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Messages - MRatWork

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Kloxo-MR Development / Re: Kloxo-MR for Centos 6
« on: 2013-01-16, 19:06:33 »
Still testing with new approach and new/modified script:

1. script 'fix-service-list' --> to fix 'real' services like 'php branch' listing on 'webserver config'

2. script 'mysql-convert' --> also checking mysql.servers table exists or not; if not exist will be create; importance when switch from mysql 5.0.x to 5.1.x+

3. script 'fix-qmail-assign' --> remove qmail/qmail-toaster will be make 'users assign' delete or rename and then can not access to mail server (wrong password); update from Kloxo Official to Kloxo-MR need step to remove qmail and then install qmail-toaster. Sadly, no facility for 'assign restore' from vpopmail/vpopmail-toaster except delete domain and then create. With this script, 'users assign' create again

4. Add mechanism for restart service --> before restart service (say it, httpd), kloxo check content of '/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/etc/restart/httpd'. If exist, kloxo will execute content of this file.
- Original/old restart process execute '/etc/init.d/httpd restart'
- Content of '/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/etc/restart/httpd' is '/etc/init.d/httpd graceful' and that mean Kloxo execute '/etc/init.d/httpd graceful' instead '/etc/init.d/httpd restart'

So, if someone want another process just changing content of '/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/etc/restart/httpd' to (for example) '/etc/init.d/httpd reload'

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: The connection was reset
« on: 2013-01-16, 16:07:27 »
Quote from: "Anik"
So guys, there is now two modification. with which i should stick with?
Marek, did you ever got that connection reset problem in browser after applying your graceful restart fix on your own server?
Mustafa, you can try Marek's fix if he is certain that this problem won't happen again.
I am now watching the server and will update with further information, because this problem do not occurs always.
I know about proposal. But, I don't like this approach where with this approach to modified init config file.

As we know, some services have 'restart', 'reload' and 'graceful'. But 'graceful' not always exists.

I have a plan (I hope implementing on next release), when Kloxo 'restart' (that mean running createRestart) certain service (say it, httpd) then Kloxo process this depend on 'restart' type ( 'restart', 'reload', 'graceful' or others) form 'listing' file.

Kloxo-MR Development / Re: Kloxo-MR for Centos 6
« on: 2013-01-16, 11:54:17 »
Need more time because 'standard' qmail-toaster use 'qmailctl restart' instead 'service qmail restart'. The same way for reload.
Badly, qmail-toaster have qmail as service and qmailctl as daemon service.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: The connection was reset
« on: 2013-01-15, 20:12:23 »
I hope you can try my modification.

I think, changing option on 'switch applications' and 'webserver configs' need restart service, but add/modified/delete domains (it's related to service configs) don't need restart service. Just enough reload.

If this modification running well, final release will be use this modification.

Kloxo-MR Development / Re: Kloxo-MR for Centos 6
« on: 2013-01-15, 17:25:39 »
Yes on Github and rpms.potissima.com possible as mirror.

Kloxo-MR Development / Re: Kloxo-MR for Centos 6
« on: 2013-01-15, 16:22:12 »
Wait until this day, new upload will be release with some bugs fixed.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: The connection was reset
« on: 2013-01-15, 16:20:17 »
Look inside '/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/htmllib/lib/lxserverlib.php' in 'function checkRestart()'

Code: [Select]
exec_with_all_closed("/etc/init.d/$cmd restart");

How about if change to:

Code: [Select]
// exec_with_all_closed("/etc/init.d/$cmd restart");

if (exec("service $cmd status | grep 'is running'")) {
exec_with_all_closed("/etc/init.d/$cmd reload");
} else {
exec_with_all_closed("/etc/init.d/$cmd restart");

It's mean if service status as 'running' just 'reload' and but if not running will be 'restart'

Mengapa tidak diset saja local domain, misalnya 'local.domain.com'.

Kloxo tidak peduli kok kalau domain itu tidak ada yang penting dns benar.

Quote from: "azulberi"
Terima Kasih petunjukknya...(WebIpList sudah tidak dipakai lagi karena pendekatan yang berbeda di Kloxo-MR.)
klo dengan kondisi di atas apa yang harus di set agar bisa di panggil dengan IP address bukan dengan namadomain..tq
Mestinya pakai ip tertentu di-assign ke domain (dummy domain).

Kloxo-MR Development / Re: Kloxo-MR for Centos 6
« on: 2013-01-15, 10:51:39 »
Quote from: "Viking"
No cp sites and webmail.

No webmail programs:

Roundcube, afterlogic, horde.....
You can not do re-install php, php53u, php54...
Try running 'yum install kloxo*'.

Indonesia Users / Beranda Indonesia subforum
« on: 2013-01-15, 10:46:39 »
Silahkan bicara-bicara santai di thread ini.

Indonesia Users / Re: [help] Nginxproxy + Wordpress
« on: 2013-01-15, 10:44:44 »
Quote from: "nusapenida"
Quote from: "MRatWork"
Juga ada masalah nginx-special rpm (ada tambahan beberapa modul seperti purge_cacahe) yang saya buat.

Biar aman pakai standard nginx saja dengan menjalankan 'yum replace nginx-special --replace-with=nginx'.

Kalau mereplace ke nginx standard, apakah URL rewrite akan tetap jalan seperti semula pak?

Tetap jalan. Cuma purge_cache yang tidak jalan.

Indonesia Users / Re: Bugs / Error & request New feature
« on: 2013-01-15, 10:43:44 »
Quote from: "awan"
Yupie akhirnya bisa berkunjung ke Forumnya om Mus lagi :D
setelah alam nggak onlen coba nggarap webnya pelanggan :D hhe..
Banyak uneg2 sebenernya pengen saya sampaikan tapi saking banyaknya ampe gak bisa disampaikan T.T

1 request saja :D
Ada gak om , Prototype / Mentahan /cource code Halaman admin Kloxo MR dalam bentuk CMS nya , atau istilahnya dapat diinstal di localhost windows..  ( pengen ubah table , td tr yang morat marit ke tag Div , Span & li ul ol )

sederhananya saja , untuk editing tidak perlu menggunakan linux lagi dan install Kloxo di Linux, soalnya banyak Dev. n Designer menggunakan Windows untuk editing Contentnya..

- bisa saja editing tapi waktu mau tes posisi dan codenya benar atau salah ini yang jadi permasalahannya -_- , ( masak harus upload ke VPS lagi )

Seperti saya , pengen editing Halaman admin beserta segala codingnya di Windows , tapi bagaimana caranya sya gak tau T.T
serta kalaupun install di Virtual OS , pasti akan sangat kesulitan belum lagi : lemot , koneksi untuk Proses  Installasi kurang memadai .
(* indonesia geto, Speed inetnya paling juga segitu segitu aja ) .

Coba saja lihat di file coredisplaylib.php dan htmllib.php. Dijamin pusing.

WebIpList sudah tidak dipakai lagi karena pendekatan yang berbeda di Kloxo-MR.

1. error yang muncul
2. dns setting
3. IP assign
4. dll

Kloxo-MR Development / Re: Kloxo-MR for Centos 6
« on: 2013-01-14, 23:47:33 »
Fresh running perfectly but still trouble for update from previous.

It's because so many 'waste' files make conflict to 'new' settings on Kloxo-MR.

For example. On previous setting, clamav, qmail, courier and spamassassin use separate config. On new setting, all setting enough handle by qmail via daemon.

But qmail-toaster have another issues especially related to softlimit setting. Default setting from rpm not enough.

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