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Facebook is a leading platform in the social media and networking industry. It allows you to instantly create a profile for free and use it for personal purposes. You can add different Facebook users to your Facebook account and add them to your friends' list and enjoy all the social networking services.

You can also run your business via a premium version of Facebook and use the platform to enhance and grow your business simultaneously. If you are a Facebook user and face some problems with your account and the question can I talk to a live person at Facebook?’ comes to your mind, you can find an instant resolution with the help of the points listed below.

How to call someone from the Facebook Support Team?

You can speak to a live person from the Facebook team via the points listed below;

With your internet browser's help, visit the official Facebook login page.
Enter the required credentials to access your account.
Once you log in to your account, locate and click on the ‘Gear’ icon present in the main tab of the page.
A drop-down menu will appear, consisting of numerous different options.
Click on the option ‘Report a Problem.’
It will take you to the Facebook support page.
Select the topic in which you face difficulty and proceed with the steps.
Scroll down and click on the ‘Contact Options.’
It will then showcase the official Facebook support number.
Select your region from the official region box and call the number displayed in front of your region.
Once the call connects, go through the live IVR procedure to connect with the support department.
Shortly, a live Facebook support executive will connect with you on the call and ensure that you narrate the scenario to the representative. Your call gets transferred to the complaints department.
Report the problem to the executive, and the Facebook support team will instantly provide the best possible resolution according to your scenario.
Therefore, you can call the Facebook live person with the help of all the points listed above and get smooth resolutions to the problem you are facing.

In the past century, many technical devices have become a mainstay in modern homes, without whom the level of comfort of daily life would be considerably lowered.

Many such devices are computers, refrigerators, and so on. Some of these are of daily use. However, some may not be used every day, but still have an important role. One of such devices is the printer, and if this printer goes bad just before it's needed to print an important document, which can be an uneasy situation. If one is caught in such a situation and is curious about the "best Printer repair services near me," the below-mentioned sections discuss the best way to do so.

How to get to the best repair shops near my location?

Get your preferred web browser up and running, and open the Google search engine.

Use any keywords like "top 10 printer services near me" to search on google. Google will try to access your location and show you the nearest repair centers at the top.

Go through the reviews, ratings, and the experience of the printer repair shops and technicians of the listed results. You can also open any website articles for more informative options.

Always prefer the ratings and experience above other factors in choosing the final option. Also, make sure to check the reviews of a repair center/technician on different websites for more authenticity.

Once you have made a choice, call the technician and discuss the printer details and concerns.

One can always try to search for a manufacturer-approved technician first for the best repair services. If that's not possible, then the steps mentioned above can quickly help one get to the nearest and best printer technician.

Life is not easy when you forget your Google account password. As it handles most parts of the tech world, having an active account is the necessity of the hour. But you can recover the Google account password using some information from this article.

If you want to seek the answer to how to recover my lost Google password, we have the solution for you. You can recover the account using a phone number, email, or security questions. Let's check the steps to understand better recovering the password.

How can I recover the lost Google password?

The first thing you should do is open the Account Recovery page of Google and click on Account. After that, enter the username you want to recover the password. Now, select the Forgotten password option to see the following recovery ways:

Recovery phone number/email

Once you reach the recovery page, you can find the option to get a verification code.
Select Send Code Via SMS/email as per your comfort.
Now enter the recovery code for verification and Send it.
When the verification is complete, you can create a new password for the account.
Security Question

If you don't have a recovery phone or email, hit the Try Another way option.
From there, select Answer a Question link to see the question.
Provide an accurate answer in the blank.
If the answer matches the previous record, you can reset the password for your Google account.

How do I reach a human at Google?

Hopefully, you can now get access to your account with a recovered password. However, if you face any issue in the above process, Google customer service can help with the problem. You can either visit the Support page of the platform or dial the phone number to seek assistance. Moreover, you may find much important information in the Community section about recovering your Google account password.

Se enfrenta a cualquier problema relacionado con Google como su cuenta de Gmail no funciona, la página de Google no se abre en su dispositivo, sus datos de Google Drive se suspende, Google no funciona en su dispositivo y cualquier otro problema relacionado con el Google. Google ofrece muchos servicios de ayuda al cliente, atención al cliente de google,como el representante de atención al cliente, se pone en contacto a través de la dirección de correo electrónico oficial de Google, mencionar más información relacionada con la atención al cliente, siga algunos puntos.

procedimiento de atención al cliente de google

Si tiene alguna consulta relacionada con Google, póngase en contacto con el servicio de representación de clientes de Google y con las redes sociales,Cómo contactar con Google por teléfono,y póngase en contacto con ellos a través de la dirección de correo electrónico oficial de Google,el chat y el servicio de asistencia de Google Workspace,y siga algunos pasos.

Contacto por el teléfono

Abre el navegador Chrome en tu dispositivo.
Elige tu idioma y pasa a la siguiente opción.
Haga clic en la opción de configuración.
Elige la opción de ayuda al cliente.
Se abren muchas opciones en la pantalla de su dispositivo.
Elija la opción de un representante de atención al cliente.
El servicio de atención al cliente recibe tu llamada y te pregunta tu consulta.
Los clientes proporcionan la solución relacionada con su consulta.
El servicio de atención al cliente está disponible las 24 horas del día para ayudar al cliente.
contacto por correo electrónico

Si tiene algún problema relacionado con Google, puede ponerse en contacto a través de la dirección de correo electrónico oficial de Google, si compone su correo y envía la dirección de correo electrónico oficial de Google, el representante del cliente recibirá su correo y proporcionará la solución relacionada con su consulta.


Menciona la información anterior, sigue algunos detalles y consigue fácilmente la conexión con el servicio de atención al cliente de Google.

While logging into your Google account, if you see the message that Google can’t verify my account belongs to me, there can be many reasons. One of those is entering the wrong credentials. In case you are entering the wrong password, you can try to enter it correctly. But in case if you don’t remember the password, the best solution is to recover your Google account. You can recover your Google account in several ways. Here in the information below, you will learn about recovering an account using a Phone number.

Reset your Google password/Recover your Google account

If you don’t remember your Google password, you can follow the step-by-step procedure given below.

The first thing is to open your Google account using any of your regular browsers
You can now enter the username and skip the password field
Click on the forgot password button on the screen and then click Next
You will get to see several recovery options on the Google recovery page
You have to choose for the option, send verification code at the mobile number
You will receive a verification code on your phone, copy that code and paste it on the screen, click continue
Once the account is verified, you have to no create a new password, reconfirm if
Follow the instruction on the screen to recover your account
Once done, you can now log in again anytime to use your account
So sing the steps above, you can recover your account anytime. You can follow the same procedure for recovering an account via a registered email address too. In that case, you will get the verification code on your emir rather than phone. Follow the whole procedure as above; reset your password to recover your account. Once done, you can get rid of the message Google can’t verify my account belongs to me. You can also speak to the customer support team in case you face any issues.


In case you want to recover the suspended google account. Then you would need to know the correct steps. Knowing the proper steps, you will be able to recover your account quickly. There are several easy ways to recover your account. It could be email, text or security questions. Security questions are those, which you set up while creating your account.

So, if you're wondering, "How to Recover a Suspended Google Account?" Then you would need to go through the path which is given below.

Steps to recover your Gmail account:

You would need to log in to your "Google admin console."
Now on the homepage, you need to tap on "Users."
Once you have done that, then in the Users list, click on the button "Find a user account."
Now you would need to open their account page.
At the top right corner, you'll get the button "Reactivate."
Now you'll be asked to confirm the "Reactivate" step.
Once you have done that, you'll be able to get it sorted and log in to your account.
However, if you're in a situation where you're not able to log in because you don't remember the password, then you need to follow the simple steps given below.

The process to recover the account, when you don't remember the password:

In case you're not aware of the password. Then you would need to tap on the button "Forgot password" on the Gmail login page. After that, follow the process below:

Via text-

If you have selected this option, then you will receive a code on your registered number. Enter the code on the verification page.
Now you'll be able to set up a new password and log in with it.

Got a problem with your Facebook account? Well. You have to speak with a customer service representative at Facebook to get done with the issue that is interfering with your Facebook account.

Let's get started. Users are required to connect with the customer service department at Facebook in case they are having issues with their Facebook account.

How do I get in touch with Facebook to report a problem?

Connect with the customer service department using the email address.

One of the best ways to connect with someone at Facebook is to visit the help and support page on your profile and there you will find the email address associated with your Facebook account. Users are required to get in touch with the customer service department at Facebook and for that users are required to compose an email, include all their doubts and queries and send it to the customer service email address mentioned on the official page at Facebook.

Reach out through the live chat option.

In order to get in touch with Facebook to report a problem with your Facebook account, users are advised to stick to the customer service live chat option. To access the same, users are required to navigate to the official support page at Facebook

Facebook is essential for people these days. They spend almost half of the time scrolling the feed. But what if your Facebook account comes across a technical issue. There is a chance of a problem, so you should be careful enough. For any Facebook-related problems, contacting the expert will work. You can get the expert on Facebook customer service. Multiple ways are there that will connect you to customer service. Check out the methods and get the resolution of your problem instantly.

Different ways to contact the Facebook customer service

Some issues need a bit of expert advice. For any Facebook-related matters, you can contact Facebook customer service. They are available through multiple options. All the options are accessible from your device quickly and effortlessly. Here are the chances that you can try for communication. Have a look.

Use phone option

Use Email option

First of all, move to the Facebook official web page.
Move to the Facebook help center.
Under this, you will see an email from Facebook customer service.
Click on it and write down your issues.
After writing, hit the “Submit” button.
Doing so will directly send your email to the customer representative.
After some time, you will get a revert from Facebook with a proper solution.

Therefore, you can resolve your Facebook issues in these ways. So, get in touch with Facebook to report a problem and get the solution instantly. They are available 24 hours all day for you. 


Forum Announcements / How do I unlock my TurboTax account?
« on: 2021-07-29, 14:49:53 »
Want to unlock your TurboTax account? Follow these steps
Is your TurboTax account locked? If yes, then you have to recover your TurboTax account as soon as possible. Now, the question will strike your mind that How do I unlock my TurboTax account where the answer is so simple. Just go through some simple steps and after that, you are sorted out.   

Simple steps to unlock your TurboTax account
Here are the easiest steps that will help you to unlock your TurboTax account easily. Have a look:
First of all, go to the official web page of TurboTax on the web browser that you use.
You will see boxes to log in to your TurboTax account.
Type your TurboTax id.
Skip the step to type your password.
Instead, click on the “Forget Password” option to initiate the recovery process.
Now, enter your phone number if you want to recover your TurboTax account via phone number.
Also, you can type your email address if you want to recover your TurboTax account via email address.
When you provide any of these, you will receive a verification code on any of the modes.
Enter that verification code on the login page of TurboTax.
Now, a page will come up where you have to type your new TurboTax password.
Type your new password and re-enter it for confirmation by TurboTax.
Now, you can easily access your TurboTax account with your new password

How do I speak to a live person at TurboTax?.

So, these are the steps available for you in case your TurboTax account is locked. Moreover, you can connect with the TurboTax customer service to resolve any of your TurboTax-related issues. They are available there to guide you 24 hours. 

Forum Announcements / How do I fix my PayPal account?
« on: 2021-07-29, 13:26:35 »
An online merchant which provides a platform for users to perform online transactions to various people throughout the world. PayPal is one of the rapidly growing payment applications which allows you to send money digitally to any other PayPal user.

But still even after being such a good service provider even PayPal can face problems, if you are among the users who are facing some problems while using its services and you are wondering that How do I fix my PayPal account

Fix your PayPal account

Well, usually with PayPal you’ll first have to know the root cause of the problems. One of the major problems faced by the users is a notification stating ‘Access denied’ or ‘Account is Limited’. All of these problems can be easily sorted out with the help of the below mentioned points;

Recheck your registered email address- Recheck your registered email address with your account of PayPal as it can occur because of the problem of your email address.
Server Problems- If the application finds out that the server of the internet is not safe then it will automatically deny the access and you won’t be able to connect to its services. Try changing your network before accessing again.

How do I talk to a human at PayPal?

If you still face problems connecting to its services, you can get in touch with the paypal customer service team with the help of its contact us page on the official website in a hassle free and timely manner.

McAfee is one of the most popular antiviruses in the world. The digital security provider offers excellent services to its customers. Besides, one can easily avail McAfee services on their PCs and internet to protect their data and connection. However, there are times when McAfee use look forward to communicate with the tech-experts to get better assistance on their services and related queries. Some of the most common McAfee related queries are as follows:

·         Recovering McAfee email address

·         Refunds, billing and invoices

·         Security software hindrances

·         File recovery

·         Billing and payment options with McAfee

·         Renewal fees and subscription renewal related queries

·         Other McAfee issues.

Quick Options To Connect With The Live Person On MacAfee

Via Phone

If you have been wondering How do I speak to someone at McAfee instantly, then you can opt for the phone support option. Besides, you can get real-time assistance on your McAfee issues ad queries. Also, the McAfee live experts are available for 24/7 to assist you with 100% reliable information.

Via Live Chat

The live chat option is another alternative through which you can get through the live experts on McAfee. You can talk to the live experts regarding minor queries related to refunds, billings, invoices, etc. Also, the option is available through both McAfee official support page and security application.

Moreover, if you are still wondering How do I speak to someone at McAfee within real-time, then it is highly recommended to opt for the phone support option, and discuss your issues in detailed as well.

Google account is an essential account for the users who access Google or other online services regularly. And with this ensuring the security of the Google account becomes is essential to avoid hacking issues.

However, lately, many users have enquired why Google can't verify my account issue. Luckily, this issue is quite common among users and can get fixed by using some of the solutions shared in this article.

Solutions to fix verification issues with Google account

The users who have failed to verify their Google account can opt for these solutions to access the Google account services without any interruption.

a) Reset the network settings

One of the major reasons behind failed account verification is poor internet connectivity. So, in such situations, the user can try to reset the network settings.

b) Requesting code

The users who have failed to confirm the prompt for their Google account can follow the steps shared below to verify their account.

Open the Sign-in page of Google and provide the username and password.
After that, click on more ways to verify the Google account option.
Further, the user will get a code that they can use to verify the account using the instructions shared on the screen.

Thus, these are the few solutions that the user can try to fix their verification issues with the Google account. Still, if the user has queries, they can reach out to Google support for assistance to fix verification-related problems in time without any worries.


Forum Announcements / How do I speak to someone at Facebook
« on: 2021-06-01, 08:11:56 »
You can get immediate assistance on your issue from the Facebook support team. Facebook provides 24/7 assistance to its users to help them with every issue they face with their accounts. Facebook also tries to help the users with the best solution for their issues to assure their satisfaction.

Facebook’s customer service team is highly cooperative and experienced. The team tries to resolve every Facebook-related issue within no time. Facebook users can also get personal assistance on their issues from a Facebook live person. A live person can help the users in the best possible way and can also provide a quick solution for their issues. To know more about the Facebook support team, you may read further.

How do I speak to a live person at Facebook?

Via call

Facebook provides instant assistance to its customers via call on their issues. So, Facebook users can call on the Facebook customer service number to get their issue resolved conveniently. This is one of the fastest ways to get through Facebook customer service.


Facebook users can also email their query or issue to the Facebook support team. However, an email will not help the users in getting instant help from a live agent, but they will surely get a solution.

Facebook also provides live chat assistance to its customers who own a business account. In this, the users are connected to a Facebook live person through a chat window. To fetch more details, users can check out the contact page of Facebook.

If you wish to connect with a live person at Google for getting your issues, related to Google services and products resolved, then this guide will surely help you with the ways through which you can do it in a convenient way.

Google provides 24/7 customer service to ensure their customer's convenience and make sure that the Google users don't face any kind of difficulty. To help the customers get faster assistance, Google allows them to talk to a Google live person and share their issue with the live person. The live person at Google after understanding the issue, provides the best solution for the issue faced by the customers.

How do I get a human at Google?

Via call

The users of Google who have any issue related to any of the Google services and products can get their issue resolved by connecting with the customer care service of Google through call. For this, they just need to call on the customer service number of Google and follow the instructions carefully that are given to them on the call.


Email is another option through which Google users can share their issue with the Google support team and request for assistance on the issue that they are facing. However, this is a slow process and it may take a bit more time in getting the issue resolved.

Live chat

Google users can also request for assistance on their issue from a Google live person through live chat. This is one of the most convenient ways of connecting with a live person at Google for getting any issue resolved. To request a live chat or to get more details, Google users can visit the contact section of Google.

Resetting your Facebook password when you can not remember it is not a difficult task. However, the account recovery process becomes confusing when you also forget your registered account or have no access to them. In that case, you can recover your FB account by verifying yourself through your contacts or by using an alternate recovery account to send a verification code. In this article, you can get an idea to retrieve your FB account when you have no registered email Id or contact number.
Recovering your Facebook password without email and phone number
Use an alternate email account or phone number

When you no longer have access to your registered email address and phone number, you can use an alternate account or number to retrieve your account. Here’s how:

    Visit the FB login page.

    Tap on the Forgot Password link.

    Now, choose the link that says No longer have access to these.

    On the next page, enter the recovery email ID or phone number to get a FB verification code on them.

Use Trusted Contacts to recover your account

You can ask your trusted contacts you set up while creating your account. Here’s how:

    Remember the full name of any three contacts and verify them with Facebook.

    Now, ask your friends to visit the FB recovery page.

    Ask your friends to share their codes with you.

    On entering the codes, press continue to land on the FB password reset page.

Now, reset your FB password to sign-in to your FB profile. In this way, you can easily resolve your How to Recover Facebook Password without email and phone number query. You can also visit Facebook’s Help Center and ask for the solutions for your account recovery problems.

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