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Messages - I<3Kloxo

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Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Kloxo-mr is dead
« on: 2020-07-01, 01:58:21 »
Guys Mustafa is ok, I don't know if he traveled somewhere but he texted me.
He told me he would be back in the seventh month of this year.

I leave you a print screen:

Don't forget to donate something to this man via PayPal.

Payed Supports and Donations / Re: Donation
« on: 2019-07-13, 02:57:58 »
Helo Mustafa,
I just donated $ 10 to you. Thank you for this wonderful project and on excellent support.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: How to Install MySQL Database
« on: 2019-01-22, 02:39:15 »
Now I know where is the problem.
When I type 'sh /script/mariadb-to-mysql' then the next happens, is uninstalled 'MariaDB' and it does not installed 'MySQL'. In the end I do not have a base.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: How to Install MySQL Database
« on: 2019-01-21, 23:56:08 »
please clear cache of your brower

It does not work, this has nothing to do with caching.
After installing new fresh Kloxo-MR 7 panel I enter the command 'sh /script/mariadb-to-mysql'
After that I restart the VPS. After all this I get an error:
Warning: session_start(): Session data file is not created by your uid in /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/login/index.php on line 5

*** Token not match. No permit for remote login. Go back to login page ***

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: How to Install MySQL Database
« on: 2019-01-18, 23:21:06 »
myriaDb is a same as mysql.

U can use mariadb as mysql.

if u want to convert, use sh /script/mariadb-to-mysql

Thanks for your answer but I have to tell you it does not work.
When I type 'sh /script/mariadb-to-mysql'
... after that I can no log in on Kloxo-MR panel and I get the error:

Warning: session_start(): Session data file is not created by your uid in /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/login/index.php on line 5

.. and this error also:

*** Token not match. No permit for remote login. Go back to login page ***

It means after converting 'MariaDB' to 'MySQL' these two errors are made and it is not possible to log in on Kloxo-MR panel. :(

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / How to Install MySQL Database
« on: 2018-12-30, 02:30:15 »

Can anyone tell me how to install 'MySQL Datebase'? Please look at the img:

I do not need 'MariaDB Datebase' I only need 'MySQL Database'.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Stopping kloxo service
« on: 2018-03-26, 22:19:58 »
No one knows the answer?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Stopping kloxo service
« on: 2018-03-23, 14:58:29 »
It worked before command 'service kloxo stop'
When I enter the command vía Putty 'service kloxo stop' I get error:
kloxo: unrecognized service

I'm interested in how I can stopping kloxo service and after how it can be started ?


I did the in this way:
'yum install mod-pagespeed-stable'

... and then I turned on 'pagespeed mod' here:
admin -> switch programs -> enable pagespeed


I own KVM VPS and i have a problem with vps becouse it shutting down himself.
I just find it shut down and I do not know why it shutting down, what is the reason?

I was talking about it with my VPS hosting support and they told me it was not their problem.
I wonder how I can find out why my KVM VPS shutting down. Sometimes it passes for 7 days and he shutting down and sometimes only 2 days.  :-\

Is there a way (or some option, configuration) in Kloxo-MR panel to upload Landing Pages to a super fast. I mean to be a web pages super fast opening.


Forum Announcements / Re: MR will be back
« on: 2018-03-01, 20:07:59 »
Yes. I will back soon.

Well done! Finally! Im so HAPPY  ;D ;D ;D

Forum Announcements / Re: MR will be back
« on: 2018-02-25, 19:35:24 »
I got a message from Mr. Mustafa :) on facebook. So chill guys.

He just needs a small break. cheers

I tried several times to find him on facebook and I never did  :-\
There are plenty of people with his name "Mustafa Ramadan" but none corresponds to his description.

In any case, he could leave a message here in the forum and write "Guys I got tired I need a break." It takes 2-3 minutes and everyone would know that nothing bad happened to him (someones thought he had died) and that the project Kloxo-MR is dead.  :-\

Forum Announcements / Re: MR will be back
« on: 2018-02-25, 02:27:14 »
Hi friend,

Please don't panic, He will soon back with the boom. MR Just need some rest.
Guys try to donate 1 or 2$ as your strength. :)

When you write such things you always have to be more precise.
You have to write from where you heard this information, who told you. It's stupid to write such things and does not specify the source of information. Be serious!  ;)

I completely agree with a neo76. Anyone has time 2-3 minutes to open a new post and write "Guys, I will be away for 6 months I have a lot of work" or something like that.

Not keep water your information!

Best regards,

Kloxo-MR Tips and Tricks / Re: Alternative to Kloxo-MR
« on: 2018-02-25, 02:16:01 »
Has anyone heard of 'Ajenti Control Panel' and is someone has experience with this CP ?

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