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Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Cant create auxiliar user
« on: 2018-04-10, 07:28:34 »
Hi my steps after creating an auxiliar user is reboot server restart kloxo httpd sshd and usually auxiliar logins.aux grant me access ,but this time I just cant access server with the actual auxiliar login,I do not now know what to do please help

Im on Centos 7 Lamp 64 bits

Hello hello I just installed on my Centos 7 kloxoMR7 and installation came truly smooth without dismays,first I tried on CEntos 6x but it was such a purging thing with tons of turnarounds even with ssl ,so I ended up choosing Centos 7 tough I want it to deploy php stuff from php52,I Dont know if it will make it compatible if I install php52 as well and it might appear on the mix of php pool.
However my main issue with this CEntos 7 is that commands are like not heard and services dont restart,really when people said centos 7 wasnt stable I didnt thaught that bad,actually I have a pc with centos 7 and first it was a nightmare but with tons of care its been able to do anything ,print scan,vids you name it.

Well my main error is
Failed to restart kloxo.service: Unit not found.

please provide support here my  lovely people

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / Arlia successor of Kloxo-MR
« on: 2018-03-31, 01:40:26 »
Hello what can you tell about Arlia the successor of kloxo also produced by MR

Kloxo-MR Technical Helps / About Kloxo MR7
« on: 2018-03-15, 11:16:52 »
Hello is this version (kloxoMR7) capable of make php  and mysql compatible with other older versions,or in other words translate the script to be compatible with php stuff made with php52 and mysql-5.0?

Hello everybody IM seeking for help so ya can explain a little bit more close and clear how to restore a backup file made with kloxo official yes that old version to MR version,if someone has achieved that I hope that you could explain to me step by step how you achieved it,Im  really appreciating your efforts

Hello Iam looking for a way to make work my backup files I made with kloxo official wiith kloxo MR since it dont seem to be compatible anymore ,theres problem with php ,since php 5.2 dont match with 5.4 and mysql 5.0 also dont match with the new arrangements of mysql from MR,has anybody restored kloxo official backups with kloxo MR succesfully?,if so please allow me to find out how

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