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Messages - luckytanuki

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Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Re: Health and status of Mustafa
« on: 2017-10-17, 13:24:54 »
Definitely odd.

I'd suggest anyone who wishes to keep using Kloxo-MR make a fork from Github and download a copy of the rpm repo (http://rpms.mratwork.com/repo/mratwork/) while you can.

That will ensure at least that the Kloxo-MR code and source/build files for the mr rpms are not lost if Mustafa never returns.

Hope this helps.

I've been having similar issues with AWS EC2 instances .

I was able to resolve the problem by editing /var/qmail/control/outgoingips to change the Public IP address (Elastic IP) to the Private IP address.

Then when qmail sends from the Private IP, it gets translated back to the Public IP.

Now looking for a way to set outgoingips without have to manually edit the file. 

Update: I've just noticed that you can set the file  /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/etc/flag/manualoutgoingips.flg to flag an override on the auto updating of outgoingips.   

Thanks, that looks like it would fix it. Will let you know when I've had a chance to test it,


Done all that. Problem is still str_replace as it does a global match

This is hard to reproduce as depends on the order of records in the vpopmail table.

For the bug to appear two conditions must be meet.

1. The email name occurs in the domain name eg fred@frednerk.com
2. The email address it the last record for that domain in the vpopmail table

Here is a small proof of concept:
Code: [Select]

"source path: ".$path."\n"

//Calculate path with str_replace 
$newpath=str_replace("/" $name''$path);
"str_replace method: ".$newpath."\n";

//Calculate path with str_replace
$newpath2=preg_replace('/\/' $name.'$/'''$path);
"preg_replace method: ".$newpath2."\n";

source path: /home/lxadmin/mail/domains/firstnamesurname.com/firstname
str_replace method: /home/lxadmin/mail/domainssurname.com
preg_replace method: /home/lxadmin/mail/domains/firstnamesurname.com

Hi Mustafa,

I have a fix for a bug in fix-qmail-assign.php .

Yesterday I upgraded  to 7.0.0.b-2016021403 and  had a problem where mail users from one domain where made in the root folder. All other users were ok.

The problem was a incorrect folder setting in /var/qmail/users/assign

The correct path value should be

But /var/qmail/users/assign had the value

It was cause by a line in fix-qmail-assign.php

The error occurs when the email name was in the domain name


where $row['pw_name'] = 'firstname'


 $row['pw_dir'] = '/home/lxadmin/mail/domains/firstnamesurname.com/firstname'

$n[$row['pw_domain']] = str_replace("/" . $row['pw_name'], '', $row['pw_dir']);



as it removes all occurrences of firstname from the path

The fix is to make the string replace only work on the end of $row['pw_dir']

$n[$row['pw_domain']] = preg_replace('/\/' . $row['pw_name'].'$/', '', $row['pw_dir']);



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