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Messages - rsakhale

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Kloxo-MR Bugs and Requests / Kloxo-MR Panel UI not loading
« on: 2018-04-10, 07:55:38 »

My server ran out of space due to scheduled backups eat up all space, so server was not accessible.

I had to delete incomplete failed backup files from

Code: [Select]

But now I am still not able to access the panel properly, here is the UI seen.

Can anyone please guide me here

Forum Announcements / Re: MR will be back
« on: 2018-03-04, 04:14:15 »
Yes. I will back soon.
Very glad to hear from you

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: The future of Kloxo-MR
« on: 2017-11-09, 12:15:31 »
Kloxo-NG is a good thought, regarding legal entities and management can be discussed as things progress, but I am interested in active contribution depending on time permits.

Very well experienced in PHP, server-side activities and front-end.

Being actively using Kloxo for 5 years now, though I don't know the in's and out's completely but can dig in to get started.

Would be happy to even continue with Kloxo-MR if @MR replies back, we are sure there are some personal/health issues with @MR and hence we didn't see him active, but let's hope for the best.

To get started with, someone if starts with Documentation part which is widely missed will really be very helpful.

Try running

Code: [Select]
sh /script/fixweb-all;sh /script/fixdns;sh /script/restart-all;

Try running below command

Code: [Select]
sh /script/fixdns;sh /script/restart-all;

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Health and status of Mustafa
« on: 2017-10-15, 14:15:13 »
Hope he is well, I see that hostspectra domain is also not active.

@mustafa get well soon  :)

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo-SSL for client login
« on: 2017-09-24, 09:30:24 »
How do you configure this redirect for port number?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo-SSL for client login
« on: 2017-09-20, 12:03:05 »
How do we set this main domain?

I attempted to try this, but didn't work

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Kloxo-SSL for client login
« on: 2017-09-19, 17:26:28 »
How can we add SSL certificate for client domain login like


I have set for the main domain, but how we do set for every domain?

Any other solution we can come for the same? As on client's machine, this could be a little panic considering in-secure file transfer.

While connecting to server using FileZilla getting this warning.

Using LetsEncrypt SSL certificate for the domain, screenshot as below

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Email throttling
« on: 2017-09-15, 05:25:52 »
Wow, sounds amazingly great.  ;)

After installing ntp, date and timezone is properly seen.

Shouldn't Kloxo-MR come with pre-installed ntp?

I got this fixed by installing ntp and enabling it with default configs.

Steps - https://www.prohost.be/centos-install-ntp/

Code: [Select]
yum install ntp
chkconfig ntpd on
ntpdate pool.ntp.org
/etc/init.d/ntpd start

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Email throttling
« on: 2017-09-14, 13:24:13 »
But in future, we can have this as a feature?

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