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Messages - idove

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this is now must do, after cleanup :).
I forget to do it again after update/cleanup and pure-ftpd doesn't work, anyway tnx for response.

Maybe mratwork can analyze and add this line to cleanup script or similar, tnx.

I'm using OpenStack on intoVPS I'm wondering how should I configure server on Kloxo?

My current configuration is:

# hostname -f
# server.example.com

my /etc/sysconfig/network

my /etc/host looks like

Code: [Select]   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4   centos centos.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

### begin - add by Kloxo-MR
77.81.*.* server.example.com server
### end - add by Kloxo-MR

In kloxo GUI, Mail server settings for My Name (Domain name) is:
Should I have server.example.com or just example.com or mail.example.com in this mail configuration in Kloxo panel?

In DNS I have configured
MX 10 mail.example.com
and also added for A,
mail A 77.81.*.*
server A 77.81.*.*
MX mail.exampe.com 10 (distance)

On a query from remote cli enter this command I get output:

Code: [Select]
#host example.com
example.com has address 77.81.*.*
example.com mail is handled by 10 mail.example.com

#host server.example.com
server.moj-server.info has address 77.81.*.*


I've recreated new server with latest kloxo MR and try to restore client and its domain, database, dns, emails, public_html.

I've discovered that best practice to restore is:
1. create same account
2. create same domain under account
3. copy restore file to /home/kloxo/client/clientname/_backup
4. select Backup/Restore, then on restore select this file (select/check all, client, domain and database)

Now restore process will restore everything, including DNS from old server. Now you must Rebuild DNS, but DKIM will be missing, now you need to added to your self and copy DKIM key manually from /var/qmail/control/domainkeys/example.com/public.txt

If you do not create firstly manual domain on new client, DKIM will not be created. New server, you must have new public DKIM key.
Then, if you do not select your domain in restore process, your data will not be copied.

So this procedure I wrote if somebody need it.

So this is good procedure when everything works.

'sh /script/cleanup;

*** Restart services - END ***
*** Process Time: 00:00:16:42.1002226 (dd:hh:mm:ss:xxxxxx) ***
 - run 'sh /script/fixdnsaddstatsrecord' to make sure dns records including
   'A record' for 'stats'
 - 'http://domain.com/stats' will be redirect to 'http://stats.domain.com'
[root@server ~]# supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd_remove/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd_remove/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd_remove/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd_remove/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd_remove/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd_remove/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd_remove/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd_remove/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd_remove/run: file does not exist

sh /script/clamav-installer

#cli >> Nothing to do
Seems fine.

' sh /script/fixmail-all'.

Done, seems fine.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Added to SPAMHAUS
« on: 2019-07-05, 19:02:14 »
Check all cron job. Googling to know where all cron files exists and then investigate them.

What do you assuming, that there is something in cron sending SPAM?!
I've checked all the cron files and nothing is suspicious.

Why do you ignore my previous post about HELO? You think that this is irrelevant?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Added to SPAMHAUS
« on: 2019-07-05, 17:57:36 »
I'm not sure why you are ignoring my problem, please assist, thank you.
Anyway here is again reply from abuseat.org why my IP address is blacklisted:


77.81.*.* is listed in the CBL, it tried to send email using too many
different domains in the HELO (domains: 6, FQDNs: 6, list:

In some cases it's a multi-domain capable mail server attempting to use
different HELO values for each domain. The domain used in a HELO should
reflect the name of the server, and it's owner, not the customer. In some
cases, it may make sense to use a single common domain, with different
subdomains for each customer. For example, "cust1.example.com",
"cust2.example.com" etc.


What can you advice? I have tested, and they are correct, I'm sending different HELO for different domain on the same IP server. How can I fix that? Is that a way Kloxo MR works? Is this wrong? Is this new feature (I recently upgraded server and Kloxo MR).

Here is how to test HELO:

And here there are suggestion for other panels:
PLESK >> https://www.abuseat.org/PleskAvoid.html
CPANEL >> https://www.abuseat.org/cPanel.html

Please assist,
thank you.

And for the end:
Strictly speaking, using different names in the HELO/EHLO from the same
IP address is not a violation of the Email RFC standards. However, it is
clear that the RFCs are intending that the HELO/EHLO identifies who owns
the mail server. Furthermore, using multiple HELO/EHLO names is highly
frowned upon in many mail sender Best Current Practise (BCP) documents,
such as those from the OECD and M3AAWG.

It is sometimes claimed that using a common name for the HELO/EHLO causes
problems with SPF/SenderID. Nothing could be further from the truth, as
witnessed by the fact that the very largest multi-domain hosters (such as
gmail, yahoo etc) use the same domains for all of their mail servers.


Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Added to SPAMHAUS
« on: 2019-07-05, 13:03:26 »
DMARC fixed,
and sendmail, all emails currently BANNED:

But still, today I get blacklisted again :(.

Code: [Select]
This IP address was detected and listed 56 times in the past 28 days, and 2 times in the past 24 hours. The most recent detection was at Fri Jul 5 09:25:00 2019 UTC +/- 5 minutes
I can't figure it out what was the trigger today at Fri Jul 5 09:25:00 2019 UTC +/- 5.

Is there possibility and reason that my server is sending multiple HELO for different domains on the same IP address?

Thank you.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Added to SPAMHAUS
« on: 2019-07-04, 21:03:16 »
No. DMARC didn't existed.

Now I remembered that I changed my domain name registration from name.com > namesilo.com, and DMARC, SPF and DKIM TXT dns data aren't on my server but must be on namesilo. Namesilo record edited.

Dmarc record should now be ok.

[!] DMARC Policy Not Enabled   DMARC Quarantine/Reject policy not enabled   
[OK] DMARC Record Published   DMARC Record found   
[OK] DNS Record Published   DNS Record found

Solved with:

# /usr/sbin/pure-uploadscript -B -r /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf

and then

# systemctl start pure-ftpd

Found "similar" solution here, just different folder for pure-ftpd.conf

After server update/upgrade I noticed also that pureftpd also doesn't startup.

Code: [Select]
systemctl status pure-ftpd
? pure-ftpd.service - Pure-FTPd FTP server
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/pure-ftpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: activating (start) since Thu 2019-07-04 18:41:38 CEST; 3s ago
  Process: 25685 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/pure-config.pl /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf --daemonize (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   CGroup: /system.slice/pure-ftpd.service
           ??25686 /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd --daemonize -A -c5000 -B -C8 -D -fftp -H -I15 -lpuredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb -lpam -L1...

Srp 04 18:41:38 server.mo**er.info systemd[1]: Starting Pure-FTPd FTP server...
Srp 04 18:41:38 server.mo**er.info systemd[1]: Failed to read PID from file /var/run/pure-ftpd.pid: Invalid argument

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Added to SPAMHAUS
« on: 2019-07-04, 17:27:37 »
Thank you, I knew for Email Auth. Both options SPF and DMARC were already enabled for all domains.

You don't think that multiple HELO is the problem? Can I manually disabled/handchange just for testing purpose?
Is there anything else I'm missing?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Added to SPAMHAUS
« on: 2019-07-04, 17:00:41 »
DMARC is enabled for that particular domain in settings, it is nok for this domain, how to fix it?
Code: [Select]
DMARC Policy Not Enabled
DMARC Quarantine/Reject policy not enabled

Anyway, I'm not sure how this is connected with the problem with multiple domains.
Is there any way to send HELO as server domain for all domains, can I manually change to send the same HELO for all clients/domains, multiple domains on this sahre hosting, VPS?

I have this problem after server upgrade/update, not sure if this is related or not.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Added to SPAMHAUS
« on: 2019-07-04, 15:23:28 »
I've checked on mxtoolbox and intodns, it seems alright to me
 I already sent you my domain to PM. Please check.


Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Added to SPAMHAUS
« on: 2019-07-04, 14:17:04 »
Yes, it is the same.
mo**er.info, in mail configuration and as rDNS.

Is it possible to change that every domain on server sends the same HELO? Where is that configured? Can I manually change?

Thank you.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Added to SPAMHAUS
« on: 2019-07-04, 11:54:14 »
Read https://www.network-box.com/faq-email-failure-e

Thank you I read it. Not sure what you try to tell me, I'm blacklisted because my client domains are sending emails to non existing emails (existing domains, non existing user)?

I'm confused, because as far as I understand, abuseat.org claims that my IP is added to their blacklist because I'm using too many domains in HELO when sending emails. They claims that it should be only one, domain of the server. Not the domain of the client of this server. My server name is mo**er.info, and this is also configured in mail server configuration.
Is that possible to achieve? I mean that HELO sends name/domain of the server, not the name of the multiple domains on this server.

Here is again their explanation:
Code: [Select]
77.81.*.* is listed in the CBL, it tried to send email using too many
different domains in the HELO (domains: 5, FQDNs: 5, list:
ab**ro.hr, ce**ic.hr, mo**er.info, mo**ka.net, te**ma.hr);

In some cases it's a multi-domain capable mail server attempting to use
different HELO values for each domain. The domain used in a HELO should
reflect the name of the server, and it's owner, not the customer. In some
cases, it may make sense to use a single common domain, with different
subdomains for each customer. For example, "cust1.example.com",
"cust2.example.com" etc.

Just addition to that, they recommending how to configure this options in
PLESK >> https://www.abuseat.org/PleskAvoid.html
CPANEL >> https://www.abuseat.org/cPanel.html

Is that possible for Kloxo, where qmail takes HELO value when sending email? Thank you.

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