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Como alterar nome passagem TAP Portugal?

A empresa aérea da Tap Air Portugal dá a oportunidade para que os seus passageiros possam fazer algumas alterações nos seus nomes, caso tenha ocorrido um erro quando estes estivessem a fazer as suas reservas de voo com a empresa aérea em si e este processo pode ser feito por diferentes modos que a Tap proporciona aos seus clientes, sendo assim, Os passageiros podem sempre ter Como alterar nome passagem TAP Portugal à partir das suas regiões através do atendimento ao cliente da empresa aérea em questão, onde estes poderão falar direitamente com um atendente da Tap pelo número de telefone aqui mencionado (), ou online, através do website oficial da empresa aérea em questão. Veja abaixo o processo de

como alterar seu nome online na Tap Air Portugal:

·         Acesse ao website oficial da Tap através do link que está presente aqui (https://www.flytap.com/pt-pt);
Em seguida, na parte superior da tela do seu computador, você deve clicar na opção minhas reservas;
·         Depois disso, você deverá meter o seu código de reserva de voo e o seu sobrenome;
·         Ao encontrar a sua reserva, você poderá ter como mudar o erro no seu nome.
Política de alteração de nome na Tap
Ao fazer sua alteração de nome na Tap, é necessário seguir algumas políticas. Confira abaixo:
·         A alteração do titular do bilhete não poderá ser possível na empresa aérea da Tap;
·         Os passageiros apenas podem corrigir erros ortográficos que tenham sido feitas ao fazer a sua reserva de voo;
·         Os passageiros também podem alterar os seus sobrenomes, nos casos de divórcios e outros.

Forum Announcements / Comment contacter Saudia Airlines ?
« on: 2022-12-23, 10:04:49 »
Comment puis je contacter Saudia Airlines ?

Si vous ne parvenez pas à vous enregistrer sur un vol Saudia Air via le mode en ligne. Vous pouvez alors contacter le service client d'Aérienne. Le service client vous aidera dans cette démarche ou vous fournira des informations. Mais si vous avez des doutes sur le Comment contacter Saudia Airlines ?Ensuite, vous pouvez lire l'article ci-dessus, vous obtiendrez les différentes façons de contacter la compagnie aérienne.

Appelez ça l'antenne de Saudia

Vous devriez accéder au site Web de Saudia Aerienne.   

Appuyez ensuite sur la section contactez-nous.

Choisissez le nom de votre pays et de votre région et vous obtiendrez le numéro de téléphone en conséquence.

Après cela, composez le numéro de téléphone 1-800-435-9792.

Sélectionnez votre langue préférée en appuyant sur 4.

Vous pouvez également communiquer directement avec le représentant Aérienne, en appuyant sur le 5.

Une fois que vous êtes connecté avec le représentant, vous pouvez poser votre question et obtenir la réponse rapidement.

Contactez Saudia Air par chat en direct:

Il est également possible d'entrer en contact avec le service client d'Aérienne via le chat en direct. Il vous suffit d'ouvrir la section contactez-nous sur le site officiel de Aerienne. Cliquez ensuite sur l'icône de chat en direct et entrez vos questions ou demandes dans la boîte de chat. Le représentant du chat en direct vous fournira instantanément les solutions à vos questions.

Suivez sur les réseaux sociaux:

Vous pouvez également joindre le service client de Saudia Aerial en suivant les réseaux sociaux. Ils vous aideront à fournir des mises à jour aériennes.





Was kostet es bei Eurowings einen Flug zu stornieren?

Manchmal wegen irgendwelches Notfalls oder einer wichtigen Arbeit stornieren Leute ihre Flüge, aber sie fragen sich danach, brauchen sie dafür auch zahlen. Brauchen Sie sich keine sorgen zu machen, wenn Sie Ihren Trip mit Eurowings geplant haben, da hier bekommen Sie sowohl wunderbaren Optionen zum Kontakt als auch viele andere Dienstleistungen. Falls Sie Ihren Flug stornieren möchten, aber Sie haben keine Idee, ob Eurowings verlangt die Stornogebühren dafür oder nicht, können Sie dann unten die Information darüber finden.

Wie kann ich meinen Flug mit Eurowings streichen?

Bevor Sie mit der Stornierung weitergehen, ist es besser sich mit den Richtlinien und den Stornogebühren in Vertraut zu machen. Wenn Sie nicht wissen, Was kostet es bei Eurowings einen Flug zu stornieren? Können Sie die Antwort darauf hier finden. Es kann circa von $100 bis $400 pro Passagier kosten. Wenn Sie den Flug online gebucht haben, bekommen Sie die Option von Online Stornierung über die offizielle Webseite. Falls Sie Ihren Flug durch einen Reiseberater gebucht haben, brauchen Sie direkt ihnen zu kontaktieren. Und wenn Sie an dem Flughafen die Buchung gemacht haben, brauchen Sie den Ticketschalter zu besuchen. Wenn Sie sich für online Prozess entschieden haben, können Sie den unten angegebenen Schritten folgen.
Besuchen Sie zuerst die offizielle Webseite von Eurowings bei der Link- https://www.eurowings.com/en.html
Klicken Sie auf ``Meine Trip`` Option.
Dann können Sie die Option von ``Stornierungen und Rückerstattungen`` finden.
Nachdem Sie darauf geklickt haben, können Sie sich bei eurowings einloggen.
Wenn Sie kein Konto haben, können Sie durch Ihre Buchungsnummer Ihre Buchung erhalten.
Selektieren Sie danach den Flug und klicken Sie auf die ``Stornierung`` Option.
Zahlen Sie die Stornogebühren, wenn Sie gefragt sind.

Comment contacter Southwest Airlines en France?

Southwest airline propose plusieurs modes de contact pour se joindre avec ses passagers.

Toutes les façons de contacter le service clientèle de cette compagnie aérienne sont mentionnés ci dessous:

Via appel telephonique :

C'est le mode le plus rapide et fiable, vous pouvez contacter le service clientèle de cette compagnie aérienne sur appel à n'importe quel temps comme le représentant est disponible 24h sur 24 et 7 jours du 7 pour aider les clients. Le service clientèle est joignable de n'importe quelle place. Le coût d' appel est de 0.24 € par minute pour appel domestique et 0.34 € par minute pour appel international  Comment contacter Southwest Airlines en France?. Vous pouvez prendre le numéro de téléphone du site principal de cette compagnie aérienne.

Via le chat en direct:

Le service clientèle est également joignable en ligne. Vous pouvez demander des informations. Vous pouvez rejoindre le service clientèle de cette compagnie aérienne du chat en ligne:

La procédure de chat en direct est expliqué ci dessous:

Premièrement, visitez le site officiel de cette compagnie aérienne.

Cliquez sur le  bouton de contact qui est visible en dessous la page d'accueil.

Accédez par l'icône de chat et commencer la discussion.

Forum Announcements / como reclamar en Latam
« on: 2022-12-21, 11:00:50 »
¿Cómo reclamar en Latam?

Los pasajeros que están preocupados por cómo reclamar en Latam, por cualquier razón que podría ser el equipaje perdido o encontrado o cualquier daño de la misma o alternativamente para el vuelo cancelado o retrasado. La solución de las mismas están a continuación dadas en este artículo que debes leer para ayudarte:

Rellene el formulario de reclamación: los pasajeros pueden rellenar el formulario de reclamación de Latam con la ayuda de los siguientes pasos:

Ir a la página web oficial del
Busque la página de contacto.
Allí encontrará el formulario de reclamación, haga clic en él.
Rellene primero sus datos personales, como el nombre y la dirección de correo electrónico.
A continuación, indique todos los datos de la reserva, como el código o el número de vuelo.
Seleccione sumotivo de la reclamación en la lista.
Da su número  de teléfono.
Si es necesario, proporcione el documento correspondiente.
Y envíalo directamente.
Recibirá la reclamación en un plazo mínimo de 14 días.

Los pasos que se dan arriba son tan simples y claros, si usted lo seguirá en orden entonces su trabajo se hará sin problema. Si desea más información, puede ponerse en contacto con el servicio de atención al cliente de Latam ¿Cómo reclamar en Latam?, que le orientará y le proporcionará la reclamación lo antes posible.

Comment puis je porter plainte contre Lufthansa ?

Si vous avez annulé votre billet d'avion de Lufthansa Aérienne et que vous n'avez pas été remboursé après 7 à 10 jours, vous voulez maintenant déposer une plainte auprès de Lufthansa Aérienne mais vous ne savez pas comment déposer une plainte contre Lufthansa? Vous pouvez donc lire l'article ci-dessous, vous y trouverez les moyens de déposer une plainte contre Lufthansa.

Par appel téléphonique

Vous devez d'abord composer le numéro de téléphone de Lufthansa Aérienne.

Vous entendrez ensuite la voix automatisée qui vous permettra de sélectionner votre langue et d'entrer en contact avec le représentant.

Fournissez les détails de votre réservation au représentant et faites la demande de réclamation.

Le représentant de l'Aérienne vous fournira immédiatement des informations sur votre plainte.

Par le site officiel

Vous devez d'abord accéder au site officiel de Lufthansa.

Sur la page d'accueil, cliquez sur la rubrique contactez-nous.

Ensuite, vous obtiendrez la section du formulaire de contact et de feedback, cliquez dessus.

Vous obtiendrez le formulaire sur lequel vous devez d'abord sélectionner votre sujet et remplir le reste du formulaire avec vos informations et soumettre.

Dans quelques jours, le service clientèle reviendra vers vous et vous fournira la solution.

Par le email

Le courrier électronique est l'un des moyens les plus commodes de déposer une plainte.

Vous devez d'abord trouver l'adresse électronique d'Aérienne dans la section "Contactez-nous".

Une fois que vous avez obtenu l'adresse e-mail, écrivez vos problèmes et vos plaintes et envoyez-les à l'adresse e-mail enregistrée.

Le service clientèle répondra à votre e-mail dans les 2 à 3 jours et traitera votre plainte.

Forum Announcements / How long is Spirit Airlines hold?
« on: 2022-12-08, 07:49:48 »
How long is Spirit Airlines hold?

Sometimes when you call spirit airlines, you need to put it on hold for a long time. It happens in cases like flight cancellation, delays, etc.; otherwise, the airline provides instant support without any hassle. If you doubt how long is Spirit Airlines hold? It might vary depending on the situation. However, the maximum time recorded is around 2-3 hours. You should always wait and then try calling again if it happens. Besides you can also opt for other contact options to connect with the airline. If you don't know how to call Spirit again, here are the simple steps.

Steps to contact Spirit Airlines agent over the phone

Dial the Spirit Airlines customer service number on mobile

Choose the language and follow automated guidelines

You can select the department on the first menu and then opt most appropriate options in the following menus

Say talk to a live agent and then wait on the phone call

After the live agent comes online, you can discuss the queries

If the waiting period is high and you are on hold for a long, you can also opt for the other contact option listed below.

Chat support

Email support

Social Media

Mailing address

By going through the information above, you must have got the answer: How long is Spirit Airlines hold? If you still have any doubts or need further information, you can either visit the official website of Spirit Airlines or talk to its representative 24/7.

How do I speak to someone at Virgin Atlantic UK?

Planning a trip sounds exciting, but the reality and struggle behind this remain unknown and go unnoticed by other people. From the time passengers purchase their flights from Virgin Atlantic to the time they reach their destinations. They face many hurdles and queries, and the first question that comes is how do I speak to someone at Virgin Atlantic UK, as the Airline is the only one who could solve the issues and help in making the journey comfortable. The best thing about planning a journey is that the passengers get to learn a lot from it, and it makes them even more confident for future flight experiences.

Follow the below methods to get through to Virgin Atlantic:
Via Phone Call:
Who does not agree that a phone call is indeed the best way to contact the Airline as it quickly connects the passengers to the solutions to the problems.

Via Live Chat:
Live chat has become an important medium ever since social media and the internet have existed. People are more comfortable on chats than on phone calls.

Via Email:
If the passengers are looking for an email option which might seem more official to them, then they could reach out to Virgin Atlantic through email as well. At this, the passengers might not get an instant response as it will take time, but they will be given complete attention and respond with firm solutions.

Via Social Media:
Social media is undoubtedly the famous and well-known medium to contact the Airline. It has become a habit of reaching out to the social media platforms of the concerned authorities and posting the query so that they could solve them for the passengers.

How do I get through to Virgin Atlantic?
The above information will make things easy for the passengers when it comes to how to get through to Virgin Atlantic for the solutions. For additional details, visit the official website of Virgin Atlantic.

¿Cómo se puede las fechas de los vuelos de Turkish Airlines?

Sobre algunos cambios en los planes de viajes si se desea hacer los cambios de las fechas de los vuelos entonces puede hacer los cambios de los vuelos a través de los medios diferentes para hacerlo pero el medio más fácil para hacer los cambios de la fecha es por el medio en línea entonces puede leer abajo para conocer este medio de hacerlo

El proceso de cambiar la fecha de un vuelo de Turkish Airlines

Cuando quiere la pregunta ¿cómo cambiar la fecha de un vuelo Turkish Airlines?

 entonces puede hacer los cambios de los vuelos desde esta aerolínea a través de medio en línea entonces leer al siguiente el proceso para hacer los cambios.

Haga una visita al sitio web de Turkish Airlines.
Desde la página primera del sitio web haga la selección de la opción “gestionar mis viajes” que está presente en la parte superior.
Ahora ver los campos para rellenar con los detalles de reservas.
Entonces rellene detalles como código de reserva y apellido de los pasajeros y click al continuar.
Ahora en la pantalla puede ver las reservas en la pantalla al que se dirige.
Click al reserva para que quiere hacer los cambios y click al cambiar.
En su cuenta de correo electrónico puede recibir un mensaje de los cambios de los vuelos.
Con esta información obtener la respuesta de ¿Cómo Cambiar la fecha de un vuelo Turkish Airlines?  Y si se quiere conseguir alguna asistencia más para hacer los cambios entonces puede hacer la llamada a atención al cliente y conseguir asistencia.

Forum Announcements / Como receber reembolso da Avianca
« on: 2022-11-29, 09:51:27 »
Como receber reembolso da Avianca?

O passageiro é livre de solicitar um reembolso caso cancele a sua viagem com a Avianca Airlines. Porém, na Avianca Airlines existe um regulamento que define o reembolso integral e o reembolso parcial do valor pago pelo bilhete, sobre isso você vai entender mais logo. Em relação à questão “como receber reembolso da Avianca”, existem 2 formas como você pode solicitar um reembolso da Avianca, pelo portal online ou através do serviço de atendimento da companhia aérea.

Reembolso pelo site da Avianca: Para solicitar um reembolso no portal online da companhia aérea, você deve acessar a seção de reembolso, preencher seus dados e os dados da reserva. Confira os passos abaixo:

Visite avianca.com

Clique na barra do menu no canto superior direito da página

Clique em reembolso

Preencha todos os quadrinhos e continue até concluir o procedimento do pedido de reembolso

Reembolso pelo serviço de atendimento da Avianca: Entre em contacto com o serviço de atendimento ao cliente da Avianca +57 1401 3434 e siga as orientações que se seguem:

Prima tecla 1, para registrar uma reclamação.

Prima tecla 2, para efetuar novo booking.

Prima tecla 3, para cancelar, alterar ou solicitar reembolso.

Prima tecla 4, para LifeMiles

Nota: O serviço de atendimento da Avianca está disponível 24h/7.

Politica de reembolso da Avianca

Como já havíamos mencionado antes, a Avianca possui um regulamento que define o reembolso integral e parcial do valor pago pelo bilhete de passagem. De acordo com a política da Avianca quanto ao reembolso, o passageiro pode receber um reembolso integral caso cancele a sua viagem 24h após o booking. Se cancelar a viagem fora do período aqui mencionado, o reembolso será feito de forma parcial.

Forum Announcements / How do I get JetBlue to call me back?
« on: 2022-11-28, 08:42:08 »
Get a call from JetBlue Airways simply.

You don’t have much time to call the live agent of JetBlue Airways. And for this reason, you want that option by which the customer service of the airlines calls you to resolve your difficulties. But they don’t know if the airline truly calls you to sort out all kinds of problems. Thus, yes, the airline calls you back whenever you need them. In addition, if you have any type of problem and do not have time to solve it, request a call back from JetBlue Airways.

Through the contact form, request a call back: request a call back from JetBlue Airways via the contact form. So, here are the steps for requesting that are:

Navigate the JetBlue Airways browser on your internet crawler

Further, move to the customer service tab under the official website.

After that, look for the contact form and click on that option.

The form opens, write your query and request a callback

Also, add the contact details and date or time to get assistance.

Submit the form to the airlines and further, and the airline will contact you on your preferable time.

Via email, request a call back:  for that, compose an email. You must enter the details of getting a call from the airlines and send the mail to support@jetblue.com. Further, the airline will contact you on that date and time to resolve all kinds of difficulties quickly.

Further, this article How do I get JetBlue to call me back helps you in solving all issues quickly by getting a call from the airline person.

How do I stop Microsoft from charging my card?

When you subscribe to Microsoft, most of the time, it is set for auto-renewal. In that case, your card gets charged to renew the existing subscription as soon as your subscription expires. However, in case you don't want your subscription anymore and wonder how do I stop Microsoft from charging my card? This article is for you only. Here you can check out the complete procedure listed below for your reference.

Follow the steps below to stop Microsoft from charging your card or cancel the subscription.

Go to the Services & Subscription option and log in to your Microsoft account

Make sure the account you log in to is the same as where you purchased the subscription

Now look for the subscription and select Manage

Now on the next page, select the cancel option; you can also get the option to upgrade or cancel based on the subscription type. 

You need to scroll down the page and follow further instructions on the screen to complete the cancellation. 

In addition to the online process above, you can also speak to the Microsoft representative directly to help you with the cancellation or stop Microsoft from charging your account. Besides, if you cannot cancel the subscription, here you can check out some troubleshooting tips below.

Troubleshooting tips if you cannot cancel the subscription

If you don't find the manage option but see 'Turn on recurring billing,' it means your subscription is not set for auto-renewal and will expire on the date displayed on the screen. In that case, you don't need to proceed with the cancellation options, as the subscription will automatically expire on the date mentioned on the screen.

Ensure you are signed in to the same account you used to purchase a subscription.

Make sure you update your payment method if required. To do that, you can go to the payment options available in your Microsoft account dashboard.

By going through the information above, you must now be clear about how do I stop Microsoft from charging my card. If you still have any doubts or need additional information, visit the airline's official website or talk to the Microsoft team directly.

¿Cómo se puede llamar Copa Airlines desde Costa Rica?

¿Quiere contactar el servicio al cliente de Copa Airlines desde Costa Rica? Pero no está seguro ¿Cómo llamar a Copa Airlines Costa Rica?  entonces en este caso se puede marcar el numero de telefono de la aerolínea y sigue los siguiente pasos que se indica a continuación:

Para comunicarse con Copa por teléfono, debe marcar el (506) 4000 0478
Tras marcar el número oficial de contacto de atención al cliente, la contestadora automática dará órdenes de llamada de voz.
Luego de presionar la tecla correcta, comuníquese con el ejecutivo de servicio al cliente de acuerdo a los comandos de voz.
Una vez que se haya comunicado con el departamento de administración, podrá explicar sus problemas y obtener las soluciones necesarias en muy poco momento.
Por lo tanto , de esta manera se puede conectar con Copa Airlines fácilmente y además de esto se puede hacerlo las 24 horas del día.

Forum Announcements / Can you upgrade seats on Ryanair?
« on: 2022-11-15, 06:33:20 »
Can you upgrade seats on Ryanair?

Once you have made the booking with Ryanair, then also, later on, you can make the changes to the reservation. For that, it is necessary to ensure that you have selected the “Manage Booking” option. Before upgrading the seat, you must ensure that you have gone through the upgrade policy. In that way, you’ll be able to avoid the extra charges. Then you can easily upgrade your seat.

Procedure to upgrade your seat:

You can upgrade your seat through the step-by-step guide which is provided ahead.

Get on Ryanair’s website.

Now you have to need to select the 'Manage to book' button.

Enter Ryanair’s booking code and the passenger's name on the ticket.

Now make the selection of the “Search” button.

Your booking will open up.

Select the “Upgrade seat” option.

A list of seats will come up.

Choose the centres which are suitable for you.

That is it. Once you have selected the seat, you’ll receive a confirmation email shortly.

Connect with the customer service team:

If you’re not very handy with the internet and still thinking about Can you upgrade seats on Ryanair? Then you have to follow the information ahead to get in touch with Ryanair customer service.

Via call:

You need to phone up the official Ryanair number.

Now you’ll come across the IVR menu.

It would help if you chose the options from the menu that are completely relevant.

Your call will be moved to the representative from Ryanair's customer service.

That is it. Now you only need to explain your query, and the executive will provide the solution without delay.

Forum Announcements / How do I complain to United Airlines?
« on: 2022-11-11, 11:14:50 »
How do I complain to United Airlines?

To make the Complaint, you need to call on the official number of United Airlines. Then the representative from the customer service team is going to help you out with the issue. To get the right help, you must follow the guide ahead. That will help you find the right way to make the Complaint, and at the same time, you’ll know the alternative ways to connect with them.

Ways to connect with United Airlines:

To connect with United Airlines to make the Complaint, you must make sure you have chosen the steps below.

Via call:

To make the Complaint, dial the phone number of United Airlines.

You’ll come across the IVR menu.

Choose the option of “Complaint” from the menu.

Your call is going to be passed to a human.

The complaints team representative will ensure you get the resolution without delay.

An alternate way to make the Complaint:

You can send the Complaint even on the official email address of United Airlines. For that, you can have a look at the information below.

Via email:

To make the Complaint through email, you need to compose the email as given below.

Open your email:

Now click the “Compose email” option.

Write your query.

Attach the documents which you think are suitable.

Send the Complaint to the United Airlines email address.

That is it. You have successfully made your Complaint. You only need to wait for seventy-two hours. Your Complaint will be answered soon. So, if you wanted to ask about How do I complain to United Airlines? Then choose the information above.

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