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Author Topic: is there problem with hiawatha svn  (Read 6502 times)

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Offline tinu

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is there problem with hiawatha svn
« on: 2015-11-09, 10:15:35 »
Hello Mustafa

I just noticed that when i switch from apache to hiawatha or hiawatha proxy it shows success but when i restart-web then service shows missing.

service also show not installed in services list.

i dont think it is properly installing or activating files. can you please check what is the problem.

i use hiawatha it gives better performance than apache.
i want to use nginx, it is best but it wont let me use htaccess. so i dont use nginx.

please advice.

Offline tinu

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Re: is there problem with hiawatha svn
« Reply #1 on: 2015-11-09, 10:31:22 »
please show me how to reinsall hiawatha and hiawatha proxy manually..

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Re: is there problem with hiawatha svn
« Reply #2 on: 2015-11-09, 10:58:40 »
Inform here 'sh /script/sysinfo; sh /script/restart-web -y'.
..:: MRatWork (Mustafa Ramadhan Projects) ::..
-- Server/Web-integrator - Web Hosting (Kloxo-MR READY!) --

Offline tinu

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Re: is there problem with hiawatha svn
« Reply #3 on: 2015-11-09, 11:35:34 »
reinstalled server as i was having webmail and hiawatha problem, but same problem.

Code: [Select]
[root@vpsxxxxx ~]# sh /script/sysinfo

A. Kloxo-MR: 7.0.0.b-2015103001
   - Web: hiawatha-9.15.0-f.6.mr.el6.x86_64
   - PHP: php54s-5.4.45-1.ius.el6 (cgi mode)
B. Plateform:
   - OS: CentOS release 6.7 (Final) x86_64
   - Hostname: vpsxxxxx.ovh.net
C. Services:
   1. MySQL: MariaDB-server-10.0.22-1.el6.x86_64
   2. PHP:
      - Branch: php54-cli-5.4.45-1.ius.el6.x86_64
      - Multiple:
        * php56m-5.6.14-1.ius.el6
      - Used: php56m
   3. Httpd: --uninstalled--
      - PHP Type:
   4. Lighttpd: --uninstalled--
   5. Hiawatha: --unused--
   6. Nginx: --uninstalled--
   7. Cache: --uninstalled--
   8. Dns: bind-9.9.7-1.mr.el6.x86_64
   9. Qmail: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.55.mr.el6.x86_64
      - with: courier-imap-toaster-4.1.2-1.3.18.mr.el6.x86_64
D. Memory:
                total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
   Mem:          3736       2078       1658          3         49       1241
   -/+ buffers/cache:        787       2949
   Swap:            0          0          0
E. Disk Space:
   Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
   /dev/vda1        20G  3.8G   15G  20% /

Code: [Select]
[root@vpsxxxxx ~]# sh /script/restart-web -y

Stopping php56m-fpm:                                       [  OK  ]
pkill to make sure stopped
Starting php56m-fpm:                                       [  OK  ]

- For help, type '/script/restart-web [--help|-h]'

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Re: is there problem with hiawatha svn
« Reply #4 on: 2015-11-09, 11:42:35 »
Try 'yum reinstall hiawatha* httpd* -y; chkconfig hiawatha on; chkconfig httpd on; sh /script/restart-web -y'.
..:: MRatWork (Mustafa Ramadhan Projects) ::..
-- Server/Web-integrator - Web Hosting (Kloxo-MR READY!) --

Offline tinu

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Re: is there problem with hiawatha svn
« Reply #5 on: 2015-11-09, 11:52:14 »
ok reinstalling manually worked.

but earlier i saw apache in services list too with hiawatha.
It shows hiawatha only now. is that ok??

also there is one more error i noticed becuase of which i switched hiawatha and these all problem started. .htaccess isn't working anymore. any solutions for it??

btw thanks for solving hiawatha installation problem.

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Re: is there problem with hiawatha svn
« Reply #6 on: 2015-11-09, 12:03:10 »
it is installing hiawatha only. not installing httpd with it

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Re: is there problem with hiawatha svn
« Reply #7 on: 2015-11-09, 13:32:15 »
Try select 'none' and then 'hiawathaproxy' in 'switch programs'.
..:: MRatWork (Mustafa Ramadhan Projects) ::..
-- Server/Web-integrator - Web Hosting (Kloxo-MR READY!) --

Offline tinu

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Re: is there problem with hiawatha svn
« Reply #8 on: 2015-11-09, 15:21:14 »
Already tried that. in proxy it installs apache but not httpd also it shows httpd running but websites wont work.

i also tried rebooting server. and restarting web-server

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Re: is there problem with hiawatha svn
« Reply #9 on: 2015-11-09, 15:41:12 »
Check your sysinfo again where httpd installed or not.
..:: MRatWork (Mustafa Ramadhan Projects) ::..
-- Server/Web-integrator - Web Hosting (Kloxo-MR READY!) --

Offline tinu

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Re: is there problem with hiawatha svn
« Reply #10 on: 2015-11-10, 12:57:17 »
here is sysinfo on switching to hiawatha

Code: [Select]
[root@vpsxxxxx ~]# sh /script/sysinfo

A. Kloxo-MR: 7.0.0.b-2015103001
   - Web: hiawatha-9.15.0-f.6.mr.el6.x86_64
   - PHP: php54s-5.4.45-1.ius.el6 (cgi mode)
B. Plateform:
   - OS: CentOS release 6.7 (Final) x86_64
   - Hostname: vpsxxxxxx.ovh.net
C. Services:
   1. MySQL: MariaDB-server-10.0.22-1.el6.x86_64
   2. PHP:
      - Branch: php54-cli-5.4.45-1.ius.el6.x86_64
      - Multiple:
        * php55m-5.5.30-1.ius.el6
        * php56m-5.6.14-1.ius.el6
      - Used: php55m
   3. Httpd: --uninstalled--
      - PHP Type: php-fpm_worker
   4. Lighttpd: --uninstalled--
   5. Hiawatha: --used--
   6. Nginx: --uninstalled--
   7. Cache: --uninstalled--
   8. Dns: bind-9.9.7-1.mr.el6.x86_64
   9. Qmail: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.55.mr.el6.x86_64
      - with: courier-imap-toaster-4.1.2-1.3.18.mr.el6.x86_64
D. Memory:
                total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
   Mem:          3736       2118       1618          3         87       1352
   -/+ buffers/cache:        678       3058
   Swap:            0          0          0
E. Disk Space:
   Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
   /dev/vda1        20G  4.4G   15G  24% /

httpd not installed and when i manually install httpd it shows

Code: [Select]
[root@vpsxxxxx ~]# yum reinstall httpd
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, priorities, protectbase, refresh-
              : packagekit, replace
Setting up Reinstall Process
No Match for argument: httpd
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * mratwork-epel: mirror.23media.de
 * mratwork-ius-stable: mirrors.ircam.fr
0 packages excluded due to repository protections
Package(s) httpd available, but not installed.
Error: Nothing to do

when i switch to apache from kloxo panel it properly installs and run apache. but apache is giving slow performance.

when i manually install hiawatha it let me install hiawatha but .htaccess is not updating and working. because of it site is giving me page not found error.

here is sysinfo when switching to hiawatha proxy
Code: [Select]
[root@vpsxxxxx ~]# sh /script/sysinfo

A. Kloxo-MR: 7.0.0.b-2015103001
   - Web: hiawatha-9.15.0-f.6.mr.el6.x86_64
   - PHP: php54s-5.4.45-1.ius.el6 (cgi mode)
B. Plateform:
   - OS: CentOS release 6.7 (Final) x86_64
   - Hostname: vpsxxxxx.ovh.net
C. Services:
   1. MySQL: MariaDB-server-10.0.22-1.el6.x86_64
   2. PHP:
      - Branch: php54-cli-5.4.45-1.ius.el6.x86_64
      - Multiple:
        * php55m-5.5.30-1.ius.el6
        * php56m-5.6.14-1.ius.el6
      - Used: php55m
   3. Httpd: httpd-2.2.31-1.mr.el6.x86_64
      - PHP Type: php-fpm_worker
   4. Lighttpd: --uninstalled--
   5. Hiawatha: --unused--
   6. Nginx: --uninstalled--
   7. Cache: --uninstalled--
   8. Dns: bind-9.9.7-1.mr.el6.x86_64
   9. Qmail: qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.55.mr.el6.x86_64
      - with: courier-imap-toaster-4.1.2-1.3.18.mr.el6.x86_64
D. Memory:
                total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
   Mem:          3736       2139       1597          5         87       1377
   -/+ buffers/cache:        673       3063
   Swap:            0          0          0
E. Disk Space:
   Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
   /dev/vda1        20G  4.4G   15G  24% /

hiawatha showing unused.

i reinstalled hiawatha and httpd. it installs both, and i manually run both from services and its working. but only for proxy.

its not working for hiawatha.

any solution?
« Last Edit: 2015-11-10, 13:06:51 by tinu »

Offline tinu

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Re: is there problem with hiawatha svn
« Reply #11 on: 2015-11-11, 16:00:35 »
still having htaccess problem


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