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Topics - 1234homie

Pages: [1]
Kloxo-MR Development / Kloxo lxPHP
« on: 2014-01-31, 23:24:27 »
Why kloxo use old php 5.2 in lxphp? Kloxo should always get current php binary in the same way as domains directory.

By default kloxo is setup on ports :7777/-8 so we can get there by pass:


It's good but for additional "extra" layer of security I suggest to do something like:


So when someone try to bypass all ports to find our panel and do some "dirty things", this person will need also to know what is "our dir" to display panel which is practicaly impossible. "dir_name" should be simple configurable directory name editable via kloxo panel.

It's more like a suggestion, enjoy to comment.

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