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Author Topic: [TIP] Reset Password  (Read 21909 times)

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[TIP] Reset Password
« on: 2013-02-28, 23:21:35 »
Taken (but modified) from http://forum.lxcenter.org/index.php?t=msg&th=15560

1. Change root password:
Code: [Select]
su - root

2. Mysql root password: --> ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'
Code: [Select]
service mysqld stop

mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
mysql -u root

mysql> use mysql;
mysql> UPDATE user SET Password = PASSWORD ('newpassword') WHERE User='root';
mysql> quit;

service mysqld start
Code: [Select]
sh /script/reset-mysql-root-password <newpassword>

3. Kloxo admin password login:
Code: [Select]
sh /script/resetpassword master <newpassword>

4. Reset Kloxo mysql password: --> Error "Could not open database connection." when access to Kloxo
Code: [Select]
sh /script/fix-program-mysql <mysqlrootpassword>
or, enough:
Code: [Select]
sh /script/fix-program-mysql

Note: code like '<newpassword>' must be change to 'dAFfad13' (for example; not include <>)
« Last Edit: 1970-01-01, 01:00:00 by Guest »
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Offline befree22

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Re: [TIP] Reset Password
« Reply #1 on: 2014-02-25, 05:07:19 »
Thanks for this nice tutorial.

Offline amudy17

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Re: [TIP] Reset Password
« Reply #2 on: 2014-03-14, 23:49:59 »
thank you
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Offline postcd

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Re: [TIP] Reset Password
« Reply #3 on: 2017-04-16, 11:52:08 »
When i want to know password to the KloxoMR mysql database (which store KloxoMR configuration), i need to reset MySQL root password using "sh /script/reset-mysql-root-password NewPasswordHere" and then also run "sh /script/fix-program-mysql NewPasswordHere"?

PS: i see i can edit/acess KloxoMR MySQL db also without any password reset from within KloxoMR/Home/SQL Manager. That is usefull. thx
« Last Edit: 2017-04-16, 12:00:29 by postcd »


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