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Kloxo-MR Bugs and Requests / No cron jobs?
« on: 2017-07-13, 18:16:24 »
I am not able to see Cron jobs under kloxo 7, when I login as customer. How to add cron jobs in client panel?

Kloxo mr is a brilliant software. I use it on many of my servers.
Mostly I have version 6.
However, now I have started using version 7 because it has so many excellent features like free SSL.

On kloxo mr 7, This error is received whenever a new client is added [when trying to access first added domain]:
 [error] [client x.x.x.x] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server

I have 2 servers, it happens on both.
One was upgraded from kloxo-mr 6 and the other is fresh install of kloxo-mr 7.
Both are on Centos6, 64 bit.

The error goes when following 2 commands are run:

  • fixweb-all

However, alarming thing is that this happens for every new account, without fail.
I think this is due to some php-fpm issue. However, no clue what causes this.

I have added password protection to a directory.
Added user and password.
But on my website I keep on getting login box, the username and password does not work.
It keeps on asking for login info.
I am facing this problem for a very long time, and several updates of kloxo have not been able to correct it.
Please help.

I have  kloxo setup on old server, and a new Kloxo MR setup.
I want to export and individual account from Kloxo server and import to KloxoMR server.
The problem is that the client name is more than 12 characters long.
I am trying to manually create a new account on KloxoMR, then planning to run restore using the exported dump file, taken from old Kloxo.
But I am stuck at the first step.
On KloxoMR I am not able to create account since name is more than 12 chars long. I am getting error name_cannot_be_more_than_12_char
What is the solution to this?

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