MRatWork Forum by Mustafa Ramadhan

Sawo Project - Kloxo-MR Discussions => Kloxo-MR Development => Topic started by: chrisf on 2014-01-08, 22:32:38

Title: qmail / sendmail userid usage limits
Post by: chrisf on 2014-01-08, 22:32:38
I have been working on a solution for KloxoMR qmail-toaster to allow for usage limits, and have developed a script that uses the userid and MySQL database for usage limits.

Currently my script does this:
allowing the setting of 3 different groups: per hour, per 12 hours, per 24 hours.

A user can only belong to one group.  So rating can be, for example:  50 emails per hour, or 500 per 12 hours.  1000 per 24 hours.  All users default to first setting (per hour) and you must adjust for better priveledges.

This only works with php-fpm, suphp since they use userid to run php.
A reporting feature can be turned on to alert a email you choose when a overage has occurred.  Also, a custom log will be created with a single line of mail sent by and time stamp.

In testing I am not noticing a lag, or any serious overhead.

Installation is similar to my DKIM strategy, however, this requires the following:
Database user and table creation
file renaming and copying of my scripts
Perl Installed, and may need some dependencies installed

I am in beta stage and need a couple knowledgable admins to install and test under a higher load than my 25 sites.  If you are not at ease with server admin, please do not ask for the script yet.  I am creating auto install script, but not ready yet.
Title: Re: qmail / sendmail userid usage limits
Post by: insanity on 2014-01-08, 23:12:00
I can test it. We have email server that send more than 10k emails per hour.