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GNU/Linux Helps / Re: installation on subdomin
« on: 2015-07-10, 10:08:34 »
Hi ,
I removed the site from the server and then installed the Kloxo MR7 as mater and made the domain as default one for admin I am fine with it thanks.
however after installation some packages are not installed how it comes ?
how can i install those packages from command ssh
i inserted image of list of missed packages
many regards

GNU/Linux Helps / Re: installation on subdomin
« on: 2015-07-09, 06:16:58 »
For MRatwork
sorry for delay to reply
yes the domain is on server and subdomain also. all Dns records are set. domain is registred also subdomain dns is recorded too

GNU/Linux Helps / Re: installation on subdomin
« on: 2015-07-09, 06:12:31 »
How to install Kloxo MR 7 on subdomain (ex : demo.maindomain.com or maindomain.com/demo) using centos 6.5 32bit and domain name already created on the server

I tried to install it anyway i got this warning message
 WARNING: your hostname is 'my dropelt in digital ocean vps' and not match to FQDN
  - It's must be like 'server1.domain.com' instead 'server1'

  - For VPS, change 'hostname' in VPS panel and then reboot
  - For Dedicated Server, change 'HOSTNAME' in '/etc/sysconfig/network
    and then reboot

  Verifying  : kloxomr7-7.0.0.b-2015070802.mr.noarch                        1/1

  kloxomr7.noarch 0:7.0.0.b-2015070802.mr

By the way I dont have vps panel to do those changes for the hostname
is this command helps for that:
hostname mysubdomain.domain.com

GNU/Linux Helps / installation on subdomin
« on: 2015-07-03, 08:37:49 »
How to install Kloxo MR 7 on subdomain (ex : demo.maindomain.com or maindomain.com/demo) using centos 6.5 32bit and domain name already created on the server

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