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Topics - arsal09

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Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Update DKIM Kloxo
« on: 2020-12-09, 09:41:00 »
Hi Mustafa,

I have two questions for you if possible to work on Kloxo regarding DKIM.

1. How to update DKIM RSA-SHA1 to RSA-SHA256, if possible work on kloxo if it's generator?

2. How to import the DKIM Public Certificate on kloxo if I update DKIM on DNS Manager since the DKIM for Email (RSA-SHA1) is outdated so I want to update?

The Emails I received from Kloxo, it goes to my gmail spam, I click original source view, SPF=PASS with IP, DMARC = PASS and DKIM = PASS (Domain With .....com), it's perfect fine but seem it goes to Spam, what would it be an issue?

What I found is that every personal emails, they have updated the DKIM with RSA-SHA256
instead of RSA-SHA1?

I appreciated if you can help me out if possible works.

Thank you.

Forum Announcements / Update DKIM (If possible on Kloxo)
« on: 2020-12-05, 10:31:17 »
Hi Mustafa,

It'd been long time no communicate with you. My kloxo is working well and no complains so far.

Infact I have two questions for you if possible to work on Kloxo regarding DKIM.

1. How to update DKIM RSA-SHA1 to RSA-SHA256, if possible work on kloxo if it's generator?

2. How to import the DKIM Public Certificate on kloxo if I update DKIM on DNS Manager since the DKIM for Email (RSA-SHA1) is outdated so I want to update?

The Emails I received from Kloxo, it goes to my gmail spam, I click original source view, SPF=PASS with IP, DMARC = PASS and DKIM = PASS (Domain With .....com), it's perfect fine but seem it goes to Spam, what would it be an issue?

What I found is that every personal emails, they have updated the DKIM with RSA-SHA256
instead of RSA-SHA1?

I appreciated if you can help me out if possible works.

Thank you.

Forum Announcements / SOA Serial Format how to edit
« on: 2019-10-14, 15:06:20 »
Hello Mustafa,

I have a small issue with this KLOXO Cpanel. The SOA Serial Format showing me it's invalid and says fail. Is there any way to edit this serial format? if not possible then how do I resolve this format this serial?

Check this error message from SOA Serial:
Name servers agreement on serial number   Failed   Some name servers have different serial numbers:
Server: ns1.xxx.xx - Serial: 2019101370
Server: ns2.xxx.xx - Serial: 2019101349

Awaiting your response.

Forum Announcements / Smtp Relay
« on: 2019-08-30, 13:23:05 »
Hi Mustafa,

I have a small request for you. I have register on dnsexit.com so how will I insert on Kloxo Mail Server for SMTP Relay without seeing username and password?

On DnsExit, it said like this:


Create password maps file (it assigns username/passwords to specified mail servers). You can choose any name, let's say it is /etc/postfix/relay_passwd. It's content should be as follows:   
 relay.dnsexit.com USERNAME:PASSWORD
 Note: Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with your DNS EXIT mail relay username and PASSWORD.

2. For Sendmail V8.12 and above

Set your authorization informations by putting the following line to /etc/mail/authinfo file:

AuthInfo:relay.dnsexit.com "U:USERNAME" "P:PASSWORD" "M:PLAIN"

   Note: Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with the DNSEXIT mail relay username and PASSWORD.

Kindly do help me out this issue.

Hi Mustafa,

Can it be auto-renewal certificate https after expired 90 days?

Do I have to manually to do create with certificate https?

If possible to create a domain then it can automatically create a new certificate, Will it be?

Awaiting your response.


Forum Announcements / Load Warning on *Domain*
« on: 2019-08-08, 10:17:34 »
Hello Mustafa,

I have a slight issue with this kloxo cpanel and I saw an email coming to me and says on subject: Load Warning on *****.com. See as below Email Note:

Load on ****.com is 22.09 at 2019-08-07 07:08 which is greater than 20

------- Top ----------

How do I stop this and where does it comes from?

Guide me please.


Forum Announcements / Set Default - Webmail
« on: 2019-07-17, 11:18:40 »
Hi Mustafa,

I have a slight issue of this webmail but I have already set the default to RainLoop Mail under the general settings but all mail domains via webmail which have been shown this webmail-lists and why not default to Rainloop?

Sometimes, I have to do manually from the webmail application on each domain.

Can it update for all domains set webmail default to Rainloop?

If not possible then please give me a script for an editor of mail default set to.

Waiting for your response

Forum Announcements / Client CP Login View Log
« on: 2019-07-15, 13:37:19 »
Hi Mustafa,

Is it possible to view the logging of login CP who is in and whose IP address there?

I noticed that someone tried to login cp but fail but the below msg via login details saying: "Your IP address is blocked. Wait until 10:00". How do I configuration the time limit of block ip via login and also it possible if I unblock the client IP?


Sorry for troubling you. I want to ask if possible or not. In resource plan, when I create a new client for 1 or more year with select the expiry date, is it possible?

Awaiting your response.

Forum Announcements / Notification Kloxo (Tag - %)
« on: 2019-07-10, 09:55:16 »
Hi Mustafa and Spacedust,

I have a small issue in Kloxo CPanel. In Notification Configure (Admin Side) below the message "Welcome Message for new accounts", like you did tag "%username%, %password%, %quota%. Can I get more tag like I want %hostname%, %clients%, %domain% except for other the tag with %quota%?

I appreciate if you can help me out so I will pay you for donation and its amazing with kloxo cpanel better than directadmin.


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