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subject says it all. Button appears in Feather skin to logout, but clicking on it does nothing!
Tried multiple browsers (Firefox/Chrome/Internet Explorer) but none work.
Switching skin to Simplicity makes Logout button change to Logout link and that *does* work OK.
I prefer Feather skin. Please fix.

This problem is exists on version Kloxo-MR 6.5.1.b-2014060401

I have two mailboxes set up on the same kloxo-mr server (currently 6.5.1.b-2014041203). Both mailboxes have worked since this server was on 6.5.0 and have continued to work throughout several 6.5.1.b upgrades. Now, one of them is no longer working, but the other still is.

When I send to the non-working one I get:

Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.

Remote host said: 550 5.1.1 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (chkuser) [RCPT_TO]

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

I have tried various reboot, cleanall, restart-mail, restart-all, manual stop/start of qmail, reboot again
all to no avail.

What to fix?

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Fatal error when upgrading
« on: 2014-04-13, 00:24:44 »
I get Fatal error: Class 'mysqli' not found in /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/lib/php/sqlitelib.php on line 59

when I try to load http://mydomain.net:7778 or https://www.mydomain.net:7777/

have tried various yum cleanup, yum upgrade, yum update, upcp, etc. to no avail



I have tried updating from 6.5.1.b-2014032501 to 2014040405 but now cannot log in to control panel.
I get error message:

Fatal error: Class 'mysqli' not found in /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/lib/php/sqlitelib.php on line 59

I have only done this on my development server so far, my production servers are still running 2014032501


I recently upgraded from 6.5.0.f to 6.5.1.b-2014031701 and now I can't add my SSH key. When I navigate to the SSH Authorized Key option, the box appears to paste in the key but when clicking the 'Add' icon the key disappears but is never added. I have tried this with both Feather skin and Simplicity but no difference. Server reboots and /script/cleanup; /script/upcp; /script/restart-all have all not resolved it.

Feels like a bug. Any solution?

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