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Messages - webhost2000

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Install but does not work

Which Centos is best for kloxo?
I am installing from my VPS control panel.

CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor.

CentOS conforms fully with the upstream vendors redistribution policy and aims to be 100% binary compatible. CentOS mainly changes packages to remove upstream vendor branding and artwork.

CentOS is developed by a small but growing team of core developers. CentOS is free.


No change

Also , if I run sh/script/cleanup  got the message bellow.

supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd/run: file does not exist
Modify message


After  reboot and then running 'sh /script/upcp -y' ,it works well.When I run the script ,it said kloxo is newly installed . But it does not .It works current password .website.

But the problem has not solved yet.

I run sh/script/cleanup  got the message bellow.

supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start clamd/run: file does not exist


I use this tips
Final solution if you fail to stop the process :

#rm -f /var/run/yum.pid 2600


then update your yum

# yum -y update


Make sure that yum-updatesd is started :

#/etc/init.d/yum-updatesd status

# /etc/init.d/yum-updatesd start


Also,when I use   sh /script/cleanup  command ,it stops when it comes to DNS

Update Services Branch List
- List for 'dns' branch
[7]+  Stopped                 sh /script/cleanup

# cat /etc/*release; uname -m
CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
CentOS release 6.6 (Final)

# dir /etc/yum.repos.d
CentOS-Base.repo  CentOS-Debuginfo.repo  CentOS-Media.repo  CentOS-Vault.repo  CentOS-fasttrack.repo  mratwork.repo  vz.repo

              yum clean all

This command also not working . Getting message like that
 Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...

Also following your suggesting from here.

Pls. suggest me

sh /script/sysinfo

This command does not work.

My kloxo VPS ip is

I want to set my domain as name server. So my domain mycompany.co.uk

On my domain register ,I set up


on kloxo  DNS Records {DNS Template}

__base__   A   -   x.223.3.243
   cp   A   -   x.223.3.243
   mail   A   -   x.223.3.243
   ns   A   -   x.223.3.243
   ns1   A   -   x.223.3.243
   ns2   A   -   x.223.3.243
   ftp   CN   -   __base__
   lists   CN   -   mail
   webmail   CN   -   mail
   www   CN   -   __base__
   __base__   MX   10   mail.ns78.dnst
   __base__   NS   -   ns1.mycompany.co.uk
   __base__   NS   -   ns2.mycompany.co.uk

But website is not working.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Kloxo MR-Website is not working
« on: 2014-07-12, 13:33:00 »
My Kloxo mr website is not working.

What I sholld do.

I received a email from my VPS provider about ' Suspected Malicious Activity Malware-DDoS'

My server is centOS 5 + Kloxo-MR

Originating URLs of Malicious Activity

Malicious content:
ip address/file.php

How to check and find the problem

Thank You.The problem has solved. Website is working now.

But other question,what should I do
For BACKUP,i take backup from control pael admin account.I belive it cover all other account.
For extra security , it any problem of backup file ,if I want to copy the folder ,which folder should I copy?

If I copy home folder ,it it cover website +email+dns settings ,in case of any trouble?

Not Working
I have done  the following

localhost {Switch Program}

    Webserver Config   
PHP Branch--php_as(5.2.17) thelowest one from the combo box
Fix 'ownership' And 'permissions'---fix all

than reboot from the control panel.

I am doing this now.
For BACKUP,i take backup from control pael admin account.I belive it cover all other account.
For extra security , it any problem of backup file ,if I want to copy the folder ,which folder should I copy?

If I copy home folder ,it it cover website +email+dns settings ,in case of any trouble?

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