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Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Can't access mail
« on: 2015-10-30, 15:47:21 »
Hello, I have two servers, one has EHCP (easy hosting control panel) installed and it works fine, out of the box, but I don't like it for several reasons .
On my second server, I installed KloxoMR about four months ago, and I've never been able to use the server because I can't access emails. I am so tired of trying to set up records here and records there, and I wish someone could just tell me what to do and where.
If I go to webmail, I get a page 500 error message.
If I check my domain name with intodns.com it tells me the mx records reported at my server.
My mx records pass all the tests except one: MX name validity: The MX records that do not seem valid hostname:
But how on earth do I make them valid? Is this done on the server, or at my domain name registrar?
I've been putting in records all over the place and just get the same error. I'm totally lost now.
I would really love to be able to switch both my servers to KloxoMR, and all my future ones, but Kloxo and KloxoMR are the only control panels that I can never get working.
It's driven me to the point of mental exhaustion, 4 hours today trying to access mail. And how many hours over the past few months, when I've had the mental stamina to try again.
I don't understand how other control panels install out of the box, but Kloxo needs to be installed by someone who has a phd in servers.
Why does it have to be so complicated?
It looks like the perfect control panel, but god knows how you get it to work.
Tired now, going to sleeep.

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Cannot access webmail
« on: 2015-06-27, 10:23:55 »
Just installed Kloxo MR but cannot access webmail. When I click the link, I go to webmail.domain.com but just get the default page.
I've checked to find that the email programmes are installed and databases exist.
Any ideas?

Pages: [1]

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