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Messages - digitaltech

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GNU/Linux Helps / Re: lets encrypt
« on: 2016-09-18, 05:42:59 »
hi Mustafa,
I tried to install letsencrypt following other tutorials in this form but i failed. I also update it the pack how ever there is no ok button to confirm the creation of the certificate as shown in the attached file of this post.
i have lot of domains claiming this option. Help please
for details i use centos 6.5 and MR7 LAST RELEASE
server memory 2GB 
Many regards and thanks in advance

GNU/Linux Helps / Re: php.ini & .htaccess
« on: 2016-08-27, 09:57:59 »
Thank you for the advice, however i have to change allow_url_include from on to off?
which php.ini to configure?

GNU/Linux Helps / Re: php.ini & .htaccess
« on: 2016-08-23, 15:10:12 »
thanks for prompt reply, i am using kloxo-mr 7. just to confirm,  have to have edit opt/php.ini for any changes. is there any command to execute after editing php.ini  ?

thanks again Mustafa for support

GNU/Linux Helps / php.ini & .htaccess
« on: 2016-08-23, 14:17:25 »
dear Mustafa,
how to make every domain working seperately with its php.ini and .hataccess?
I notice that opt/php.ini is the master file for all domains in one server. as you know some scripts like wordpress/opencart/ elgg and others require specific setting for php. how to set this point without affecting the other domains.
I am using php54m as brach and used branch,multiple php is installed also and php-fpm_event

thank you in advance

many regards

GNU/Linux Helps / Re: force ssl redirect
« on: 2016-05-16, 11:23:28 »
thank you a lot
 Good luck for the next update  :)

GNU/Linux Helps / Re: force ssl redirect
« on: 2016-05-15, 15:06:00 »
Hi Mustafa;
I installed letsencrypt manually on one of my domains. i checked through https://www.digicert.com/help. everythig is fine only the following in bold.

OCSP Staple:   Not Enabled
OCSP Origin:   Good
CRL Status:   Not Enabled

how to  to enable OCSP Stapling for NGINX  on kloxo mr 7?
which config file should be edited ? etc/ngnix/ngnix.conf or default.conf?

many regards

GNU/Linux Helps / Re: force ssl redirect
« on: 2016-05-12, 17:25:38 »
done with success
thanks a lot mustafa

GNU/Linux Helps / force ssl redirect
« on: 2016-05-11, 05:39:51 »
how to cancel force redict http to https from ssh console
i cant access any more from the default port as for the ssl certificate is not yet installed
 thanks for help

GNU/Linux Helps / Re: lets encrypt
« on: 2016-04-23, 09:11:15 »
Hi mustafa,
Is there any tutorial how to add let's encrypt certificate manually on
It would help too much.
Thank you in advance

GNU/Linux Helps / Re: lets encrypt
« on: 2016-03-30, 01:18:08 »

GNU/Linux Helps / Re: ftp and ssh
« on: 2016-03-30, 01:16:14 »
Hi sir ,
Thank you for the clarification and sorry for delay to reply.
I noticed also with version MR7 lets encrypt is installed but it doesn't work as far as the script is missing validation button. I tried to install it through SSH, it worked fine for the domain  as result and I got the certificate in my server domain Live file but when I tested it doesn't work. I appreciate any help for that.
Many regards

GNU/Linux Helps / Re: ftp and ssh
« on: 2016-03-21, 07:51:02 »
Hi Sir
It  worked great and fast support

what do your recommend  as browser for ssh? i didn't check it yet with IE8


GNU/Linux Helps / ftp and ssh
« on: 2016-03-21, 02:27:16 »
Hi Mr. Mustafa
I am new to kloxorm7 however its great web control  :)
2 questions please to be answered at your time ease

first question
I created domain, registered with Registrar and made it as default. till here fine
I added ftp account (direct) with password and virtual path is the new default domain.
 using filezilla I always got
Error:   Authentication failed.
Error:   Critical error: Could not connect to serve
I used ftp protocol and sftp also
I assigned the information as follows
host : ftp://domain.com (virtual host)
username :ftp username (kloxomr7 created ftp user)
password:assigned password to user on Kloxomr7
port 21
is there any help or configuration in Filezilla is wrong?

Second question

SSH console does not load (chrome and jave is enabled)

Many regard and thanks in advance

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