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Messages - wira4ce

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Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: FTP issue
« on: 2013-02-22, 17:26:07 »
After looking into all setting and configuration, I found a fix for this issues. atleast it work for me and no more annoying mail delivered to my mailbox.

Here the fix, after fresh installation of Kloxo MR. You need to disable "Anonymous Ftp". It located on
Code: [Select]
Server > FTP Config > UNTICK "Enable Anonymous Ftp" > Update
and you are done. no more email. again do not disable monitoring on watchdog. :)

ps : took from my previous post on : viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1337&start=30#p3523

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: webmail issue
« on: 2013-02-22, 17:24:39 »
Quote from: "WISTFUL"
wow! I think I've found the solution!

After changing FTP port, I disabled port 21 from watchdog by click on Servicename and uncheck Status without any problem and did not get anothe System Monitor email!
Is there any problem with my action?

That is not the solution. thanks for guided me to this topic.
After looking into all setting and configuration, I found a fix for this issues. atleast it work for me and no more annoying mail delivered to my mailbox.

Here the fix, after fresh installation of Kloxo MR. You need to disable "Anonymous Ftp". It located on
Code: [Select]
Server > FTP Config > UNTICK "Enable Anonymous Ftp" > Update
and you are done. no more email. again do not disable monitoring on watchdog. :)

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: FTP issue
« on: 2013-02-22, 17:08:41 »
I found solution without need to disabled the monitoring task. As disabling it will not notify your as admin if anything happen on your ftp system. Therefore after a while trying with the configuration I found the easiest way to disable it. As now no any single mail from ftp monitoring after applied it. I will reply how to fix this problem on your link above. t

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: FTP issue
« on: 2013-02-22, 15:59:58 »
sadly I also got same email over and over again. my mail is full with that mail. over 5k system monitor email been sent to me.

any fix anyone?

Quote from: "arwa99"
saya barusan upgrade ke kloxo-mr, tetapi muncul eror.
itu terjadi di semua domain di satu vps.
Ini tampilannya


saya baru selesai install wordpress. mulanya masalah yang sama. caranya. remove semua file dalam directory domain. (  /home /admin / earcandletherapy.com/ ), kemudian upload semula file yang udah dibackup dan extract di situ.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Kloxo-MR RAM Optimization
« on: 2013-02-18, 22:20:16 »
Howdy and good day,

I am happy when I am able to make Kloxo-MR running in VPS so great without problem. importing and exporting database is great and fast without any error. After done with data restoration from old kloxo lxcenter to Kloxo-MR, I found out that the consumption of RAM is slightly different, as last time I did tweak on my old kloxo lxcenter. Therefore I was wondering what the best way to optimizing RAM consumption without losing website load performance. Especially when website getting more and more visitor, the consumption of RAM will be huge! I believe that Kloxo-MR able support thousand of visitor without losing so much RAM. I would be thankful and happy if anyone could share any tip & tweak here.


About Forum Members / My First Impression on Kloxo-MR
« on: 2013-02-18, 15:21:55 »

Today I am been introduced to Kloxo MR by it developer Mr. Mustafa, he guide me on how to install. As far as concern, the installation process of MR is more direct and easier compare to Lxcenter Kloxo. No error was found during the installation process and with dual php working as one making any web script running as great as they should.

Currently I am running Kloxo MR using CentOS 6.2 with the latest build Kloxo MR (6.5.0.c.2013021802). All the best for Kloxo MR! This should be no 1 hosting Panel!

Thanks!  :D

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