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Author Topic: 522 error website on Cloudflare DNS not conecting to webhost  (Read 4675 times)

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Offline befree22

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I'm a getting the following error on 4 sites that I added to Cloudflare dns:

522 Error: Connection timed out  (see attachment)

The 4 sites were added over 48 hours ago and Cloudflare stated that the dns update should happen within 24 hours.

I have 6 sites on my Centos 6 vps with Nginx webserver. Only 2 of the sites successfully resolve to Cloudflare's dns within 24 hours. However 4 of the sites are still returning a 522 error whenever I try to load them. I chatted with the registrar and was told to delete all records (A, MX) for each domain I have at the registrar except the dns records; and to add A, MX records at the webserver (which I already have in the Kloxo-MR dns template).

FYI: All domains have DNS, A, MX records at the registrar.
FYI: Today, I removed the A, MX records at the registrar on 1 of the domains that's not connecting to Cloudflare.

I've attached the Kloxo-MR dns template records I already have setup at the admin level for the vps.

FYI: There is only one Kloxo-MR dns template (see image). None of the domains under reseller have separate Kloxo-MR dns template records.

My question is this: Why is it that only 2 domains are working with Cloudflare dns while the other 4 domains are returning a 522 error?

FYI: The only difference between the 2 domains on Cloudflare and the 4 that are not resolving on Cloudflare dns is this ==> The 4 domains were working on Cloudflare before I switched from DirectAdmin and Apache to Kloxo-MR and Nginx with Centos 6. The other 2 domains were never on Cloudflare.

Could someone help me solve this problem?
« Last Edit: 1970-01-01, 01:00:00 by Guest »


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