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Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Scheduled bakcup - empty files
« on: 2015-10-05, 15:25:48 »

Kloxo 7. (updated in August) .

Manual bakcup would work just fine, however scheduled backup would create a gz file with two file sinside :
kloxo.file and

No other files inside .

/usr/local/lxlab/kloxo/log shows no obvious error (Also rotated logs in gz format are also emty files ! )

Any hint on what could it be ?

how can i remove all multiPHP packages and swicth back to standart branch 5.3 ? Normal selection in dropdowns - doesn't change anything.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo 7 / PHP-FPM BUG ?
« on: 2015-08-02, 16:58:29 »
OK, Installed multiple phps ,

Works for now , will report if anything goes wrong again.

Another question - If I'll need opcache to be enabled - how do i install it properly not to break things ? (I'll be using ONLY PHP 5.6 even tho it is installed as multiple) 


Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Kloxo 7 / PHP-FPM BUG ?
« on: 2015-08-02, 15:51:57 »

Just installed clean Centos 6 with klean kloxo-mr 7

Followed instructions to switch to Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.6 . - everything worked fine.

Then installed opcache and removed opcache later with yum . (need to make some tests)

Now , after restart - everything works fine. But after some time i'm getting errors from sites (smth like Call to undefined function mb_http_output() ) ..

After service php-fpm restart - everything wroks fine again for some time.

This is what i figured out :

phpinfo() :
After SERVER REBOOT shows config path :

Code: [Select]
Loaded Configuration File /etc/php.ini
Scan this dir for additional .ini files /etc/php.d
Additional .ini files parsed /etc/php.d/01-ioncube-loader.ini, /etc/php.d/20-bz2.ini, /etc/php.d/20-calendar.ini, /etc/php.d/20-ctype.ini, /etc/php.d/20-curl.ini, /etc/php.d/20-dom.ini, /etc/php.d/20-exif.ini, /etc/php.d/20-fileinfo.ini, /etc/php.d/20-ftp.ini, /etc/php.d/20-gd.ini, /etc/php.d/20-gettext.ini, /etc/php.d/20-gmp.ini, /etc/php.d/20-iconv.ini, /etc/php.d/20-imap.ini, /etc/php.d/20-intl.ini, /etc/php.d/20-ldap.ini, /etc/php.d/20-mbstring.ini, /etc/php.d/20-mcrypt.ini, /etc/php.d/20-mysqlnd.ini, /etc/php.d/20-pdo.ini, /etc/php.d/20-phar.ini, /etc/php.d/20-posix.ini, /etc/php.d/20-pspell.ini, /etc/php.d/20-recode.ini, /etc/php.d/20-shmop.ini, /etc/php.d/20-simplexml.ini, /etc/php.d/20-snmp.ini, /etc/php.d/20-soap.ini, /etc/php.d/20-sockets.ini, /etc/php.d/20-sqlite3.ini, /etc/php.d/20-sysvmsg.ini, /etc/php.d/20-sysvsem.ini, /etc/php.d/20-sysvshm.ini, /etc/php.d/20-tidy.ini, /etc/php.d/20-tokenizer.ini, /etc/php.d/20-xml.ini, /etc/php.d/20-xmlwriter.ini, /etc/php.d/20-xsl.ini, /etc/php.d/20-zip.ini, /etc/php.d/30-mysql.ini, /etc/php.d/30-mysqli.ini, /etc/php.d/30-pdo_mysql.ini, /etc/php.d/30-pdo_sqlite.ini, /etc/php.d/30-wddx.ini, /etc/php.d/30-xmlreader.ini, /etc/php.d/30-xmlrpc.ini, /etc/php.d/40-geoip.ini, /etc/php.d/40-json.ini

Code: [Select]
Loaded Configuration File /opt/php54s/custom/php.ini
Scan this dir for additional .ini files no value
Additional .ini files parsed /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/bcmath.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/curl.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/dom.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/fileinfo.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/gd.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/geoip.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/imap.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/intl.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/json.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/ldap.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/mbstring.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/mcrypt.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/mysqlnd.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/mysqlnd_ms.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/mysqlnd_mysql.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/mysqlnd_mysqli.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/pdo.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/pdo_mysqlnd.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/pdo_sqlite.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/phar.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/posix.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/pspell.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/recode.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/snmp.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/soap.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/sqlite3.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/sysvmsg.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/sysvsem.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/sysvshm.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/tidy.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/wddx.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/xmlreader.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/xmlrpc.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/xmlwriter.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/xsl.ini, /opt/php54s/etc/php.d/zip.ini

in php-error.log :
Code: [Select]
[02-Aug-2015 04:15:48 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: mcrypt: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20100525
PHP    compiled with module API=20131226
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[02-Aug-2015 04:15:48 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/mysqlnd.so' - /opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/mysqlnd.so: undefined symbol: zend_get_hash_value in Unknown on
 line 0
[02-Aug-2015 04:15:48 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/mysqlnd_ms.so' - /opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/mysqlnd_ms.so: undefined symbol: mysqlnd_globals in Unknown
on line 0
[02-Aug-2015 04:15:48 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/mysqlnd_mysql.so' - /opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/mysqlnd_mysql.so: undefined symbol: _mysqlnd_fetch_length
s in Unknown on line 0
[02-Aug-2015 04:15:48 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/mysqlnd_mysqli.so' - /opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/mysqlnd_mysqli.so: undefined symbol: mysqlnd_get_client_
version in Unknown on line 0
[02-Aug-2015 04:15:48 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: PDO: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20100525
PHP    compiled with module API=20131226
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[02-Aug-2015 04:15:48 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/pdo_mysqlnd.so' - /opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/pdo_mysqlnd.so: undefined symbol: mysqlnd_allocator in Unkn
own on line 0
[02-Aug-2015 04:15:48 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/pdo_sqlite.so' - /opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/pdo_sqlite.so: undefined symbol: php_pdo_register_driver in
Unknown on line 0
[02-Aug-2015 04:15:48 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/phar.so' - /opt/php54s/usr/lib/php/modules/phar.so: undefined symbol: zend_get_hash_value in Unknown on line
[02-Aug-2015 04:15:48 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: posix: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20100525
PHP    compiled with module API=20131226
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0

So it looks like somehow it restarts trying to load opcache php.ini , which is not installed anymore. Any ideas on how i can prevent this (and WHY this happened?). Also how it could be that restarting php-fpm fixed this ?

Notice that  NO PACKAGES of PHP 5.4 are installed but load path for php.ini changes to /opt/php54s/ ?

Awaiting, reply, will be good to get asap .
Thank you.


HI ,

Just donated via PayPal , via the link, however i could only donate 5USD . Make several links with bigger ammounts ;) 5/10/20/50/100

So i assume you suggest I use something else than xcache ? Could you maybe tell me which accelerator would be the best to use with my config ? (also would be good if it would be yum installable. Thanks.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Xcache does not cache any sites
« on: 2014-11-25, 03:32:59 »
Hi ,

My xcache only caches own files, but none of the sites appears to be cached (I used cache on Kloxo 6.1.19 with same sites - and it was caching fine) . Please see image attached. What could be wrong here ?

I've got Current Version:   6.5.0.f-2014102601  on 64bit machine

php53u, suphp, on apache.

I have installed phpu53-xcache with yum

php -v :
Code: [Select]
PHP 5.3.29 (cli) (built: Aug 14 2014 11:50:05)
Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies
    with XCache v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 2005-2013, by mOo
    with XCache Optimizer v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 2005-2013, by mOo
    with XCache Cacher v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 2005-2013, by mOo
    with XCache Coverager v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 2005-2013, by mOo

xcache config :
Code: [Select]
xcache.ini         [----] 12 L:[  1+ 6   7/ 35] *(85  / 898b)  110 0x06E
; FileSource: file/xcache,ini
extension = xcache.so

xcache.admin.user = "admin"
xcache.admin.pass = "MY MD5 PASS"

xcache.shm_scheme =        "mmap"
xcache.size  =              320M
xcache.count =                 2
xcache.slots =                4K
xcache.ttl   =                 0
xcache.gc_interval =           0
xcache.var_size  =            8M
xcache.var_count =             2
xcache.var_slots =            8K
xcache.var_ttl   =             0
xcache.var_maxttl   =          0
xcache.var_gc_interval =     300
xcache.test =                Off
xcache.readonly_protection = Off
xcache.mmap_path =    "/tmp/xcache"
xcache.coredump_directory =   ""
xcache.cacher =               On
xcache.stat   =               On
xcache.optimizer =            On

xcache.coverager =          Off
xcache.coveragedump_directory = ""

Just ran into same situation when trying to update 6.1.19 on i386 config

Code: [Select]
mratwork-ius-stable/primary_db                                                                                                                                                                                        |  76 kB     00:00
mratwork-litespeed                                                                                                                                                                                                    | 2.9 kB     00:00
mratwork-litespeed/primary_db                                                                                                                                                                                         | 165 kB     00:00
http://rpms.litespeedtech.com/centos/5/i386/repodata/4fcea5000991da9cbe1a5daca22fbe50334b8fde2723de5b63a8ca8838c393b7-primary.sqlite.bz2: [Errno -3] Error performing checksum
Trying other mirror.
mratwork-litespeed/primary_db                                                                                                                                                                                         | 165 kB     00:00
http://rpms.litespeedtech.com/centos/5/i386/repodata/4fcea5000991da9cbe1a5daca22fbe50334b8fde2723de5b63a8ca8838c393b7-primary.sqlite.bz2: [Errno -3] Error performing checksum
Trying other mirror.
Error: failure: repodata/4fcea5000991da9cbe1a5daca22fbe50334b8fde2723de5b63a8ca8838c393b7-primary.sqlite.bz2 from mratwork-litespeed: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

commenign lines does not help.  Any help ?
(For now i have disabled lightspeed repos, which helped, but still curious why this happened)

yep, looks like replacing this repo with .rpmnew solved the problem . Are there any additional things i have to test if smth got intelled form Centos 5 ?

Looks like i've got CENTOS5 mentions in updated mratwork.repo.

what should should i do ? I've got Centos 6.5

Hi All,

my mail stopped working, so tried removing and installing "yum install *-toaster"

it gives me :

Code: [Select]
Error: Package: spamassassin-toaster-3.4.0-1.4.4.mr.el5.x86_64 (mratwork-release-version-arch)
           Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.8.8)
Error: Package: courier-authlib-toaster-0.59.2-1.3.12.mr.el5.x86_64 (mratwork-release-version-arch)
           Requires: libltdl.so.3()(64bit)
Error: Package: perl-Mail-DKIM-0.39-1.el5.noarch (mratwork-epel)
           Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.8.8)

Is it possible some yum repos are missing ? What could be the catch ? Need fixing this asap, please.

Kloxo-MR Bugs and Requests / Backup fails on 6.5
« on: 2014-09-21, 22:14:32 »

Just installed KloxoMR on Centos 5 x86. Added one domain only . rebooted. all looks like owrking , however backup says :    program_interrupted , and i cant find a way what is happening!

this is my shell_exec:
Code: [Select]
[(__system__:/var/qmail/control/domainkeys/justatest.com) 'openssl'  'genrsa' '-out' 'private' '1024']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0: writing RSA key
 [(__system__:/var/qmail/control/domainkeys/justatest.com) 'openssl'  'rsa' '-in' 'private' '-out' '/tmp/lxtmp_rsagenEww0xk' '-pubout' '-outform' 'PEM']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'pure-pw'  'useradd' 'justatest.com' '-u' 'admin' '-d' '/home/admin/justatest.com' '-m']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: pure-pw usermod justatest.com -N '' -m
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'pure-pw'  'usermod' 'justatest.com' '-z' '0000-2359' '-m']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '0755' '/home/httpd/justatest.com']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '0755' '/home/admin/justatest.com']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chown'  '-R' 'admin:admin' '/home/admin/justatest.com']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '751' '/home/admin']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '771' '/home/httpd/justatest.com/stats/']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '0744' '/etc/webalizer/webalizer.justatest.com.conf']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '0744' '/etc/awstats/awstats.justatest.com.conf']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'file'  '-b' '/home/admin/justatest.com/skeleton.zipMZLIf4']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '0744' '/etc/webalizer/webalizer.justatest.com.conf']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '0744' '/etc/awstats/awstats.justatest.com.conf']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '0775' '/home/httpd/justatest.com']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '755' '/home/httpd/justatest.com/php5.fcgi']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '755' '/home/httpd/php5.fcgi']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chown'  '-R' 'apache:apache' '/home/httpd/justatest.com/stats']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chown'  '-R' 'admin:admin' '/home/admin/kloxoscript']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '750' '/home/httpd/justatest.com/__dirprotect']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '750' '/home/httpd/justatest.com/__dirprotect/__stats']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) '/home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain'  '-i' '7797' '-g' '7797' 'justatest.com' '-b' 'buUsYFZ' '-d' '/home/lxadmin/mail']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chmod'  '700' '/home/lxadmin/mail/domains/justatest.com/postmaster/.maildroprc']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'chown'  '-R' '7797:7797' '/home/lxadmin/mail/domains/justatest.com/postmaster/autorespond']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'df'  '-P']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: Closed Exec output:  :  /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/cexe/closeinput 'vgdisplay -c'
16:07 Sep/21/2014: 0:  [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) 'df'  '-P']
16:07 Sep/21/2014: Closed Exec output:  :  /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/cexe/closeinput 'vgdisplay -c'
16:08 Sep/21/2014: Background: (/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) '/opt/php52s/bin/php'  '../bin/common/backup.php' '--class=client' '--name=admin' '--v-backup_file_name=testing' '' >/dev/null 2>&1 &
16:08 Sep/21/2014: Closed Exec /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/cexe/closeinput '/etc/init.d/httpd graceful' >/dev/null 2>&1 &
16:08 Sep/21/2014: Closed Exec /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/cexe/closeinput '/etc/init.d/named force-reload' >/dev/null 2>&1 &
16:08 Sep/21/2014: Closed Exec /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/cexe/closeinput '/etc/init.d/php-fpm restart' >/dev/null 2>&1 &

and this is shell_err:
Code: [Select]
16:07 Sep/21/2014: : [(__system__:/usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs) '/home/vpopmail/bin/vdominfo'  '-d' 'justatest.com']

Again this is CLEAN system !

Any help ?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Bind updating error
« on: 2014-08-31, 15:58:49 »
Hi, on a clean VPS just installed kloxo-mr . however upon going through yum update - BIND package is bringing errors. I Have removed it with yum, and can't install it back as it says :

Code: [Select]
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package bind.x86_64 40:9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: bind-libs = 40:9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6 for package: 40:bind-9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libbind9.so.140()(64bit) for package: 40:bind-9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libisccc.so.140()(64bit) for package: 40:bind-9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libisc.so.142()(64bit) for package: 40:bind-9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libisccfg.so.140()(64bit) for package: 40:bind-9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libdns.so.142()(64bit) for package: 40:bind-9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: liblwres.so.140()(64bit) for package: 40:bind-9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6.x86_64
--> Running transaction check
---> Package bind.x86_64 40:9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: bind-libs = 40:9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6 for package: 40:bind-9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6.x86_64
---> Package bind-devel.x86_64 40:9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: bind-libs = 40:9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6 for package: 40:bind-devel-9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6.x86_64
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: 40:bind-9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6.x86_64 (mratwork-release-version-arch)
           Requires: bind-libs = 40:9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6
           Available: 32:bind-libs-9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6_4.6.i686 (base)
               bind-libs = 32:9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6_4.6
           Available: 32:bind-libs-9.8.2-0.23.rc1.el6_5.1.i686 (updates)
               bind-libs = 32:9.8.2-0.23.rc1.el6_5.1
Error: Package: 40:bind-devel-9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6.x86_64 (mratwork-release-version-arch)
           Requires: bind-libs = 40:9.10.0.P2-1.mr.el6
           Available: 32:bind-libs-9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6_4.6.i686 (base)
               bind-libs = 32:9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6_4.6
           Available: 32:bind-libs-9.8.2-0.23.rc1.el6_5.1.i686 (updates)
               bind-libs = 32:9.8.2-0.23.rc1.el6_5.1
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
 You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

how can i workaround this problem ?

Payed Supports and Donations / Donation idea
« on: 2014-08-17, 14:42:49 »

I have an idea on donations - as not may people are reading forums - place a top header banner in KLOXO itself asking for donation, which would be visible only for admin account. (You can also code another menu item in the list - "Donate")

Other source - register with hosting providers , get your refferal URL for selling hosting - and make those visible on your forum with a link from KLOXO header . So that people ordering new hosting could use you as a refferal, that would mean the price would stay same for them, but you would get some $ /per registration or even from monthly payments.

Not to be too intrusive, you can also code a box which would allow admins to hide the ad , until you ran out of money ;)


Kloxo-MR Bugs and Requests / Re: KLoxo MR was hacked
« on: 2014-07-04, 17:46:46 »
OK, I think i got it. It was hacked via Wordpress, uploading theme with PHP files that where used to populate infected files to all domains under admin.

So mostly sure it is a false alarm on kloxo MR hack. Please stay calm :)

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