MRatWork Forum by Mustafa Ramadhan

Sawo Project - Kloxo-MR Discussions => Kloxo-MR Development => Topic started by: ibuxxi on 2014-04-07, 19:56:02

Title: hiawatha
Post by: ibuxxi on 2014-04-07, 19:56:02
how can i insert

Match ^/(.*)/images/special-(.*)\.gif$ Rewrite /$1/drop_insurance.php?url=$2 [R=301,L]
Match ^/(.*)/images/special-blank-(.*)\.gif$ Rewrite /$1/drop_insurance.php?blank=1&url=$2 [R=301,L]
Match ^/(.*)/loves/(.*)$ Rewrite /wp-content/plugins/traffic-tools/relay.php?permalink=$2?%1
Match ^/(.*)/empfiehlt/(.*)$ Rewrite /wp-content/plugins/traffic-tools/relay.php?permalink=$2?%1

global all domain

or per domain

where are the config

it is sufficient to enter the code so ?
Title: Re: hiawatha
Post by: MRatWork on 2014-04-08, 02:53:20
Declare inside 'urltoolkit' and then call by 'virtualhost' with 'useutltoolkit'.

copy /home/hiawatha/tpl/domains.conf.tpl to and then modified this custom file.