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Topics - sandipcd

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Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Suddenly Login Unsuccessful
« on: 2015-05-04, 16:34:40 »
I have change Apache Server Optimization from Default to High, in Webserver Configure through admin access. After that suddenly Kloxo-MR panel all user login has been disabled. Even admin user also disabled. It is showing error box - Login Unsuccessful. Static website is showing Kloxo-MR default page and drupal website showing error.

I have access SSH.

How can I find what is the problem?

Kloxo-MR Tips and Tricks / Security Tips
« on: 2015-05-01, 16:38:02 »
Hello MRatWork,

Can you please recommend "list of security tips" for Kloxo-MR panel, CentOS 6 and CMS website (which will be host on Kloxo-MR panel)?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / MySQL Error
« on: 2015-04-27, 19:28:18 »
I am upload a Drupal Database in mysql and getting error related to max_allowed_packet.

So how can I increase max_allowed_packet for Mysql?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / PHP Configuration Not Update
« on: 2015-04-27, 15:02:29 »
In admin I have set PHP configuration and then created a Resource Plans and also Add Customer. But after adding customer when I edited the PHP configuration in admin and rename the Resource Plans, it is not updating in Customer Panel.
But the new customer I have added after editing the php configuration & resource plans, they got the updated version of php configuration.
I have tried to restat by command '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' and 'service httpd restart'.

But the issue does not solved.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / File & Directory Permission
« on: 2015-04-25, 21:17:29 »
I need to change directory and file permission through Kolxo-MR panel.
Because I am using Drupal. And in settings file (where all database username & password written), I want to edit that file.
Currently the setting files has 444 permission. I want to set it 644, and after editing again I will turn it to 444. This file ownership is the current user.

But the problem is, when I am trying to change the permission, it does not changing.

How I can change file permission through Kloxo-MR?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Webmail Page blank screen
« on: 2015-04-25, 16:42:21 »

When I am opening http://webmail.ultraso.com/ and choosing the any mail application, it is showing blank screen.

Following steps I have made -
1) Webmail Application > select -chooser-
2) Run command 'yum reinstall kloxomr-webmail*; sh /script/fixmail-all'

print screen of DNS - http://websiteform.tk/kloxo-dns-services3.jpg
print screen of system info - http://websiteform.tk/kloxo-inform1.jpg
DNS health check - http://dnscheck.pingdom.com/?domain=ultraso.com

How I can solve this problem?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / IP address block in Kloxo-MR
« on: 2015-04-24, 06:21:30 »

I have mistakenly given only my computer dynamic IP address in allowed Ip address list. And today I can not login in Kloxo-MR.

Alert: not_in_list_of_allowed_ip []

How I can solve this problem?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / How to set name server?
« on: 2015-04-23, 16:38:20 »
How to set name server and DNS configuration?

I have read this (http://forum.mratwork.com/kloxo-mr-tips-and-tricks/(tip)-how-to-set-dns/) but this is for two server.

I have one server, and here will be domain name, sub domain name, mail, ftp and database. The details setting given below -

Hostname in server provider - server2hosting.tk
IP address from server provider - got only 1 IP
RDNS - set to their server default (195-154-97-aaa.rev.poneytelecom.eu.)
DNS Template name in Kloxo-MR - server2hosting.tk.dnst

In DNS template added same IP address to Web IPaddress & Mail IPaddress.

Primary DNS server written - ns1.server2hosting.tk
Secondary DNS Server writen - ns2.server2hosting.tk

Below is the DNS Records Under server2hosting.tk.dnst -

base - A   -   195.154.97.aaa
cp - A   -   195.154.97.aaa
ftp - A   -   195.154.97.aaa
mail - A   -   195.154.97.aaa
ns1 - A   -   195.154.97.aaa
ns2 - A   -   195.154.97.aaa
lists - CN   -   mail
webmail - CN   -   mail
www - CN   -   __base__
imap    - FCNAME   -   mail.server2hosting.tk.dnst
pop   -  FCNAME   -   mail.server2hosting.tk.dnst
smtp - FCNAME   -   mail.server2hosting.tk.dnst
__base__    - MX   10   mail.server2hosting.tk.dnst
__base__    - NS   -   ns1.server2hosting.tk
__base__    - NS   -   ns2.server2hosting.tk

And then I created an account and in that account created domain name - http://bedbreakfast.tk.

In http://bedbreakfast.tk domain name provider panel, I have added name server - NS1.SERVER2HOSTING.TK, NS2.SERVER2HOSTING.TK.

But http://bedbreakfast.tk is not working and showing error - "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN".

Can anyone please help me to solve this problem? I am beginner and eager to learn.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Koloxo-MR browsing
« on: 2015-04-23, 07:04:56 »
I have installed Kloxo-MR Control Panel as per your instruction. But when I try to browse in google chrome – http://195.154.97.XXX:7778/, it is showing error “ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT”.

What is the solution?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Kloxo-MR Demo
« on: 2015-04-16, 06:12:27 »
Is there any way I can see technical Demo of Kloxo-MR web hosting panel (for customer, reseller and admin user)?

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