recordio sending data anywhere?
Is this an exploit? PLEASE advise.

Time: Tue Jul 23 19:43:16 2013 -0400
PID: 16319 (Parent PID:16318)
Account: qmaild
Uptime: 206 seconds


Command Line (often faked in exploits):
/usr/bin/recordio /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /bin/true

Network connections by the process (if any):
tcp: (my ip masked) ->
tcp: (my ip masked) ->

Files open by the process (if any):
Memory maps by the process (if any):
00400000-00404000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 22156468
00603000-00604000 rw-p 00003000 08:05 22156468
00604000-00605000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f68c76b6000-7f68c7840000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 23341174
7f68c7840000-7f68c7a3f000 ---p 0018a000 08:05 23341174
/lib64/ libc-2.12.so
7f68c7a3f000-7f68c7a43000 r--p 00189000 08:05 23341174
/lib64/ libc-2.12.so
7f68c7a43000-7f68c7a44000 rw-p 0018d000 08:05 23341174
/lib64/ libc-2.12.so
7f68c7a44000-7f68c7a49000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f68c7a49000-7f68c7a69000 r-xp 00000000 08:05 23338624
/lib64/ ld-2.12.so
7f68c7c5c000-7f68c7c5f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f68c7c67000-7f68c7c68000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f68c7c68000-7f68c7c69000 r--p 0001f000 08:05 23338624
/lib64/ ld-2.12.so
7f68c7c69000-7f68c7c6a000 rw-p 00020000 08:05 23338624
/lib64/ ld-2.12.so
7f68c7c6a000-7f68c7c6b000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fffefda0000-7fffefdb5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7fffefdcb000-7fffefdcd000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0
ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0

I am just overly concerned - if you know what is going on please let me know?  SHOULD I disable recordio?  Will logs still be wrote for qmailtoaster?

Please advise as soon as possible.

Thank you

A quick sql query and then a fixdns script should do the trick.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / How to remove some client options
« on: 2013-07-21, 09:16:41 »
The Reverse DNS option should not be available to my clients, how can I disable this so they can not use/see the link?

The HELP tab at the top corner of default template, it sends you to LxAdmin - I want to have this link go to my own knowledge base, is this link hardcoded in a template or in a php file somewhere?

Please advise.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: LxGuard???
« on: 2013-07-19, 06:01:52 »
I have two servers - neither server LxGuard is appearing to work.

I clustered my CSF so it will block ip on both servers for any attack attempt.

Server 1 has blocked 4 attempts (10 wrong password attempts)

Sever 2 has blocked 2 attempts (10 wrong password attempts)

LxGuard is set to 5 on both servers.  Nothing listed in Blocked Hosts, Connections, or Raw Connections.

CSF is protecting my servers.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: LxGuard???
« on: 2013-07-19, 00:49:16 »
Mustafa - how to confirm LxGuard is working?  I think it is broken.  I ask because I just got another block from CSF on SSH after 10 wrong password attempts.

LxGuard is set to 5!

Something is not right with LxGuard or the rate at which it checks is slower than CSF?

Please advise

Quote from: "mhzare"
Quote from: "befree22"
I'm using Kloxo-MR on my Centos 6 vps.

All of my sites are Wordpress sites but I'm migrating from DirectAdmin to Kloxo-MR. Hence, I'm manually installing Wordpress by ftp.

A default install of Wordpress doesn't include the www as the permanent url. Instead, it just uses mydomain.com. I want the permanent url to be http://www.mydomain.com

How do I setup domain in Kloxo-MR so that by default, www is used in the domain name? Could someone help me figure out the code to use?


you can put those code in  .htaccess file for permanent redirect , too
Code: [Select]

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com/$1 [R=301,L]

There is no need to put it in the .htaccess file - when you turn on the option in misc config in kloxo it adds the rewrite rule in the config for the site.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: DKIM qmailtoaster
« on: 2013-07-18, 07:26:12 »
So here are my questions to Mustafa:

1. What file is used to generate the keys for domain keys in kloxo (script or php)

Second question is about qmail-toaster and I have done much research to no answers.  I am using the pearl script dkimsign.pl to do the dkim signing (replacing qmail-remote) - i am going to change over to the c lib later, but am testing.

My second queston is:
Why does php mail and local sent mail (cron and others) not get signed?  does qmail-remote not get used?  does sendmail send to qmail-inject and then straight to qmail-queue?

I guess what is order for qmail processing when invoked through sendmail?


Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: DKIM qmailtoaster
« on: 2013-07-18, 07:14:22 »
Quote from: "Spacedust"
Quote from: "chrisf"


Sorry, that I know as well... I was asking Mustafa... you know as in

Mustafa?  Your answer?

Laughing.  I am sometimes newbie, but not that new. :)


Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: DKIM qmailtoaster
« on: 2013-07-18, 04:02:29 »

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: DKIM qmailtoaster
« on: 2013-07-18, 02:44:44 »
Quote from: "Spacedust"
1. /var/qmail/control/domainkeys
Thank you, but that I already knew... had to use it to setup the signing... what I meant was what kloxo file, script generates this key?

I don't want to manually have to remake all my keys - or I don't want to have to remake new keys for domains added.

Hope I explained well?

Thanks again!

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